Would anyone care for frankenstein food?

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GM industry puts human gene into rice

By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor

24 April 2005

Scientists have begun putting genes from human beings into food crops in a dramatic extension of genetic modification. The move, which is causing disgust and revulsion among critics, is bound to strengthen accusations that GM technology is creating “Frankenstein foods” and drive the controversy surrounding it to new heights.

Even before this development, many people, including Prince Charles, have opposed the technology on the grounds that it is playing God by creating unnatural combinations of living things.

Environmentalists say that no one will want to eat the partially human-derived food because it will smack of cannibalism.

But supporters say that the controversial new departure presents no ethical problems and could bring environmental benefits.

In the first modification of its kind, Japanese researchers have inserted a gene from the human liver into rice to enable it to digest pesticides and industrial chemicals. The gene makes an enzyme, code-named CPY2B6, which is particularly good at breaking down harmful chemicals in the body.

Present GM crops are modified with genes from bacteria to make them tolerate herbicides, so that they are not harmed when fields are sprayed to kill weeds. But most of them are only able to deal with a single herbicide, which means that it has to be used over and over again, allowing weeds to build up resistance to it.

But the researchers at the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences in Tsukuba, north of Tokyo, have found that adding the human touch gave the rice immunity to 13 different herbicides. This would mean that weeds could be kept down by constantly changing the chemicals used.

Supporting scientists say that the gene could also help to beat pollution.

Professor Richard Meilan of Purdue University in Indiana, who has worked with a similar gene from rabbits, says that plants modified with it could “clean up toxins” from contaminated land. They might even destroy them so effectively that crops grown on the polluted soil could be fit to eat.

But he and other scientists caution that if the gene were to escape to wild relatives of the rice it could create particularly vicious superweeds that were resistant to a wide range of herbicides.

He adds: “I do not have any ethical issue with using human genes to engineer plants”, dismissing talk of “Frankenstein foods” as “rubbish”. He believes that that European opposition to GM crops and food is fuelled by agricultural protectionism.

But Sue Mayer, director of GeneWatch UK, said yesterday: “I don’t think that anyone will want to buy this rice. People have already expressed disgust about using human genes, and already feel that their concerns are being ignored by the biotech industry. This will just undermine their confidence even more.”

Pete Riley, director of the anti-GM pressure group Five Year Freeze, said: "I am not surprised by this.

“The industry is capable of anything and this development certainly smacks of Frankenstein.”
I have no problem with genetically-modified food, as we are all eating it already. Do you think that the corn that you eat grew naturally all-yellow before it was bred that way, or that it is “natural” for cows to lactate constantly even when they haven’t given birth to a calf?

For a contrary view, see this link:

This isn’t a case of making a rice that is “partially human”, it’s merely inserting one gene to make one enzyme. Many animals have very closely related versions of this same enzyme.
I have no problem with genetically-modified food, as we are all eating it already. Do you think that the corn that you eat grew naturally all-yellow before it was bred that way, or that it is “natural” for cows to lactate constantly even when they haven’t given birth to a calf?

For a contrary view, see this link:

This isn’t a case of making a rice that is “partially human”, it’s merely inserting one gene to make one enzyme. Many animals have very closely related versions of this same enzyme.
I guess it just seems freaky to me:( Didn’t mad cow disease start from feeding cows,well cows:confused:
This isn’t a case of making a rice that is “partially human”, it’s merely inserting one gene to make one enzyme. Many animals have very closely related versions of this same enzyme.
I have a problem with any human genetic material being inserted into any plant or animal.
rastell said:
I have a problem with any human genetic material being inserted into any plant or animal.

Dear friend

Me too, what is wrong with the humanity?

Science has gone mad and man will eat himself!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Does this open the door to intelligent carrots?

Years ago, in the mid 1960s when the Star Trek series began, Carl Sagan was asked about the notion of Mr. Spock being the offspring of a Homo Sapiens and a Vulcan. He said that it would be more possible for a human to be crossed with an asparagus than for Spock’s parentage to be possible.

But, today…?
I think science is crossing serious lines:( No human genetics need to be in food or animals.That is altering Gods creation in what I consider a perverted dare I say evil way:nope: Who want’s human genes in their food:eek:
or that it is “natural” for cows to lactate constantly even when they haven’t given birth to a calf?


Actually, for cows to lactate, they MUST give birth. Most cows give birth to a calf once per year, and then lactate for 8-9 months. They are “dried up” for 2-3 months to give their unborn calf time to grow and mature, then they give birth, and the cycle starts all over again.
I think science is crossing serious lines:( No human genetics need to be in food or animals.That is altering Gods creation in what I consider a perverted dare I say evil way:nope: Who want’s human genes in their food:eek:
Dear Lisa

👋 Hi there

Not me, I don’t want animal genes in humans, human genes in animals, plant genes in human nor human genes in plants, period…it breaks all the laws of nature and of God.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear Lisa

👋 Hi there

Not me, I don’t want animal genes in humans, human genes in animals, plant genes in human nor human genes in plants, period…it breaks all the laws of nature and of God.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I agree springbreeze these people have lost their minds:eek:And God Bless and much love and peace to you too:)
I bet human gene is the worst for plants which have no brain.
the only strength of humans is the brain otherwise human is the weakest creature on earth.

what if they put the gene of a king cobra in rats? will they produce venom?😃
Because of birth control and abortion, Japan now has a negative population growth. Perhaps the long range goal of these researchers is to grow people in their rice paddies. :confused:
Hm. A cow does need to give birth to give milk. The farmer has to keep milking it though. This tricks the cows body into thinking that there is still a need to produce. If the cow stops being milked, it will go dry. Then it will need to have a calf before it will give milk again.

More on topic…

I don’t know about Frankenstein foods… but I do know that the human mind is a special thing. Whether you see it as a gift from God or a randomly evolved self defence mechanism. I’ve heard tale people were in an outrage over the Wright Brothers because they saw man flying as being a slap in the face to God, who didn’t give man wings to fly with. We can grind stones into spears, we can make fire. We can smelt ores into metal. We can put explosives into machines that use the explosions to carry us over great distances and at great speeds. We can motivate ourselves to move faster then any other living being on the planet. We can move faster then sound if we so desire to do so. We’ve even shot ourselves out of the habitat that God gave us to explore other places that man wasn’t made to explore alone. Man has already warped dog breeds into totally different looking things. I have a daschundt (sp) and a rottwieler (sp) at home. I know that they both are dogs and I know that until man came around and selectivly bred their respective breeds they never existed. Man has already altered speciese genomes. Now, implanting rice with a specific gene that lets it have one spesific enzyme in it doesn’t sound like such a terrible thing. We once more are using our minds to help ourselves. God created everying under Heaven and on Earth. God created super-sciences. Today we’re strengthening a single rice plant. What if that leads to some day twenty years from now to one single rice field being able to feed tens of thousands of more people, more efficently? And what if that same day we can grow an organ by using a persons own DNA code? I know if we could, I wouldn’t have had to hold my grandfathers hand in a hospital bed as he, a man of 72 wept because “he wouldn’t be able to see his own grandchildren become men”

(sorry… I really need to stop being so long winded)
I guess it just seems freaky to me:( Didn’t mad cow disease start from feeding cows,well cows:confused:
Yes, it did…and this should not have been a surprise, either; there is :nope: no warrant for feeding a plant eater any meat products, much less each other.
I think that the whole business of genetically altered food is a very scary, very dangerous path that we are on. The # of posssible complications is deeply troubling to me.
To paraphrase one of my favorite Sci-Fi films
[Charlton Hesston voice] Rice is made of people! [/Charlton Hesston voice] 😉
Geoffrey Lean:
Even before this development, many people, including Prince Charles, have opposed the technology on the grounds that it is playing God by creating unnatural combinations of living things.
Humans have been “playing God” with breeds of animals and plants for millennia. Nothing new here.

After all, corn doesn’t naturally grow in straight rows in Kansas.

Frankenstein foods is an unfortunate term. And while I wouldn’t necessarily categorize everyone who opposed GM foods as Ludites…the publicity terms and fear mongering techniques that some are using leave much to be desired.
Steve Andersen:
To paraphrase one of my favorite Sci-Fi films
[Charlton Hesston voice] Rice is made of people! [/Charlton Hesston voice] 😉

Humans have been “playing God” with breeds of animals and plants for millennia. Nothing new here.

After all, corn doesn’t naturally grow in straight rows in Kansas.

Frankenstein foods is an unfortunate term. And while I wouldn’t necessarily categorize everyone who opposed GM foods as Ludites…the publicity terms and fear mongering techniques that some are using leave much to be desired.
Dear friend

God is the supreme scientist, if he intended for plants to have human genes, they would already have them, but He made each creature totally unique and each species unique with a common gene traits, but genetically very different. I do not want to eat anything that contains human genes, it is repulsive and if you feel happy eating anything with human genes in it then here have a chew on my leg!!!

We can’t even treat the humans God has made with the love and kindness of Christ and now we want to create people for ourselves by way of cloning and other morbid genetic engineering etc!!! What irony!! What stupidity!!! This is all an abuse of life and totally unnessecary.

All humans are trying to do is cheat death when that is not possible, our death is the product of this very rebellion against God’s laws and natural laws.

God didn’t look at the world and see anything lacking that needed genetically altering, He looked at it and said it is ‘good’. So tell me now the world and humanity is broken due to sin, should we sin further by dabbling in the very building blocks of life?

This is all a rejection of God, it is man desiring to be his own god. It is the garden of Eden all over again!! I can’t see that God will let this continue and go unpunished. This kind of thing goes along way from cross pollenating species and creating hybrid plants! This is messing in the very genetics of plants and humans, it is VILE!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I agree that eating plants with human genes is no good. Do you guys mind if genes from other species are used? What about cross breeding? Where should we draw the line?
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