BUT you’re misunderstanding things here.
You seem to imply that Pope Futurbus can say, “Hey peeps, you know what ST John Paul II said about ordination of women but imma thinking we need to revisit this and talk about it again because definitively only meant for HIS pontificate. . .
However, Pope F can say, “You know how Pope St John Paul II made his definitive statement, and Pope Benedict backed it up? I understand that some of you are STILL wondering if it’s not decided. Well, it is decided. Now women deacons were still on the table. That’s still being debated. Of course it would have nothing to do with any kind of ordination to any priestly function whatsoever. OK, now let’s discuss climate change’ . . .
If the above is what you think by “bringing up the issue again”, like any Pope saying, “And yes, the Trinity is still three Persons, we’re not adding Mary as a Fourth”, then that’s one thing.
But bringing up the issue like, “OK, I know what Pope St JPII said, but maybe we need to have another bull session because maybe there IS a way to change this’. . .nope zilch no way.