Peter Kreeft’s audio on “Women and the Priesthood”
Why “only boys can be the daddies”
I managed to find transcripts from 2 sources.
There are 4 reasons of why Women can’t be Priests. 1) Reasons of Authority 2) Reasons of Sexual Symbolism 3) Reasons of Ecclesiastical Common Good and 4) Reasons of Discernment
- Reasons of Authority
There are 3
God- The Church did not create the Priesthood, she received it from God, the Author. The Catholic Priesthood was not the first priesthood he created, he did it twice before with the Jews, but that is neither here nor there.
The Catholic Church claims LESS Authority than any other Christian Religion. The word Authority means “Authors Rights”. Where Protestants feel they have the ability to change or deny any doctrine they see fit (The reason there are 33,000 different Denominations), the Catholic Church knows that they do not, because they don’t get to decide how God thinks, only God does. It is this reason that the Catholic Church is so conservative. Times change, God does not and the Catholic Church knows that. The Catholic Church therefore cannot change the Priesthood because they are not it’s author or its editor.
Christ- As God created the Priesthood of Old, Christ Fulfilled the Priesthood in the New Testament by choosing his Apostles. But why did he choose only Male Disciples? The popular idea is that Christ bowed to cultural norms of the day that said that women were weaker and lesser than men. But to say that Christ was restrained by cultural limitations is a Heresy and a denial of the Incarnation. Can you really accuse Christ of the Sin of Sexism? Can you honestly believe that Christ was limited by his Culture? Christ breaks and offends his cultural norms with regularity in the Gospels, most of them being of greater importance than sexism. For instance, when he told his disciples to eat with unwashed hands or to drink his blood.
Jesus chose his Priests.
Church- The Jewish and Catholic Churches are the only ancient religions to have an exclusively male priesthood. All other religions of the times has priestesses of some kind. The Jewish Church was the first Church to exclusively use Masculine imagery for God and the priesthood reflects that.
Also, There is no evidence in the New Testament or the early church of female Priests. In fact, St. Paul indicated the exact opposite. The Church has said no to priestesses not only from her beginning but through the years and still today. The Church has spoken clearly, publicly, Authoritatively and Magisterially. The Church has spoken the case is closed. The main issue is not whether the Church will have Priestesses, but whether or not those seeking them will have the Church.
- Reasons of Sexual Symbolism
(for a more detailed transcript please see
Everything that God creates point beyond itself. Especially Sex and Sexuality. God deliberately created man and woman to reflect trinitarian love in the same way that God deliberately incarnated himself as a male. Jesus Christ is still a male today and he still has his male body in heaven.
Priests must be male because Christ is male. When the Priest says the words"This is my body/blood given up for you" that is not merely him speaking but Christ. Christ Literally speaks through that Priest, and because Christ is a male, so must the Priest also be.
Christ was Incarnated as a male because God is masculine. God is not a male, he is masculine. There is a large difference. In almost every language other than English, there are masculine and feminine nouns. Things like the sun are always male and the moon is always feminine. The Masculine in a relationship offers while the female receives. Because of this, we are all feminine in relation to God. God pours out his love for us and we must receive it and reciprocate. We cannot initiate a loving relationship with God, he must initiate and we must receive. To God, we are all his bride. He is he and we are all she.
I leave this Point with the inexhaustible words of C.S. Lewis…
“Why should a woman not in this [priestly] sense represent God?.. Suppose the reformer stops saying that a good woman may be like God and begins saying that God is like a good woman. Suppose he says that we might just as well pray to ‘Our Mother which art in Heaven’ as to ‘Our Father’. Suppose he suggests that the Incarnation might just as well have taken a female as a male form, and the Second Person of the Trinity be as well called the Daughter as the Son. Suppose, finally, that the mystical marriage were reversed, that the Church were the Bridegroom and Christ the Bride. All this, as it seems to me, is involved in the claim that a woman can represent God as a priest does… …Christians think that God Himself has taught us how to speak of Him. To say that it does not matter is to say… that all the masculine imagery is not inspired, is merely human in origin… And this is surely intolerable: or, if tolerable, it is an argument not in favour of Christian priestesses but against Christianity… It is also surely based on a shallow view of imagery… …One of the ends for which sex was created was to symbolize to us the hidden things of God. One of the functions of human marriage is to express the nature of the union between Christ and the Church.”
Simply Put, Christ is the Bridegroom and the Church is the Bride. To allow Female Priests would be to will a Spiritual “Lesbianism” of sorts. The Priest represents Christ and Christ represents the Father. The Priest must be male because Christ is male and Christ is male because the father is masculine.