Would I be welcome here.... IF?

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*Hello everyone! This is my first post and I hope it won’t be my last, but I must tell you first that I am a sedevacantist.

A friend told me about this place and I have been lurking for a few days. I would like to join you but feel that I want to be honest with my position.

I would rather not discuss JPII at all, unless someone questions me, but because I do respect the OFFICE, The Chair of Peter, I would rather not discuss JPII. I will if I am baited but please, understand I am not here to debate whether he is a true pope or not.

I was born a Catholic, lived as a Catholic all my life (now 64 years old) and I love my religion with all my heart. I love the Mass, Sacraments, Devotions to the Saints. The only books I read are Catholic books, and some watercolor books, (art). I believe in wearing Our Ladies brown scapular, praying the rosary as often as I can. I have experienced miracles in my life, things that another would not even consider to be a miracle, but Our Lady works in secret.

Having said that, I suppose I would like to know if I am welcome?
Of course you are welcome, but could you please explain what a sedevacantist is? I am not familiar with that term.

Anyone who is searching for the truth, Who is Jesus Himself, is welcome to dialogue!

God bless.
Of course you are welcome, but could you please explain what a sedevacantist is? I am not familiar with that term.
A sedevacantist is one who believes that the Chair of Peter is empty. So current sedevacantists believe that JPII is an anti-pope, for falsely claiming the papacy.
Sedevacantists are those who claim that that the “Conciliar popes”, that is to say Pope John XXIII and his successors, were heretics and therefore forfeited the papacy. Although they do hold to the definition of the papacy as taught by the Catholic Church but openly Proclaim that Pope John Paul II is not Pope as they belief him to be a heretic and thus to have lost his seat as Pope . Thus they claim that we have no pope and that therefore the Holy See is vacant, sedes (seat) - vacante (vacant), which is why such people are referred to as “sedevacantists”.
On what basis do they believe that Pope John Paul II is a heretic, an anti-Pope?
I am far from one of the big time posters on here, and I am not one of the people who run the site, but as far as I am concerned, you are welcome here!!
Hi Myrna, I’m gald you’re here. I also told Darian about this forum so he could see for himself that “N.O.” Catholics aren’t as apostate as he thinks they are. I promise not to engage you in a debate about Pope John Paul II so long as you don’t make any snide remarks about him.

God bless you
Yes, you are. If someone does offend you, tell them you were offended and why. As far as I can tell, everyone here seems polite. I have not seen a post yet where people have engaged in rudeness. I am sure there are some, but I haven’t come across one yet.
I’m not the boss, in fact, I’m a newbie on this board, but as far as I’m concerned, you’re very welcome.

But I’m curious as to why you would want to post here. The Protestants come here expecting to teach us (what they regard as) the error of our ways. Occasionally, one will sincerely want to learn, but it’s rare, based on my experience here and on other boards. What do you hope to contribute to this forum or to get out of it? My computer froze up on that question. 😉

I love this Church, I love this pope. He’s da man! 🙂
myrna said:
*Hello everyone! This is my first post and I hope it won’t be my last, but I must tell you first that I am a sedevacantist.

A friend told me about this place and I have been lurking for a few days. I would like to join you but feel that I want to be honest with my position.

I would rather not discuss JPII at all, unless someone questions me, but because I do respect the OFFICE, The Chair of Peter, I would rather not discuss JPII. I will if I am baited but please, understand I am not here to debate whether he is a true pope or not.

I was born a Catholic, lived as a Catholic all my life (now 64 years old) and I love my religion with all my heart. I love the Mass, Sacraments, Devotions to the Saints. The only books I read are Catholic books, and some watercolor books, (art). I believe in wearing Our Ladies brown scapular, praying the rosary as often as I can. I have experienced miracles in my life, things that another would not even consider to be a miracle, but Our Lady works in secret.

Having said that, I suppose I would like to know if I am welcome?

Hi myrna,

Welcome to this forum ! I love it and I have learnt lots from it.

Can you post a thread explaining why you believe Peter’s Chair is empty please?

I wont argue with you.

I am here to learn and hear others opinions.

I had never heard of sedevacantists before.

Thank you for opening my eyes to another opinion on the glory of our Faith.

Love Kellie

Which “school” of sedevacantism do you belong to? There are many sedevacantist groups in this country. The two best known might be the folks at Mount St. Michael near Spokane and the Society of St. Pius V.

There are other such groups. All of them are small. Some of them have elected their own popes. I wrote about one, “Pius XIII” (Fr. Lucian Pulvermacher), in my E-Letter: catholic.com/newsletters/kke_040406.asp

You say you do not want to debate whether John Paul II is a legitimate pope. Fine. But I wonder why you even mentioned that you are a sedevacantist. It seems that you would want to keep that to yourself if you did not want to discuss sedevacantism.

In any case, you certainly are welcome at these forums.
To Kellie, since I have lurked here for a few days I have noticed that some complain about JPII actions, those same complaints are mostly the reason why I feel the way I do.

Kellie, If you are curious about my position and wonder why others like me feel the way I do you might want to lurk on this sedevacantist message board just to get an idea where we are coming from. disc.server.com/Indices/221481.html

To Karl, the reason I disclose my position; it has been my experience on other boards when my views are discovered I have been banned from the board for no other reason than my sedevacantist affilitations. I have been kicked off of 4 message boards just because I do not believe JPII is a True Pope. So I decided to begin with this question right off the bat, and if you are going to ban me for that one reason do it from the start before I bond with fellow posters. I guess I just want to be honest.

To make a very long story short, Karl you asked me where I attend Church. After five years of wondering what was happening to the Catholic church, and begging Our Lady for my children’s salvation, (to lead them to her Son) I was compelled to hear a lecture that was advertised in our local newspaper. The lecture explained the crisis and since then (22 years now) I have been with C.M.R.I.

Someone else asked why I want to join this board and the reason is to share. As I stated before I love the Catholic religion, it is the only religion that makes logical sense to me.

Something I have noticed is this; even though the Modernist have tried to destroy the Faith the last 40 years it is still existing even among many of those who were born after Vatican II. It seems they really can’t destroy it completely. There are more Traditional teachings on the internet than the watered down version, and from lay people.

I believe it is when you lose your Faith you will lose your soul. The Mass and Sacraments are very important, but it is the FAITH that will save you. The Faith must be preserved in every iota and this is what I would like to share with all of you.

All I can say is welcome, and may God Bless and keep you. I do hope that we in charity can discuss the concerns that you have in an honest search for the fullness of the truth.
Great to have you
Someone else asked why I want to join this board and the reason is to share. As I stated before I love the Catholic religion, it is the only religion that makes logical sense to me.

Something I have noticed is this; even though the Modernist have tried to destroy the Faith the last 40 years it is still existing even among many of those who were born after Vatican II. It seems they really can’t destroy it completely. There are more Traditional teachings on the internet than the watered down version, and from lay people.

I believe it is when you lose your Faith you will lose your soul. The Mass and Sacraments are very important, but it is the FAITH that will save you. The Faith must be preserved in every iota and this is what I would like to share with all of you.
Those are wonderful intentions Myrna. I’m new here but as far as I’m concerned you are very welcome!
Hmmmn…very confusing for me. I watched ‘Witness to Hope’ last night about John Paul II and was so grateful that God had raised him to be Pope. A wonderful man, a beautiful man and he reminds me so much of all I know of Jesus. Naive you may say, but I love the Catholic Church and it seems God has used the Holy Father like a waterfall pouring down through the Church for its refreshing and renewal and recently its cleansing.

So that’s all I have to say really. I guess I will pick and choose my moments to find out about sedevacantism as discovering the Catholic Church as is has been one of the most wonderful experiences of my life.
Welcome to the boards, hopefully you won’t take offense to anything that is said here. Please keep an open mind if anyone does question you about what you believe because some of us my self inculded have never even hear about what you are a part of (I am not even going to try to spell it) before your post. Peace
La Chiara:
On what basis do they believe that Pope John Paul II is a heretic, an anti-Pope?
Personal interpretation of scripture, Tradition and Canon Law 🙂

I love it how Canon Law is interpreted by sedevacantists when Canon Law says the only one qualified to do so is the Pope (who they claim doesn’t exist) and anyone he has appointed to do so (who they don’t accept) so basically any canon law arguments they make don’t make sense, since they’re rejecting the very authority who penned that canon law 🙂

Oh, and Myrna, you’re welcome here, even if we happen to disagree in the future 🙂
To Tyler and BobCatholic, it took me awhile to learn how to spell it and sometime I still spell it wrong, spelling is not my forte. Sedevacantist is actually a Catholic term and most
Catholics someday will claim to be Sedevacantist because all it means is when a pope dies the Chair is empty till the next pope is elected.

One time during the history of the Church the chair was empty so long the Vatican even issued a stamp with the words “SEDEVACANTE”; which brings me to the remark that BobCatholic brought up when he stated “I love it how Canon Law is interpreted by sedevacantists when Canon Law says the only one qualified to do so is the Pope (who they claim doesn’t exist) and anyone he has appointed to do so (who they don’t accept) so basically any canon law arguments they make don’t make sense, since they’re rejecting the very authority who penned that canon law.”

Canon law is the body of laws by which the Church is governed. Sedevacantist follow Codex Juris Canonici with its 2,414 canons which became effective in 1918. This Code has been interpretated by the Church prior to Vatican II therefore we have no need to wonder what it means since it was all explained quite fully prior to Vatican II.

I believe the word canon means fixed, therefore everything previous to Vatican II was already set in place for us. If you are speaking about the new canon law after Vatican II, yes you are correct we do not accept that since we believe as stated above only a True pope can create canon law.

Don’t worry about me being offended, one thing about being a sedevacantist for 22 years is I have developed a very thick skin.

I hope that answers all the questions about sedevacantist and we can discuss something we all agree with. Today is June 1st, and this month is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Well met and welcome. For as much as I can give it. I am an outsider also, and for the most part I have received nothing but the warm embrace of my brothers and sisters.
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