Will you buy "The Passion" when released to video?

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Count me as a probable “no.” I must be the only person on earth who didn’t love the movie - it just wasn’t my meditation on the Passion - it was Mel’s. I saw it in the theatre twice - hated it the first time, and got more out of it the second, but still don’t feel the need to own it or see it again.

It’s kind of like my experience with Gone With the Wind. I was about 16 at the time, had just read the book from cover to cover four times in about a week, and I had my vision of Rhett Butler. When I finally got to the movies to see it (not in 1939, btw, in the 1970’s), I was so disappointed in Clark Gable I could hardly stand it. Clark Gable didn’t live up to the Rhett in my mind, and Jim Caviezel doesn’t live up to the Jesus in my meditations. In fact, I’ve never seen a “Jesus movie” that I like.

I have mine preordered also! Absolutely a life changer for me! Saw it once a week during lent. Bought the book, the music…try this…Headphones of the music of The Passion at Eucharistic Adoration while praying the Sorrowful Mysteries. Wow! Talk about putting you at the foot of the cross!
I will probably never watch it, but IMO the more money this movie makes, the better.

who never watches movies
Qualified “no” here - I saw the movie once & was totally moved, overwhelmed really. I am overjoyed that it has become the worldwide success that it is, outpacing all of the trash that Hollywood churns out. It was so beautiful artistically that a TV screen wouldn’t do it justice - not to mention phones ringing in the background & all the other household commotion. However, I’m positive that it will be back in the theaters each Lent.
Absolutely must get this one! I loved the movie at the theatre and will really enjoy this one as a timeless work.
as an Eastern Catholic I do not really see a place for this in my spirituality which is based more on the Resurrection of Christ than it is on the suffering and Crucifixion.

Yes, you are right. The Byzantine faith is so rich and so deep, it is uplifting to read your literature (like PhiloKALIA, ETC). I also read Russian Orthodoxy, like Mat’ Maria Skobtsova who was just canonized. God in His goodness deems fit that all of the rites has its own place in the Mystical Body of Christ…we are so blessed!

Getting back to the movie though, I must admit I am at a quandary. I find it difficult to purchase the movie or the book! I saw the movie twice. The first time I reacted physically. My daughter was crying :crying: and snorting beside me, while I had a sore heart, a sore stomach and everything ached. The headache was amazing! My daughter said it would’ve been better to have cried.

The second time, I did not react this way. But I still didn’t cry.
And now when I saw the book, I hesitated to decide whether to pick it up or not. It does something to me. Oh well… I will probably buy both in the end!:yup:

You know, I cried when I saw it, as I knew I would.

To me, it puts on a visual screen the suffering of Christ.

But I believe he suffered more. Much more.

To purchase the movie, is to help us move through lent with a suffering and sacrificial mindset. Although painful, I think for us to understand that Christ suffered more than any human in the history of mankind is to move us to offer our own sacrifices up a little easier.
But I believe he suffered more. Much more

Trinitarium, I totally agree with you. I think what we saw in the movie was mostly physical. What about the spiritual, the psychological, the mental??? Unbelievable. Yes, it is an inspiration to me also to offer up whatever little things (compared to Jesus, by far) happen to me in my daily living.

Have you read St. Catherine Emmerich’s book on this? Mel based his movie on her visions. You can enter a little more into what Jesus would’ve suffered…(evil spirits harassing, maligning Him in the Garden of Gethsamene. How the different spirits presented themselves in a different way and what they did to Him.

But then again, there is nothing on this earth that could give us a virtual sense of Jesus’ sufferings…even the physical. Seeing it and enduring it is two different things.

Thank you Jesus, my Lord and my God, for your supreme sacifice of emptying Yourself not only of your divinity but also of your humanity…how in the world could we live without Your consuming love?..Amen!:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Yes … Yes I will, And if your on my Christmas list, expect a copy !!!:yup:

In His Peace!
:yup: Absolutely, I will buy it! It changed so much for me. My husband and I saw it the last Thursday before Holy Week this past year. Needless to say,when the reading of the Passion was read at Mass and when we went to the Stations of the Cross the next night, I was moved to tears and I went to Confession. I know it will be something we watch frequently to remind us of what our Lord did for us, and our need for the Sacraments, especially Confession!
OhioBob said:
Somewhere I heard that you will be able to turn off the subtitling on the DVD if you choose, but I don’t think that came from an authoritative source so it may be inaccurate. It would be a nice feature to have. After the third or fourth time you really don’t need the subtitles anymore even if you don’t speak the languages. Turning them off would allow the imagery to stand alone and for me would make the movie far more meditative./QUOTE]

I saw Mel Gibson himself say he was going to include that feature to disable the subtitles since he originally didn’t want them in there to begin with. I too think it’ll be great to see the movie without them!

It was a magnificent and moving film – I saw it 8 times at the theater and yes I am definitely planning to buy the DVD.
I saw the movie twice in the theater and I know the only way I’ll get my brother to see it is if I show it to him in the house. I really hope this movie might help move him to thinking more seriously about his faith.
It was a magnificent and poignant film – after the heart wrenching scourging scene --I especially liked the scene where Mary helps Jesus get up after he falls carrying the cross. Look at the expression on her face after he speaks to her — she is lifted up by Him. I saw the film 7 times in the theater and at each viewing I was touched by some other scene in a deeper way. I’ve done some acting in the past and have studied theology so I am definitely planning to buy the DVD. Oh yes, any of you devout Catholics who are already praying the rosary – I would suggest that at least at one of your viewings to pray the Sorrowful Mysteries slowly on the rosary as you watch the film.
It was a magnificent and poignant film. After the heart wrenching scourging scene --I especially liked the scene where Mary helps Jesus get up after he falls carrying the cross. Look at the expression on her face after he speaks to her — she is literally lifted up by Him. I saw the film 7 times in the theater and at each viewing I was touched by some other scene in a deeper way. I’ve done some acting in the past and have studied theology so I am definitely planning to buy the DVD. Oh yes, any of you devout Catholics who are already praying the rosary – I would suggest that at least at one of your viewings to pray the Sorrowful Mysteries slowly on the rosary as you watch the film.
I will probably buy it, but I will wait to see if a extended version of it will come out.

I am doing the same thing with Lord of the Rings trilogy until the extended version comes out for Return of the King.
I too was wondering if they would do an early release and then and extended version release. I may just buy both. The early copy would then become my lender copy.
I will buy this movie. I have seen it once, at the theater, and it is one of, if not the, greatest and most important movies of all time.
I will probably buy it, but I will wait to see if a extended version of it will come out.

I am doing the same thing with Lord of the Rings trilogy until the extended version comes out for Return of the King.
The reason LOTR released the regular version first and then extended is so that they can make more $$$. I dont believe anyone involved with the Passion is looking for $ so I would bet that whatever is released will be the only version available.
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