I remember another case where a woman was suing the Catholic Church for granting an annulment. This case was presented on the US TV program 60 minutes. It involved a Lutheran lady who had been “married” for several years and had brought up a son in the Catholic faith. She said that she was suing the Catholic Church for fraud and misrepresentation. It went like this: there was never any question of an invalid marriage until her husband had started going out with a younger woman and haveing relations with her. At that point the husband wanted out of the present marriage with the Lutheran lady, and in with the younger girl. But he also wanted to be able to receive Holy Communion and did not want to leave the RCC. So he applied for an annulment on the grounds of degective consent, (after about 15 years of marriage). The Lutheran lady said that she was suing the RCC for fraud and misrepresentation because as a good Lutheran Christian she would never have lived with a man without being married to him, and that this deciseion of the RCC to grant the annulment was putting her in a bad light, like someone who was living with a man without the benefit of marriage. She said that she had fulfilled all of the vows and she had complied with the Church’s wishes that she bring up the children as Catholics. She said that the RCC had fraudulently deceived her into beleiving that she was married, while she was living with a man she thought to be her husband.I agree with you – I do not want US courts interpreting Catholic Canon law.
The only argument she could have is that marriage is a contract, and that the terms of the contract were based on Catholic law.
This was broadcast over 60 minutes a while back.