bernie said:
“Protestant: someone who denies there is an authority so it comes down to what I think”
I’m a former Catholic, now Protestant. Can I define a Catholic as one who blindly follows hierarchy? Or would that be as inflammatory as the above statement?
This thread is really, after all, about authority and obedience. Whether or not the Church has a God-given authority to represent Him. Whether or not the same Church that defined the canon of the NT did so under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and authoritatively interprets it today.
Our Lord commissioned the eleven to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Mt 28: 19,20)
He promised His disciples that the Advocate, “the Spirit of Truth…will guide you to all truth.” (John 16: 12)
He gave the keys to one disciple, and one disciple only, promising to build His Church upon the Rock, against which the gates of hell would not prevail. (Mt 16: 18)
After Peter’s threefold denial, Our Lord gets a threefold affirmation of love from Peter, commanding Peter successively: “Feed my lambs…Tend my sheep…Feed my sheep.” (Jn 21: 15-17)
We know that the hierarchy was established by Our Lord Himself, and passed down by the apostles under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and that it still exists today in the successor of Peter, the first among the apostles, the Bishop of Rome. This after two millenia of sinful humanity, and our sinful tendency toward divisiveness that you can read about throughout the NT letters in particular.
We know that Our Lord gave us what we need to be one, and he prayed for just that. (Jn 17: 20) Saul of Tarsus, St. Paul, railed against the divisiveness of the early Christians, “I urge you, brothers, that all of you agree in what you say, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and in the same purpose.” (1 Cor 1: 10)
Christianity cannot be what Christ wants it to be, unless we humbly submit to the authority He gave us…the two thousand year old Rock, and the brother successors to the apostles who lead the Church, and have throughout the ages; through the wars and rumors of wars; through the amazing roller coaster ride of human history. That the hierarchy of the Church still exists in continuity is a miraculous testimony to Christ’s promise to protect His Church.
We have our God-given authority, and
our problem is not that we blindly follow them, our problem is that we do not. We need to heed the words found in the Letter to the Hebrew, “Obey your leaders and defer to them, for they keep watch over you and will have to give an account…” (Heb 13:17)
When we depart from the fold, we make ourselves gods by making ourselves the authority. We make objective truth subject to our own whims. If I feel abortion, artificial contraception, homosexuality, etc. are OK, then why not? Who is the Church to teach otherwise? There are plenty of people who call themselves Catholics and Christians in our country today who don’t want the Church to tell them how to live their private (and in some cases public) lives. But that is what Jesus commanded of His disciples. Not only to teach us…but to teach us to **observe…**that is to obey.
We have an authority. Disobedience is the wrong option.