You forgot the Photo Book with photography from the movie! It’s a nice book to have on your cocktail table!
Back during Lent, right after I saw the movie on the day after Ash Wednesday…I bought several copies of that book’s “Catholic edition” to give to friends.
The only difference between the “Catholic edition” and the other edition is that the scriptural quotes in the Catholic edition are from a “Catholic bible” – meaning that the quotes are from the Douay-Rheims bible… whereas the same scriptural quotes in the other edition are from a “non-Catholic bible” (like the King James Version).
A few copies from EWTN ( I just phoned EWTN, gave them my debit card number, and they shipped it to me.
You can see where the cover of the book has “Catholic Edition” in a slant in the upper left corner.
A pictorial book depicting the Passion and Death of Our Lord in beautiful color photographs, taken by professional photographers during the filming of Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of the Christ. This book retells the whole story of Our Lord’s Passion, as told in the film - but in pictures.
Includes corresponding Scriptural passages, taken from the Douay-Rheims Bible.
The perfect gift for your family this Lenten season!
And a few copies from a local Catholic bookstore, too.
It’s available from
It’s available at Barnes & Noble… but I think that’s the edition that uses quotes from the KJV.
Either way… it’s the exact same pictures, laid out the exact same way, with the exact same forward by Mel Gibson.
I’ve cautioned my friends to whom I gave this book that IF they were planning to EVER go to see the movie, to NOT unwrap that book until AFTER they’ve seen the movie. Otherwise, I was concerned that the impact of the movie might not be the same as if they hadn’t seen the pictures in the book already.
Hope that wasn’t uncharitable of me…