Will you buy "The Passion" when released to video?

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Interesting variety of comments! I plan to buy the DVD when available, but have no illusions about its impact vis a vis that of the movie on the large screen.

I agree the movie, simply as a movie, was magnificent, and I was quite surprised, because that possiblity hadn’t occurred to me, what with all the hatred expended on it before it came out. For me, it has been an immense help to my daily Rosary meditations and, of course, for the Stations of the Cross. I certainly hope that it runs in theaters every Lent. :clapping:


we already have it reserved!
it was so powerful, and artful at the same time!
if I can get employment by then I will buy several copies and send them to friends and family.
No, I will not be buying this – though I will probably break down and suggest that my college buy it for the library (then again, some of my more conservative colleagues probably already have, so I probably won,t both). I did not find it moving at all when I saw it in the theater Holy Saturday, but I can imagine using it as a teaching tool. I teach medieval history, and it’s spot on as an illustration of late medieval spirituality.

I had to laugh when I read someone’s comment about Mel not trying to make money off it… Ha. Yes, I know he took a huge risk on it, but I don’t believe that he really made it out of the sheer goodness of his heart.

Can’t bear to see the movie…read the book and cried. Besides, the movies are never as good as the book!😉
** A VERY Powerful, Moving,** movie! I will definitely be buying a couple copies. Saw it two times at the theater. Bought the book and the book “A Guide To The Passion, 100 Questions About The Passion Of The Christ” which answered the questions I had about the movie. I wonder how many conversions took place from this movie. As much as the Hollywood Elite try to do away with anything religious, there were not able to stop this movie, even though they tried.

I will most definately be buying this movie. This was one of, if not the, finest films I have ever seen.🙂
No, I will not be buying this – though I will probably break down and suggest that my college buy it for the library (then again, some of my more conservative colleagues probably already have, so I probably won,t both). I did not find it moving at all when I saw it in the theater Holy Saturday, but I can imagine using it as a teaching tool. I teach medieval history, and it’s spot on as an illustration of late medieval spirituality.

I had to laugh when I read someone’s comment about Mel not trying to make money off it… Ha. Yes, I know he took a huge risk on it, but I don’t believe that he really made it out of the sheer goodness of his heart.

The thing is, can a moviestar create anything that is not popular? Being popular now defines him. Could it be that moviestars have learned to lie from there very natures? And how did they learn this? Through being popular. They have developed a ‘sense’ for it, and we have developed a sense for responding to it. It is called inauthenticity.
I saw the movie 3 times. After the first time, I had a type of mystical experience. I won’t go into here. I don’t think the movie “caused” the experience as much as the movie helped me open up to the experience.

So, yes, I will be buying it on DVD. How often I will watch it remains to be seen. I also have the coffee table book, the Catholic Version, which uses the Douay-Rheims Bible.
No, I will not be buying this – though I will probably break down and suggest that my college buy it for the library (then again, some of my more conservative colleagues probably already have, so I probably won,t both). I did not find it moving at all when I saw it in the theater Holy Saturday, but I can imagine using it as a teaching tool. I teach medieval history, and it’s spot on as an illustration of late medieval spirituality.
I had to laugh when I read someone’s comment about Mel not trying to make money off it… Ha. Yes, I know he took a huge risk on it, but I don’t believe that he really made it out of the sheer goodness of his heart.

I’ve read some of your posts on abortion and I am really astounded that you are Catholic…are you sure? Not moving at all?
I am eager to buy this movie. I sobbed through it the first time and my heart ached for so long I knew I would wait to see it the second time when it came out on DVD. Not because I am afraid to cry in public, but because I knew the experience would stay strongly with me as I meditated on the sorrowful mysteries and it has. I will watch it when I buy it and again at least 1x a year, most likely during lent.
Gosh Oh Golly,

Ironic story indeed.

I did not see the Passion movie in the theatre (hard to get out with three little ones at home) but was about halfway though it on DVD - a family friend brought it over to a get together on Holy Saturday - when I realized that I must be watching a pirated (i.e. stolen disk).

Needless to say, I left the room and did not see the end (can anyone tell me what happens to that Jesus fella?).
Mel got too much of my money the first time around, no way I want this overindulgent violent movie with its subtle anti-semitism in my house.

I will not only buy it- I will buy extra copies for family & friends. Also, I hope it is released to the theaters next Easter so we can see it again on the big screen.
The movie is too over exaggerated to what the Bible says took place and is putting too much emphasis on his scourging at the pillar. Some exaggerated points are, Satan communicating with Jesus while he is in prayer, the remark that Mary is his wife, and the scene at the end where Joseph was to have received the body from the cross, not Mary. I also did not care for the subtitle in this movie, or any other for that matter.

It is a very emotional movie, generally speaking, due to the fact that it was describing a man being tortured for committing no crime. Kind of like how people treat each other in todays world. Sad isn’t it. Makes you think, I hope.
I will most definately be buying this movie. This was one of, if not the, finest films I have ever seen.🙂
If you haven’t seen the classic 10 Commandments, then I would suggest to do so. Although this is just my opinion, I felt that movie to be one of the best Biblical movies made. Also Samson and Delilah, and The Lady of Fatima (another emotional movie). Jesus of Nazereth is a good one too.
You mean you do not have it yet, We have had it on Video and DVD for 6 months. maybe its because Mel is Australian.
Yes The passion is a prayer not a movie as such and i still cry every time I watch it (at home!!)
If you haven’t seen the classic 10 Commandments, then I would suggest to do so. Although this is just my opinion, I felt that movie to be one of the best Biblical movies made. Also Samson and Delilah, and The Lady of Fatima (another emotional movie). Jesus of Nazereth is a good one too.
I would love someone to remake the Lady of Fatima the old one was hokey but charming. With CGi the effects could be awesome and we still have Sister Lucia who could serve as technical adviror.
Mel Gibson met her last year. Hey Mel Make this film this is greatest paranomal experince the world has known in modern times to out this to film would blow people away.
What is the difference between the “Wide Screen” version and the “Full Screen” version??

Widescreen is in the original format…like at the movies. Fullscreen is formatted to fit your T.V., so the edges get cut off… Don’t waste your money on fullscreen. :nope: Widescreen all the way! 👍.

I voted no because we get (rental) DVD’s in the mail and no late fees.
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