Would anyone care for frankenstein food?

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…God is the supreme scientist, if he intended for plants to have human genes, they would already have them,
and if he had intended man to fly he would have given him wings

or given him the brains to make his own

Just like for these foods
The traits they were evolved with in nature were perfect for non-domesticated existence but now a new use has been found for them and He has sent us scientist to figure out how best to utilize His creation

You think Mules are “natural”?

springbreeze said:
……………………… if you feel happy eating anything with human genes in it then here have a chew on my leg!!!

Be strong Steve….don’t say it…don’t say it….

Oh heck, I’ll say it. :o

Sure Terri that’s the best offer I’ve had all week. (rim-shot) 😉

(sorry, old jokes are the best ones…I just can’t help myself) 😃

springbreeze said:
………………This is all a rejection of God, it is man desiring to be his own god.

no it is man trying to celebrate life by extending the food supply
It is the garden of Eden all over again!!
after the Fall we were condemned to work by the sweet of our brow

those geneticists are working very hard.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Thank you
Pax tecum
Steve Andersen:
and if he had intended man to fly he would have given him wings

or given him the brains to make his own

Just like for these foods
The traits they were evolved with in nature were perfect for non-domesticated existence but now a new use has been found for them and He has sent us scientist to figure out how best to utilize His creation

You think Mules are “natural”?

Be strong Steve….don’t say it…don’t say it….

Oh heck, I’ll say it. :o

Sure Terri that’s the best offer I’ve had all week. (rim-shot) 😉

(sorry, old jokes are the best ones…I just can’t help myself) 😃

no it is man trying to celebrate life by extending the food supply

after the Fall we were condemned to work by the sweet of our brow

those geneticists are working very hard.

Thank you
Pax tecum
Dear Steve

I have to admit you have a great sense of humour and your post did make me laugh BUT…

God also made the scientists who kill life such as those who perform abortions. So what we are looking at here is not the fault in giving to man talents to use for the benefit of humanity as God is never at fault, but it is the fault of man to use scinece that goes against God’s laws and this is what science is doing when it crosses the natural barriers that keep nature in order, such as putting human genes in rice. Someone very famous who I forget right now said…‘Just because it can be done does not mean it should be done’ I’d agree with whoever said that…just because it is possible and may seemingly be a ‘good’ does not mean that it is a ‘good’.

There is a result, a consequence and an ultimate outcome to every action, as science states everything has an opposite and equal reaction, so what is the long term benefit of this, I can’t see that there is one, but there are plenty of moral, ethical, environmental and eternal consequences to dabbling in the building blocks of life.

If there is a food shortage in the world it is not the fault of the plants or the planet, it is the fault of men’s greed where the few have much and the many have little.

Putting human genes into plants would be a disasterous affront to the sanctity of human life, we are not merely gene built upon gene, we are sacred and therefore to place what is sacred into the non-sacred is against everything that is human dignity, it is nothing short of abohrent to any human who respects human life and is definitely abohrent to God.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Steve Andersen:
and if he had intended man to fly he would have given him wings

or given him the brains to make his own

Just like for these foods
The traits they were evolved with in nature were perfect for non-domesticated existence but now a new use has been found for them and He has sent us scientist to figure out how best to utilize His creation

You think Mules are “natural”?

Be strong Steve….don’t say it…don’t say it….

Oh heck, I’ll say it. :o

Sure Terri that’s the best offer I’ve had all week. (rim-shot) 😉

(sorry, old jokes are the best ones…I just can’t help myself) 😃

no it is man trying to celebrate life by extending the food supply

after the Fall we were condemned to work by the sweet of our brow

those geneticists are working very hard.

Thank you
Pax tecum
👋 Hello Steve!Human genetic material does not belong in any plants or animals.:eek: How in the world can you not feel that pride and egotism is out of control in the scientific community?:eek:
I agree that eating plants with human genes is no good.
All this talk about ‘human genes’ is very misleading.

The geneticist determines that a particular coding sequence wil have the desired result.

The options are
  1. Create the specific desired sequence out of amino acids (very difficult)
  2. find a section of some organism that has a gene that has the same sequence and insert if (a LOT easier)
in this case, the desired sequence happened to be in a human gene.

What if the geneticist did it the ‘old fashioned way’, by cross breeding and selection.

After a 100 years or so, the EXACT same sequence would be present, would it still be ‘human’ in origin?

A very good analogy would be an engineer seeing that having a particularly sized bolt in a specific location would strengthen an airplane wing.

He can either create the required bolt by hand, or see if there is a usable bolt in other machines. He might find one in a ship.

He inserts the bolt and makes the airplane stronger. Is the airplane now part boat? Do we now have a ‘Frankenplane’?

Was that bad engineering?

All this talk about ‘human genes’ is very misleading.

The geneticist determines that a particular coding sequence wil have the desired result.

The options are
  1. Create the specific desired sequence out of amino acids (very difficult)
  2. find a section of some organism that has a gene that has the same sequence and insert if (a LOT easier)
in this case, the desired sequence happened to be in a human gene.

What if the geneticist did it the ‘old fashioned way’, by cross breeding and selection.

After a 100 years or so, the EXACT same sequence would be present, would it still be ‘human’ in origin?

A very good analogy would be an engineer seeing that having a particularly sized bolt in a specific location would strengthen an airplane wing.

He can either create the required bolt by hand, or see if there is a usable bolt in other machines. He might find one in a ship.

He inserts the bolt and makes the airplane stronger. Is the airplane now part boat? Do we now have a ‘Frankenplane’?

Was that bad engineering?

Dear friend

Nice cold clinical look at the sacred human body.

Still like I say humans are not just genetic sequences that can been harvested from and used in other species.

I don’t care for humans to be compared to a plane or a boat, it is not the same and never will be.

You cut the time scale down by breaking natural laws, you do that and you take the moral, ethical, and eternal consequnces of that action

Thank you for valuing human life above science.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Well, putting human genes into other organisms isn’t anything new. For example, all insulin that is available in the U.S. today is produced this way. By isolating the human gene for insulin and inserting it into E. coli bacteria, insulin can be produced in much larger volumes, more efficiently, than the older method of extracting it from the pancreas of slaughtered pigs and cows. It also eliminates the risk of animal-derived insulin transmitting diseases (enough of a risk that anyone who has ever recieved injections of beef or pork insulin is not allowed to donate blood). So, are all Type I diabetics participating in some great evil just because they happen to use the products of genetic engineering to keep themselves alive? If not, what’s the moral difference between a bacterium and a plant?

A gene is simply a sequence of DNA which codes for a specific amino acid sequence, using a code which is universal to every single living organism on earth. There’s nothing uniquely human about any aspect of our genetic code - every single human gene, if inserted into any other organism, will still produce the exact same protein that it does in a human being.

As for the genetically engineered rice, the desired enzyme is probably not unique to humans. It’s almost a certainty that some other mammal produces either the exact same enzyme, or at least one that does the same thing. They just happened to find it in the human genome first, since we know more about it than most other organisms’.
As for the genetically engineered rice, the desired enzyme is probably not unique to humans. It’s almost a certainty that some other mammal produces either the exact same enzyme, or at least one that does the same thing. They just happened to find it in the human genome first, since we know more about it than most other organisms’.
Key words here are “almost a certainty” and “probably” in "probably not unique to humans"

The fact is we do not know for certain. Before we take radical actions, let’s be certain! Science has more questions than answers when it comes to genetics but many scientists are taking chances.

**A human being is essentially different than any animal or plant. It is totally degrading to the human race to take human genetic material and insert it into subhuman species. **

By the way, Satan must be smiling at this since one of his main goals is to lower human beings. What could be more degrading than putting human brain cells into a mouse or human growth genes into a plant. What could be more an affront to God than to take the creature He made in his image and combine it with animals (which do not have immortal souls) and plants that He designed to serve man. And, sad to say, it is mankind itself that is performing this degradation on itself.
“There’s nothing uniquely human about any aspect of our genetic code - every single human gene, if inserted into any other organism, will still produce the exact same protein that it does in a human being.”

If that is true - and that’s a big IF - then let’s wait until the genes are found in other animals or plants. Leave the human being alone.
So, are all Type I diabetics participating in some great evil just because they happen to use the products of genetic engineering to keep themselves alive?
Not if they are “people”. This is an example of using human genes for human beings. Not putting human genes into plants.
Anybody see “Little Shop of Horrors”? Don’t feed me Seymour!!
Not if they are “people”. This is an example of using human genes for human beings. Not putting human genes into plants.
Anybody see “Little Shop of Horrors”? Don’t feed me Seymour!!
**And this is worse than Dr. Frankenstein. Frankenstein merely used limbs and organs from human bodies to bring to life a human brain. Mary Shelley in her novel never predicted the horrors that our society would undertake. **
I have no problem with genetically-modified food, as we are all eating it already. Do you think that the corn that you eat grew naturally all-yellow before it was bred that way, or that it is “natural” for cows to lactate constantly even when they haven’t given birth to a calf?

For a contrary view, see this link:

This isn’t a case of making a rice that is “partially human”, it’s merely inserting one gene to make one enzyme. Many animals have very closely related versions of this same enzyme.
Personally, I too don’t mind GM foods, although up to a certain point. I think the effort by the environmentalists to remove GM foods is another effort to place the environment above human needs, i.e. the fuss over golden rice (rice GM with beta-carotene), which could help alleviate human suffering in theThird World. However, enivros particularily from the EU have successfully lobbied Third World govt’s (through I feel sheer hysteria) from allowing golden rice to be given to the starving populace. To me, I think the ultimate effort is eugenics.

However, the line should be drawn with the consumation of human genes in food. Where does it stop? There will be repurcussions, but I guess it’s inevitable that it leads to this, the devil mixes the good (foods fortified to help us become healthier) with the bad (the assault on human dignity), a little sewage in the drinking water…I too was thinking soylent green… 😃
If the gene they are using is “not unique to humans”, then:

Why in the name of all that’s holy are they using the human gene instead of the gene from another species???

(She asked…awaiting the answer, breathlessly…)

Because they can…(???).
If the gene they are using is “not unique to humans”, then:

Why in the name of all that’s holy are they using the human gene instead of the gene from another species???

(She asked…awaiting the answer, breathlessly…)

Because they can…(???).
Human genes in food:eek: Chips in warehouses waiting to be implanted in humans:eek: :eek: Cloning:eek: :eek: :eek: My dear Zooey,I have a feeling we are not going to enjoy the next few years:nope:
I’ve studied Biology to degree level and would not consider myself a ‘Luddite’ on genetic engineering matters but it seems to me that all the commercial GM going on has absolutely nothing to do with ending world hunger and a lot to do with tying farmers in to pharmacutical companies -use our GM seed with our pesticides to maximise our profits is the message we’re getting.
I’ve studied Biology to degree level and would not consider myself a ‘Luddite’ on genetic engineering matters but it seems to me that all the commercial GM going on has absolutely nothing to do with ending world hunger and a lot to do with tying farmers in to pharmacutical companies -use our GM seed with our pesticides to maximise our profits is the message we’re getting.
I think you are right also, business isn’t charity. The hysteria about GM foods a lot of times isn’t proportionate to the benefits it sometimes can provide. People have been “modifying” their foods for centuries. Golden rice is an answer to hunger but the chicken-little opposition is keping it from people who could benefit. It’s just one example but again it’s the environment over people, creation over the creator. BUT human dignity is something we shouldn’t tamper with but we are so way beyond that now. :eek:
Dear friend

Nice cold clinical look at the sacred human body.

Still like I say humans are not just genetic sequences that can been harvested from and used in other species.
Humans are not. Genes are.

Genes are sequences of amino acids. amino acids that are no different from any other ones God created.

And of course they can be used in other species. What do you think biodecay is?
I don’t care for humans to be compared to a plane or a boat, it is not the same and never will be.
No, I never said they are the same. It’s called an A-N-A-L-O-G-Y

It’s a common epsitomological form.
You cut the time scale down by breaking natural laws, you do that and you take the moral, ethical, and eternal consequnces of that action
Define what you mean by ‘natural laws’. Do you mean Natural Law in the Thomistic sense, or natural physical laws, in the Newtonian sense?
Thank you for valuing human life above science.
You’re welcome.
God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Et cum spiritu tuo!
I don’t know what motives behind frankenstein food are. but do they try to harvest a few human organs from rice?
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