It’s not a question of timidity but realism. The fact that two thousand years later there is opposition to the very idea of women priests demonstrates the deeply ingrained conservatism and prejudice of many people.
Who says? What evidence do you have that the male-only priesthood is based in prejudice? The real problem, I think, is that you do not know the reason why we have a male-only priesthood, and so you have projected that reason onto it – and your reason is senseless. If any Church teaching was based in sexism, you would be essentially saying that the Church’s teaching was inherently sinful and contrary to the will of the Church’s Head, which is Christ. You are implying a disjunct between the Body of Christ and it’s Head – a spiritual decapitation! You try to justify your position (that women could be admitted to the priesthood) by nothing that “Many women have a vocation to the contemplative life. Many have been canonised as saints because they have been martyrs for their faith.” But these are essentially different from priesthood – authentic Christianity requires sanctity and faithfulness, but to say that those who excel at these should be admitted to the priesthood on that basis, is to make the priesthood into the office of “Christian par excellence” rather than to recognize its true role as “servants of Christians, excellent or not.”
The problem, as I said, is that you do not know why we have a male-only priesthood. Because you do not know why it exists, you want it overthrown. But how bewildering is this reasoning! Does a man who comes across a fence in the forest say, “I do not know it’s purpose, therefore I will tear it down”? Let us hope not – instead he should ask why it is there. If you have not yet received an answer to that question, that is one thing. But to tear down what the Body of Christ has built up is quite another.
No one has given a sound reason why women should not be priests. What are the qualities they lack?
The lack the quality of being a male, which is essential for priestly service because of the significance of Jesus’ maleness. God is the Bridegroom and His people are (collectively) His bride – we are unfaithful, but He goes in search of us. Priesthood is about bringing God to us, representing His quest for His bride – but a woman cannot represent this quest of a bridegroom for His bride without ignoring the masculine-feminine complementarity between God and His Church, which is the most significant teaching in Scripture about our relationship to God. That is why there is a male-only priesthood.
Nowhere in the New Testament is there any evidence that Jesus regarded women as unworthy of the priesthood.
Jesus regards no one as worthy of the priesthood until He makes them worthy, not even men. Priesthood is not a right – it is a calling to serve God in a special way, therefore no one can be worthy until God makes them worthy. And there is no evidence in the New Testament that Jesus made any woman worthy to serve Him as a priestess. In fact, there is explicit evidence to the contrary: Scripture informs us that women lack the capacity to serve as official teachers in the Church – “I do not permit a woman to exercise teaching authority over a man.” (1 Tim. 2:12) What is this teaching based in? Sexism? Please. Paul was no sexist, and if He was, then this teaching would be sinful, and certainly not Scripture, because “all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.”
God is omnipotent but He is not capricious. He knew women were regarded as inferior to men in Jewish society and to appoint women as His apostles would have confused and alienated the people unnecessarily.
If women were regarded as inferior to men, it was a sinful prejudice. To appoint women as His apostles would have been necessary to correct this prejudice, rather than to stand by and let ages of Church history continue the prejudice on the basis that He did nothing. You say in your next breath that Jesus “conformed with the Law - whenever it did not conflict with His teaching.” Well, if the male-only priesthood conflicted with His teaching, then by your own standard He would have done away with it. But He did not – therefore the male-only priesthood has a place in the teaching of Christ, and you have no grounds for rejecting it.