Why recently is it that when this topic comes up are posts removed from threads or the thread taken down?
Actually, This is not new. Virtually every nation in the world had woman priests throughout the ages. It should be noted in fact, that in all of the history of The People of God in both Old Testament and New Testament times, God has never authorized priestesses. This in spite of the fact that in all of the nations to which He would send His people, all of the pagans had priestesses. It was not only socially acceptable, but considered backward and ignorant that His followers did not have priestesses, so there was always considerable pressure to give in to the customs of the pagans.church through the centuries has thought about the role of women in the church, and if all is correct at first I was shocked but then I would be, because of living in a different age. I can see how “attuides” have changed and where some are still the same.
It is not recent, in May, 1994 Pope John Paul II issued the Papal Encyclical Ordinatio Sacerdotalis. In it he affirmed that everywhere and always the Faithful, must know and hold that The Church has no authority to ordain priestesses.
This is not a question open to debate by The Faithful.
It is explained further here: ewtn.com/library/ISSUES/ORDIN.TXT