With all the scandal in the church

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I’m finding it pretty tough to feel optimistic about the RC church these days. With Cardinals and long-time Bishop’s being defrocked and the leadership of the church responding so poorly to the abuse of minors, it is hard to believe it is a credible institution. Homosexuality is a festering sore and so little is done to remedy it. it’s time to clean house, even out those who are bring the church to ill repute.
You’re not going to find anything productive here so I advise you to message the moderators to close the thread. There are plenty of past threads on this subject so you can use the search feature to look at those instead.
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It depends on why you started it and also because there plenty of past threads on the issue.
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Let’s not leave the Southern Baptists out of the mix.

The Church has bureaucracy, it has to have in order to cover so many areas. I believe that, in time, most of the taint will be purged.
The purpose of a discussion forum is to discuss.
Otherwise, every response should be “Google it.”

I agree, @JohnStrachan.

However, I disagree that the problem is homosexuality, per se. Obviously, homosexual activity is a problem, as is any sexual activity on the part of a celibate and chaste clergy.

The problem is that the same body of leaders who tell me it’s a sin to eat meat on a Friday during Lent are the ones who are trawling for male prostitutes. The same body of leaders who refuse to allow women into executive level decision making roles are among those who molest children. And I’d bet my mortgage payment that they’ve been covering it up for a thousand years. At least.

Hmm. . . .credible, much?

Meanwhile, we in the pews fret over whether it’s scandalous to use the orans position.
Don’t worry about the scandals, this church was formed by the blood of Christ he will lead us. Our church has come very far so many people have laid their lives down for their faith. Lets Pray for all priests, bishops and the pope.
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Same here.

My problem is that we’re obligated to follow along even when those humans we’re following are clearly incapable of leading.
With all due respect, it’s pretty easy to be a fair weather Catholic, just like it’s easy to be a fan of the local sports team when they are having a championship season.

We’re called upon to be more than just fair weather Catholics…we’re supposed to be faithful, upstanding members of the Church even when times get tough and people, including clergy, are sinning left and right.

The Protestant Reformation occurred in part because Catholic clergy were sinning. When the Church of England took over there, it’s my understanding from Anglican Ordinariate priests (straight from the last homily I heard from one at the Cathedral Basilica in Philadelphia), some of the formerly Catholic clergy defected to King Henry’s side and helped him pillage the shrines and monasteries, because they were paid off to do so (and didn’t have to worry about being executed either).

During the French Revolution, priests were hunted down and killed. Same thing happened during La Cristiada in Mexico. And of course in England during the time of the Forty Martyrs. And in Japan at the time of St. Paul Miki. And no doubt in Communist countries in the 20th century. I’m sure things looked very bad for the Church at that time. Yet it persisted. One of our great saints, St. John Vianney, even managed to get ordained because they were so short of priests, they ordained him even though he was a very poor student at seminary.

This is not the first time the Church has been in crisis and it won’t be the last. When the going gets tough, the tough get going, they don’t get up and walk out. Also, the clergy are not the church. We are the church, the same as how the Japanese who went underground for a few hundred years with their Catholicism were “the church” in Japan although they had no priests left as all had been sent packing or killed off.

I guess if you want to sit around being negative about the Church, that’s your prerogative, but I know God will protect His Church and it will persist even if it gets down to being just me and Jesus in the Church…and I doubt it will ever get that small.
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I know…I know. I’m just having a really hard time reconciling my Catholicism with their hypocrisy, and it’s not getting any better. At all.
What does “your Catholicism” have to do with whether some other guy is being a hypocrite or committing a sin?
O.k., it’s not my Catholicism, but it’s getting hard to say, “I’m a Catholic,” when I’m wondering how I can possibly stay allegiant to the Magisterium.
I have no optimism at all. None.
It does not change a thing in my day. At all.
I get up in the morning, do my morning offering, put my hand to the plow.
I take care of what is mine to take care of, as you do. Keep going. Your holiness impacts the world for good because of the mercy of God. Rejoice in this.
You’re not “allegiant to the Magisterium”, you’re allegiant to Jesus Christ and his Church.

Magisterium is just a bunch of guys in funny hats whom Our Lord has decided to put in charge…our cross might very well be to put up with their shenanigans. Heaven knows they did plenty shenanigans during the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Get a copy of Chamberlin’s book “The Bad Popes”

This book makes me cheer and weep with joy, because the gates of hell have never and never will prevail!
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