"… Hildegard to the Clerics
In response to the provost’s request, Hildegard sends the sermon she delivered at Trier, warning them of God’s vengeance because of the corruption among the church officials.
The law is neglected by spiritual people, who disdain to teach and do good works. Both the teachers and the prelates are asleep: they have abandoned justice. Therefore, I heard this voice from heaven, saying: O daughter of Sion, your crown will fall from your head, your cloak of increasing riches will shrink, your numbers will be forcibly reduced, and you will be banished from one place to another. Many cities and monasteries will be wrenched away by powerful individuals, and princes will say, “Let us take away from them that iniquity which, through them, is overwhelming the whole world.” And I saw and I heard that all these dangers and griefs will befall regions and monasteries because they have turned aside from obedience and other precepts of the law. And I saw that even amidst sins of this kind there are some who will cling to God and will sigh unto Him, just as in the time of Elijah [cf. I Kings 18.18ff].
Afterward, the justice and judgment of God will arise, and the people will know the discipline and fear of God. There will also be good and just individuals among the spiritual people, who, nevertheless, will remain few in numbers because of their humility, but who, like the hermits, will turn back to the first dawn.
And, at that time, people will no longer cling to the foolishness of lasciviousness like children; they will arise and prophesy, and they will gather together all things old and new from the Scriptures and all that has been uttered through the Holy Spirit, and they will adorn their understanding of these things as if with a necklace set with precious jewels. Through their influence and that of other wise people, many of the laity will become virtuous and will live saintly lives.
This zeal for sanctity will not wither quickly, but will last for a long time, for all these things will come to pass because of that earlier degenerate time. For Christ will accomplish these things, who sees in them the beginning and end of his works; in this way, he reins in the errant people. For he will establish the prophets first to be the head, the wise to be the eyes, the teachers to be the mouth, just as all things came into being by the Word of God [cf. John 1.3]. And, then, because the rest of the body, that is, the faithful, will do good works, as I have said, God will place their head in his lap, that is to say, he will reveal the meaning of prophecy to them. Then, princes will turn their harps and drums into sounds of sorrow, just as the sons of Israel had done when they were led into captivity [cf. Ps 136.2–3].
After these things take place, all things spiritual will be strengthened, with no weariness or flaw, and people will look into the eye of the Living Book."