But he allowed the exchange to take place.
If there’s a young child in your home and he/she goes over to play at the neighbor’s yard would you not be remised of your authority and obligation if you simply “believe” that the child is “safe” from harm? Do you not need to engage? An unattended child with a dog, pool, older children, open yard (or access to the street) is a dangerous situation.
The Pope simply allowing secular values to filter into the Church and allowing the Bishops to vote these values into the Church through “feel-good” means is a dereliction of his Office.
Everyone has an opinion. When that opinion replaces God’s Teaching, it is the opinion that must be changed not God’s Teaching.
Never in Church history has the body of bishops held the majority position that Christ is not really the true God. Such a position would require the death of the Holy Spirit. Impossible.
Arianism, for one. Christ is not truly God but a subject of God.
I am a man looking at Christianity in the 21st century. It is to Christ and the apostles that I look to identify it. And absolutely nowhere do they show me a modern understanding of the papacy that is infallible, supreme and immediate.
Those are developments - said with less and less ambiguity the more I study them.
“I can do no other”
For a Church that claims to be “one”, the papacy is probably the single thing that has spawned more division in Christendom than any other idea. Thus I take claims of it being a source of unity with a substantial grain of salt.
Because man has a “need” for “autonomy!”
When everyone claims Christ and set their own “rules and regulation” are they truly seeking to serve or be served?
Look at the Jewish community; it is a tiny pocket of Believers, yet there’s not one single school of thought that moderates them. They are divided in schools that follow “xyz” leader; now, they are incorporating nuances as homosexuality and female rabbis as part of those separate schools.
Christendom has suffered not because of one Office but because of the need to be autonomous. It is easy to claim the one Office is at fault; yet, Scriptures do not Teach autonomy:
30 He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth. (St. Matthew 12)
Schism/splintering is not the answer; it never has been!
Maran atha!