World Goverment & New World Order and World Peace

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Ok then, we’ll split the world up and you can have the hot heads and cool hearts half and I’ll take the warm hearts and cool heads half ok. Agreed? Shake on it.
No, those hotheads would drive me crazy !!!
No, those hotheads would drive me crazy !!!
Then you and I will take turns at ruling the warm hearts and cool heads half and leave the others to whoever wants them.

So one day Catholic day next Bahai and so on. On the Sabbath we both take a rest and go to our respective churches but I don’t mind praying at your church because God is there too.

Name for the new world order - United States of the World!!!

An international anthem ‘We are the World’ or ‘What a beautiful World’

An international Flag - An earth satellite imprinted showing different hemispheres on each side.

A Capitol of the World - Jerusalem?? (Then no one fights over it anymore as everyone owns it)
Then you and I will take turns at ruling the warm hearts and cool heads half and leave the others to whoever wants them.

So one day Catholic day next Bahai and so on. On the Sabbath we both take a rest and go to our respective churches but I don’t mind praying at your church because God is there too.

Name for the new world order - United States of the World!!!

An international anthem ‘We are the World’ or ‘What a beautiful World’

An international Flag - An earth satellite imprinted showing different hemispheres on each side.

A Capitol of the World - Jerusalem?? (Then no one fights over it anymore as everyone owns it)

I like it!!

I believe that we are headed to a new world order and I believe that much of conflict in the Middle East is based on a fear of such change. For example, the Muslim culture is being threatened. Fears of being infiltrated by Westernism and it causing Western ills like porn and abortions must be on every Muslim mind.
What are we to do if evil is increasing?

The more that darkness envelops the World the more it will make the light of Goodness shine.Man can’t hold back evil with secular means alone and the World will have to find this out the hard way.
**Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."

Revelation 12:12 **
The more that darkness envelops the World the more it will make the light of Goodness shine.Man can’t hold back evil with secular means alone and the World will have to find this out the hard way.
Yes but what are we to DO?
What is the light of goodness?

Yes but what are we to DO?
What is the light of goodness?

I say prayers for the world, that’s all I can do, but you don’t have to, because your religion tells you that only bright and sunny days will be the future of World.
I believe that we are headed to a new world order and I believe that much of conflict in the Middle East is based on a fear of such change. For example, the Muslim culture is being threatened. Fears of being infiltrated by Westernism and it causing Western ills like porn and abortions must be on every Muslim mind.
I fully agree. It’s a huge fear of the Middle East. Maybe we have to have another ‘cleansing’ to purify both east and west of their dross leaving only what’s pure and good.

That would mean a lot of cities, centres of materialism and consumerism might have to be destroyed in some war. What does it say in Revelation about the whore is it who everyone worshipped in an instant cast down with weeping that all the consumerism was gone?

The interesting thing is that with Noah it was a flood but this time ‘fire’. Scary but people’s souls have been worshipping materialism as a false God so it must fall soon.

Rev 18:9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
I fully agree. It’s a huge fear of the Middle East. Maybe we have to have another ‘cleansing’ to purify both east and west of their dross leaving only what’s pure and good.

That would mean a lot of cities, centres of materialism and consumerism might have to be destroyed in some war. What does it say in Revelation about the whore is it who everyone worshipped in an instant cast down with weeping that all the consumerism was gone?

The interesting thing is that with Noah it was a flood but this time ‘fire’. Scary but people’s souls have been worshipping materialism as a false God so it must fall soon.

Rev 18:9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
That brings up the issue of the comet.🙂
We will never enjoy true world peace until the end of the world, because of man’s fallen nature. Man has tried many times, by his own power and ignoring God, to obtain world peace, but has failed miserably each time.

The only way for us to enjoy comparative peace and happiness on this earth is to evangelize the faith and draw as many others to it as possible. Only through God’s grace can humans find peace.
This! 👍
When is the end of the world as it has been forecast so many times and hasn’t the Faith of Jesus spread all over the world already?
“When” the end of the world is to be, is largely irrelevant. No one knows, evidenced by the repetitive wrong forecasts you mentioned, the fact that people are not prone to being able to see the future, and the fact that God said, “no one knows”. 😉

Yes, Christianity HAS been “spread all over the world”, but that doesn’t mean everyone has accepted it. Knowing of the faith is entirely different from accepting it, which is also not the same as practicing it.

The fact is, no civilization in the history of the world has found its way to peace and harmony and true happiness…with no wars and no greed and no injustice, etc. Man has a fallen nature and he fails every single time. Only by God’s Grace can we find peace. But we must actually ACCEPT and LIVE it.
This! 👍

“When” the end of the world is to be, is largely irrelevant. No one knows, evidenced by the repetitive wrong forecasts you mentioned, the fact that people are not prone to being able to see the future, and the fact that God said, “no one knows”. 😉

Yes, Christianity HAS been “spread all over the world”, but that doesn’t mean everyone has accepted it. Knowing of the faith is entirely different from accepting it, which is also not the same as practicing it.

The fact is, no civilization in the history of the world has found its way to peace and harmony and true happiness…with no wars and no greed and no injustice, etc. Man has a fallen nature and he fails every single time. Only by God’s Grace can we find peace. But we must actually ACCEPT and LIVE it.
This! 👍
True. I don’t mean as a religion but say humanity establish a world order. You don’t want it on any less than Christian principles right? And Muslims don’t want an order that doesn’t include Muslim principles so it’ll be tricky.

But we come back to the one shepherd and one fold again with ‘others’ who are not in the fold to become part of it. (If you wish the complete quote I’m happy to post it)

So what if Muslims and Christians who are already divided amongst themselves, unable to solve their ‘successorship’ problems decide to unite under one God and establish a One God, One humanity civilisation?

Couldn’t that happen?? Especially if people grew sick of sectarian wars and conflicts?

Just like this forum. You believe in God we believe in God but we aren’t at war and even we can be friends so why not the whole world?
What benefit do you see a world government being or a new world order? You already hinted to a problem with your idea of Christian and muslim principles. Unless you think bahaism will do any better?
This is just one of the many problems of a new world government, new world order and a world language poses.

As Jesus said in Matthew 22:19-21
"Show me the money you pay the tax with.’ They handed him a denarius,
and he said, ‘Whose portrait is this? Whose title?’
They replied, ‘Caesar’s.’ Then he said to them, ‘Very well, pay Caesar what belongs to Caesar – and God what belongs to God.’

The above parable is easy to understand and his religious teachings were separate from earthly political activity.

Also I’ll like to add John 18:36

Jesus replied, ‘Mine is not a kingdom of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my men would have fought to prevent my being surrendered to the Jews. As it is, my kingdom does not belong here.’

worldcitizen, where does
“But we come back to the one shepherd and one fold again with ‘others’ who are not in the fold to become part of it. (If you wish the complete quote I’m happy to post it)” fit into this tread?
What benefit do you see a world government being or a new world order? You already hinted to a problem with your idea of Christian and muslim principles. Unless you think bahaism will do any better?
This is just one of the many problems of a new world government, new world order and a world language poses.

As Jesus said in Matthew 22:19-21
"Show me the money you pay the tax with.’ They handed him a denarius,
and he said, ‘Whose portrait is this? Whose title?’
They replied, ‘Caesar’s.’ Then he said to them, ‘Very well, pay Caesar what belongs to Caesar – and God what belongs to God.’

The above parable is easy to understand and his religious teachings were separate from earthly political activity.

Also I’ll like to add John 18:36

Jesus replied, ‘Mine is not a kingdom of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my men would have fought to prevent my being surrendered to the Jews. As it is, my kingdom does not belong here.’

worldcitizen, where does
“But we come back to the one shepherd and one fold again with ‘others’ who are not in the fold to become part of it. (If you wish the complete quote I’m happy to post it)” fit into this tread?
Hi Jimmy,

Yes I agree with most of what you say. On some points though there needs some elaboration and clarification.
  1. The one fold and one shepherd to me i understand it as the oneness of mankind and religion and to be referring to a future world spiritual civilisation.
That’s only my understanding. You may see it differently.
  1. I fully agree with your referring to Christ as you quoted John 18:36 and Mathew 22: 19-21 - Jesus disclaimed any intentions of forming or getting involved with governments. That’s as clear as day. No government would rest on Christ’s shoulders. 100% correct.
However…then this is not referring to Jesus. But someone else.

Isa: 9:6 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and **the government shall be upon his shoulder: **and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

Matthew 10:34

"Do not think that I came to bring peace to the earth; I came not to bring peace, but a sword.

Again, clearly Jesus disclaims to be a prince of peace. So the Person who will be born and be a prince of peace and have the GOVERNMENT upon HIS shoulder is not Jesus as He clearly stated as you proved above. 100% agreed.

So, according to the Bible a child is to be born Who will get involved with PEACE and GOVERNMENT. That is indisputably in the Bible and so just writing off a new world order can’t be done without going against the Holy Writ that clearly establishes Goverment and peace as being upon this Person’s shoulder. (We claim that is Baha’u’llah as Christ disowns these titles) but we won’t drift from the thread.

So a new world order is not only not against the Bible but a child will be born who will bring a government and peace on earth according to the Holy Writ. And it is not referring to Jesus as you so clearly and accurately explained.

So ‘Someone’ is going to have a 'government upon His shoulders and bring peace to the earth. And Jesus described it a little when He said John 10:16

"And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

So we now have a vision of a World Order that comes from a Person titled in the Bible as ‘mighty God’ , the ‘everlasting Father’ not an earthly world order certainly. Who is going to bring peace to the earth. And unite all the ‘folds’ into ‘one fold’. A fold is a religion as Christ’s fold is His followers so when the Father and 'mighty God comes He will bring a World Order with a government which will unite all the religions into one religion.

And this all comes from the Bible. It is the Holy Writ of God. This is God’s Promise and He keeps His Promises.
This! 👍

“When” the end of the world is to be, is largely irrelevant. No one knows, evidenced by the repetitive wrong forecasts you mentioned, the fact that people are not prone to being able to see the future, and the fact that God said, “no one knows”. 😉

Yes, Christianity HAS been “spread all over the world”, but that doesn’t mean everyone has accepted it. Knowing of the faith is entirely different from accepting it, which is also not the same as practicing it.

The fact is, no civilization in the history of the world has found its way to peace and harmony and true happiness…with no wars and no greed and no injustice, etc. Man has a fallen nature and he fails every single time. Only by God’s Grace can we find peace. But we must actually ACCEPT and LIVE it.
It is true, NO ONE but God knows when this is going to happen, but Jesus did make sure we had very specific signs to watch for, so we would know when he is ‘at the door’…if he truly wanted no one to have a clue about his return, why would he give these signs and warnings? Especially since we are living in a time when so many of these are happening at the same time. Its very eerie to read some of these and then see how they are coming to fruition in our modern times, and from a book written over 2000 yrs ago!!! How could anyone deny the bible considering this alone?

I guess it comes down to Gods definition of ‘at the door’, that could be 100,000 years or 2 days, but Im assuming since he was speaking to us, he meant in our definition of near/ close.

The only thing I could see causing this world to create a one world Govt and basically abolishing all borders, would be some kind of major threat to the entire planet, like an asteroid, or some kind of natural event that would drastically change our planet.
It is true, NO ONE but God knows when this is going to happen, but Jesus did make sure we had very specific signs to watch for, so we would know when he is ‘at the door’…if he truly wanted no one to have a clue about his return, why would he give these signs and warnings? Especially since we are living in a time when so many of these are happening at the same time…
People for 2,000 years have been saying the same thing. The signs and warnings could apply to any age.
I guess it comes down to Gods definition of ‘at the door’, that could be 100,000 years or 2 days, but Im assuming since he was speaking to us, he meant in our definition of near/ close.
Again, this could apply to any age. What is far more likely, and a guarantee, is that each of us PERSONALLY will “come to an end” [physically die] in this earthly life…we will experience a physical death. As long as you are prepared for that personal death, which we ALSO cannot predict, then “the end of the world” is largely irrelevant.

You can chase down all the end-times prophesies you want. But if you have not taken the time to prepare YOURSELF for your own death, then you have wasted your time. 😉
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