Will you buy "The Passion" when released to video?

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I am wondering if the release of “The Passion” on video will once again put it in the headlines. I know that it will be in my video collection.
I will certainly buy it… it is by far one of the most powerful things I have ever seen…

Most certainly will! I may be one of the few people in America that did not see it in the theaters, so I can’t wait for the DVD.
I hope to get a DVD so that I can see the movie.

My physical handicaps make going to a movie theater almost impossible.

I eagerly look forward to seeing “The Passion of Christ”.
Bud Stewart:
Most certainly will! I may be one of the few people in America that did not see it in the theaters, so I can’t wait for the DVD.
Um… it’s still playing in the theatres in my town.

There’s folk I know who don’t go to movies in the theaters simply because they don’t go to movies. But they definitely rent videos and if they had the money to invest in a DVD player, would get DVD’s.

I’m going to buy a copies of the VHS for a few people I know who are homebound. They can watch the movie at home.

There were a few scenes in the movie that I would have liked to have had the time to ingest before the scene changed again.

Like Jesus’ face as he reached down for the woman’s hand… that expression just burned right in to my brain… and heart… and soul.

This movie is, I think, a “moving icon.”

What do you folks think?
I saw the movie twice and YES! I will certainly purchase it! IMHO, it’s one of the greatest ever made!🙂
Yes, I will buy it. We actually did not go to see the movie, but I want to.
It was immediately after seeing The Passion of the Christ that I had the most moving, unbelievable, life changing experience. It brought me back to the Church after 25 years!
I will certainly be buying more that my own copy - this is something to be shared with those friends and family who didn’t bother or maybe were too afraid of seeing it when it was in theatres. I pray that many more people come back to the Church after the release of the DVD.!

I have only seen the film once and I look forward to seeing it again and again on DVD.
I think it is suppose to be released in August. You can pre-order the movie now through Berean. Churches are also able to buy the movie in bulk and sell it at a discounted price.
I will definitely purchase the DVD when it is available…it is the most intense and humbling movie that I have ever viewed.
I pre-ordered the DVD @ Amazon. According to Amazon.com it should be on sale August 31st.

I do what I can to make sure Mel and the people associated with the movie get some money off of this. Money talks and if they make money off of this they will hopefully produce more positive movies.

Three movie tickets, a CD, and a DVD. I think they receieved a fair amount of change from my family.

You forgot the Photo Book with photography from the movie! It’s a nice book to have on your cocktail table!

You can get either the VHS or the DVD directly from the official Website for the movie.



VHS and DVD will be available August 31, 2004.

However, if you want to buy bulk for your church, you can do so in the special pre-release period from June 1 through July 31. This pre-release period is there in order to guarantee the quantity that you desire when it’s released.

To do so go to:


If you would still like to see it in a movie theater, go to this Web page to search out the theaters in your area who are playing it:


Hope this helps!
Does anyone know when this will be released for sale as DVD?

It will go on sale on August 31, 2004.
What is the difference between the “Wide Screen” version and the “Full Screen” version??

I believe that the wide screen is the picture you see in the theater (black bars wil appear above and below you picture on your TV). Full screen means they cut off (or sometimes scrunch) the ends of the movie so it will fit on your TV screen.

I personally always buy the wide screen version. That way you can be sure to get the whole picture the director intended. The black bars don’t bother me.
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