World Wide Web is the Beast of Revelation.

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These are exciting times. I have a copy in front of me of the ten page argument that the Vatican is reveiwing that may unveil the Beast of Revelation. Several clergy and apologists are quoted supporting it after careful study. Our Bible says, “he will be revealed in his own time.” and “…with a little ingenuity, anyone can determine the mark of the Beast.” After reading this it really seems like a veil has been lifted. No special revelation, just hard work by the Knights of Columbus! The hillarious part will be people trying to comment on it without looking at the argument. Maybe the Vatican will wait until after the election. IHS God bless us all.

An unspecified document from an unspecified source with a vague hint of a Vatican (unspecified spokesman) revelation. Ho Hum.
Really? You have a copy of this “document?” Well, then, how about scanning it and pasting it so that we can ALL “review” it. Or perhaps you might give a source for this document, name some of the “reviewers”, or post a link to where you GOT the document (and if it’s from “The Vatican”, shouldn’t it be found ON the Vatican web site)? Or shouldn’t it be on the Knights of Columbus web site? Funny I can’t seem to find any mention of such a document on those sites. . .
This has been reveiwed by Mel Gibson’s agent, Ed Limato; Jimmy Akin; Dr. Colleen Kelly Mast; Father Dan Coyle; Doug Pearson, IH Radio; Trace Murphy, Randomhouse; the Arch Bishop of Brooklyn and dozens of others on it’s climb to the Holy See. IHS God Bless the public release…
ooooh, now I AM impressed, the gospel according to Mel, what could be more convincing, forgive my unbelief.
This has been reveiwed by Mel Gibson’s agent, Ed Limato; Jimmy Akin; Dr. Colleen Kelly Mast; Father Dan Coyle; Doug Pearson, IH Radio; Trace Murphy, Randomhouse; the Arch Bishop of Brooklyn and dozens of others on it’s climb to the Holy See. IHS God Bless the public release…
why don’t you give us some info for this document Calbreese? A link or something.
This has been reveiwed by Mel Gibson’s agent, Ed Limato; Jimmy Akin; Dr. Colleen Kelly Mast; Father Dan Coyle; Doug Pearson, IH Radio; Trace Murphy, Randomhouse; the Arch Bishop of Brooklyn and dozens of others on it’s climb to the Holy See. IHS God Bless the public release…
Why would Mel Gibsons agent review it anyway?

An unspecified document from an unspecified source with a vague hint of a Vatican (unspecified spokesman) revelation. Ho Hum.
My thoughts exactly. The fact that the original poster only has 3 posts just screams “Troll Alert!”

Excuse my scepticsm, but, “Where’s the beef?”
Folks, don’t belive a word of what you’re reading here. I and I alone have sole possession of the true and original document. And now for a limited time you can get an Authentic Copy® for*** only ***$999.99.

Visa and MasterCard accepted. True believers only, please.
Folks, don’t belive a word of what you’re reading here. I and I alone have sole possession of the true and original document. And now for a limited time you can get an Authentic Copy® for*** only ***$999.99.

Visa and MasterCard accepted. True believers only, please.
Do you accept discover?😃

I wonder who you confused the Vatican with. Do not believe everything you read. The other day while researching a topic I ended up on a website called Catholics for New Age…:rolleyes: Now there is a beast.
These are exciting times. I have a copy in front of me of the ten page argument that the Vatican is reveiwing that may unveil the Beast of Revelation. Several clergy and apologists are quoted supporting it after careful study. Our Bible says, “he will be revealed in his own time.” and “…with a little ingenuity, anyone can determine the mark of the Beast.” After reading this it really seems like a veil has been lifted. No special revelation, just hard work by the Knights of Columbus! The hillarious part will be people trying to comment on it without looking at the argument. Maybe the Vatican will wait until after the election. IHS God bless us all.
I am unveiling who Calbreese is…he is none other than…DAN RATHER

Who else would site such a shady document?
“These are exciting times”

Okay…by that phrase, I think its either Jack Van Impe or his wife Rexella! 😃

I know about em ALL… 😛
These are exciting times. I have a copy in front of me of the ten page argument that the Vatican is reveiwing that may unveil the Beast of Revelation. Several clergy and apologists are quoted supporting it after careful study. Our Bible says, “he will be revealed in his own time.” and “…with a little ingenuity, anyone can determine the mark of the Beast.” After reading this it really seems like a veil has been lifted. No special revelation, just hard work by the Knights of Columbus! The hillarious part will be people trying to comment on it without looking at the argument. Maybe the Vatican will wait until after the election. IHS God bless us all. Oh yea? 10 pages, right in front of you, ha?

Maybe this is a ploy for a new movie coming out (why would Mel Gibson agent want to see the document).

This sounds and smells a like a ‘CBS’ document wanting to come out and bite themselves in the butt.

I really wouldn’t put any crediabilty behind this. Maybe JOhn KErry would vote for it before he votes against it.

go with God!
just checking back, still no document, I am getting suspicious about who stuck all those gold stars on this thread. I am going over to Politics II where the discussions make much more sense.
At least when I get a bit out there too far, I give you my source. For example, the cover story in September 27, 2004 Sun Magazine “SIX Beloved Prophets agree END TIMES BEGAN Sept. 16 – at 4:42pm!” (pages 10-11). September 16 was Rosh Hashanah. I don’t know if 4:42pm was Eastern Standard Time, or GMT, Rome or Jerusalem time.

Pleeease skip over page 8 where a doctor is reported to be giving himself a liposuction.

The Sun magazine includes an admonition to pray devoutly to Christ’s Holy Family. An angel of descruction is mentioned along with some “prophetic truths”. But no mention of any beast yet. Looks like this week’s cover story is another hoax. I think sometimes the stories are true. If you believe this week’s article, then pray the rosary and pray to St. Joseph.

I am somewhat confident that when the unveiling of the beast takes place, it will be fully reported in the SUN (published weekly by American Media, Inc – Boca Raton, Florida).

As a former Florida resident, I can confidently affirm that a certain portion of the wildly crazy news you read in these supermarket tabloids is actual news. Crazy things happen all the time in Florida. A lot of unbelievable things have happened near Miami at one time or another.

To me, it looks like the only worthwhile news in this issue of the SUN is pages 24-25. If you are borderline high blood pressure, it is a very good article on how you may be able to lower your cholesterol. A doctor came to my Baptist Church recently to talk with us about cholesterol and high blood pressure. The doctor said many of the same things that are in the article. But if a doctor has prescribed you some medication, please don’t stop taking it without first consulting with your doctor.

Calbreese: What are you going to do differently now that you read your secret article? Maybe you can’t tell us what the article says. But what are you moved to do about the coming end of the world? Do you want to start praying the rosary? Most Catholic Churches have a weekly prayer group. If you go, you to learn to pray the rosary. Are you going to sign up for RCIA? I’m in RCIA this year.
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