Would like resources for defending traditional marriage

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One of the biggest problems facing people who support marriage is that they are labeled as “discriminatory”. If you know any apologetics links to support Catholic teaching, you can send a link.

Thank you.
I would start with Darwin. He formulated the theory which included the survival of the fittest. Same sex couples are infertile by design and intent, cannot be open to life and therefore, directly and intentionally oppose the survival of the fittest. Same sex unions are anti-Darwin.

Those who support such unions may not see the irony in this.
I would start with Darwin. He formulated the theory which included the survival of the fittest. Same sex couples are infertile by design and intent, cannot be open to life and therefore, directly and intentionally oppose the survival of the fittest. Same sex unions are anti-Darwin.
An appeal to Darwin and observations of human sexuality and the bodily makeup of the sexes certainly tells us something is amiss when one man seeks out another for the formation of a sexual relationship. However, I don’t know whether this scientific reality itself can serve as a basis to conclude the sexual acts in question are morally wrong.

Nevertheless, the State deeming marriage and SSM to be identical also strikes me as bizarre. That SSM is not permitted for adult siblings also seems bizarre.
The only resource I can think of that would help is a time machine. I’m only half joking.

im increasingly frustrated by the fact that we are late to the debate that we’ve already lost.
The only resource I can think of that would help is a time machine. I’m only half joking.

im increasingly frustrated by the fact that we are late to the debate that we’ve already lost.
It’s worse than that. Opposing same sex marriage has the exact opposite effect of what PraiseChrist is trying to achieve. Just read this blog from Fr. Peter Daly from january 2015:


Fr. Daly notes some pretty strong opinions among the young ex-Catholics:
The No. 1 issue by far, which came up over and over again, was the Catholic church’s treatment of lesbians and gays. Everyone, conservative or liberal, disagreed with the church on that.
One young lady wrote me a note, saying, “Being gay is NOT a choice. [Emphasis hers.] Many of my friends are gay. I want to bring my gay friends to church – but they do not feel accepted.”


One young woman followed up on his comments. She now attends a United Church of Christ. She said that our song “All Are Welcome” is hypocritical.
“You say that all are welcome, but that is not true. Gays are not welcome. Catholics are the most judgmental group,” she said. “If you don’t follow all the precepts, you are excluded.” She also cited our treatment of divorced and remarried Catholics.
I encourage everyone to read the entire blog. It is very illuminating.
It’s worse than that.
Why on earth would a gay person, seeking to live their Catholic faith, be not welcome?

Or do you mean a person who is gay and also holds that it is right and proper to participate in a same sex sexual relationship, and who attends mass as a couple, introducing their same sex partner as spouse, expects to receive communion and so forth?

Absent a desire to conform to the faith, there is a grave dissonance in the behaviour I just described. What would the person behaving in that fashion seek? The conformance of faith to their perspective perhaps?

By the way, most of that blog is not about the alleged attitude of the church to gay persons at all. It is an enumeration of the reasons that fallen away Catholics “fell away”, as expressed by those who have fallen away. It includes favorites such as “the mass is boring”.
It’s worse than that. Opposing same sex marriage has the exact opposite effect of what PraiseChrist is trying to achieve. Just read this blog from Fr. Peter Daly from january 2015:


Fr. Daly notes some pretty strong opinions among the young ex-Catholics:

I encourage everyone to read the entire blog. It is very illuminating.
Part of the reason we have lost the battle is because being “welcoming” is more important to some than to be a saving evangelizing church with the charge to spread the gospel and lead others away from sin and to salvation.

The biggest crime in our hedonistic world is the prevention of genital stimulation which is seen as a life mandate. And to appear (gasp) judgemental.

It’s sick and sad how many souls are living the original lie if the serpent. And we say nothing to help those lost in sin. Nothing… Paralyzed by fear more than the early martyrs who died for the gospel. But we don’t fear death only judgement from Facebook friends for being a “bigot”
Why on earth would a gay person, seeking to live their Catholic faith, be not welcome?

Or do you mean a person who is gay and also holds that it is right and proper to participate in a same sex sexual relationship, and who attends mass as a couple, introducing their same sex partner as spouse, expects to receive communion and so forth?

Absent a desire to conform to the faith, there is a grave dissonance in the behaviour I just described. What would the person behaving in that fashion seek? The conformance of faith to their perspective perhaps?

By the way, most of that blog is not about the alleged attitude of the church to gay persons at all. It is an enumeration of the reasons that fallen away Catholics “fell away”, as expressed by those who have fallen away. It includes favorites such as “the mass is boring”.
The issue that came up over and over again - according to Fr. Daly - was the treatment of LGBT people. I’m just saying that if PraiseChrist (or anyone else) wants to defend the traditional marriage, he or she should be aware of the consequences for the Catholic faith. And those consequences are that young people are incredibly turned off by it. A Catholic blogger at patheos summed it up as: “It basically boils down to, ‘as soon as the Church stops being the Church, I’ll come back to church.’” That is a tough challenge.

Here are some statistics from a religious survey a few weeks ago:

31% of those polled said they were raised in a Catholic home, yet only 21% is Catholic now. That’s a 10-percentage point loss. The religious “nones” are now about a quarter of the population.

The whole survey is here: prri.org/research/prri-rns-2016-religiously-unaffiliated-americans/
The issue that came up over and over again - according to Fr. Daly - was the treatment of LGBT people. I’m just saying that if PraiseChrist (or anyone else) wants to defend the traditional marriage, he or she should be aware of the consequences for the Catholic faith. And those consequences are that young people are incredibly turned off by it. A Catholic blogger at patheos summed it up as: “It basically boils down to, ‘as soon as the Church stops being the Church, I’ll come back to church.’” That is a tough challenge.

Here are some statistics from a religious survey a few weeks ago:

31% of those polled said they were raised in a Catholic home, yet only 21% is Catholic now. That’s a 10-percentage point loss. The religious “nones” are now about a quarter of the population.

The whole survey is here: prri.org/research/prri-rns-2016-religiously-unaffiliated-americans/
If your proposition (1) is that the moral teachings should be tuned to popular opinion, I hope you can see the absurdity of that.

If your proposition (2) is that some moral teachings will be rejected by many and lead to them falling away from the Church, I’m sure that’s correct. Is the alternative to adopt proposition 1?
If your proposition (1) is that the moral teachings should be tuned to popular opinion, I hope you can see the absurdity of that.

If your proposition (2) is that some moral teachings will be rejected by many and lead to them falling away from the Church, I’m sure that’s correct. Is the alternative to adopt proposition 1?
It’s the second one. Proposition 1 is not something that I would do if people turned away from humanism, although it would signal the time for self criticism. I merely want to warn PraiseChrist and others that defending traditional marriage can have some very undesirable consequences such as young people turning away from the faith. I must also note that if I were the chairman of the humanist association and I lost members at the same rate as the Catholic Church, then I would be out of a job within days.
It’s the second one. Proposition 1 is not something that I would do if people turned away from humanism, although it would signal the time for self criticism. I merely want to warn PraiseChrist and others that defending traditional marriage can have some very undesirable consequences such as young people turning away from the faith. I must also note that if I were the chairman of the humanist association and I lost members at the same rate as the Catholic Church, then I would be out of a job within days.
And who would put you out of a job?

To teach falsehoods because they are popular would have rather worse consequences than loss of a job. 🤷
And who would put you out if a job?
Probably the general meeting of the members.
To teach falsehoods because they are popular would have rather worse consequences than loss of a job. 🤷
True. But I think it’s strange that there seems to be no consequences for bishops and cardinals whose flock is leaving in droves. A few years back, the archbishop of Utrecht, cardinal Wim Eijk, announced that the archdiocese of Utrecht had to close 280 of its 300 churches, leaving only 20 open. Rik Torfs, the rector magnificus of the Catholic University of Leuven called for Wim Eijk’s resignation, but the cardinal is still the archbishop of Utrecht. I think the Catholic Church could benefit greatly from more accountability. But I’ve gone way offtopic now. Sorry about that.
… I think it’s strange that there seems to be no consequences for bishops and cardinals whose flock is leaving in droves…
One must be held accountable for the right thing. Jesus accepted that his message would be Rejected by many. He did not advocate adjusting the message to maximize adherents. But that seems to be what you advocate. How can a bishop be held accountable for the loss of those who leave because they choose to reject the tenets of the faith? There can be causes to discipline Bishops - but you conflate these separate issues.
Sorry for the late reply,

Thank you for the answers

That article by ncronline is a dissident-laxist webpage, meaning that it doesn’t accept many of the “hard sayings” of the Church. But religion isn’t a cafeteria. The person who says that Catholics are unwelcoming is too ambiguous. Catholics are bound to be welcoming of all people, but are not allowed to tolerate anything that is a distortion of morality.
Catholic Faith cannot change its teachings, but she can change how she treats homosexuals, while remaining clear of what objective truth is.
Here’s what the authoritative CCC says:
2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.
2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.
2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
PraiseChrist and others that defending traditional marriage can have some very undesirable consequences such as young people turning away from the faith.
It’s true that people won’t accept Catholicism because of these and many other hard teachings, I agree, but those people who are doing so aren’t forced to leave Catholicism. They have free will, to reject the Catholic Faith or not. But if Catholicism truly changed its teaching on gay marriage (but there is no chance of that happening) I’d leave Catholicism, because it means that latest new infallible doctrines are contradictory to the old infallible doctrines. Through Faith, we Catholics believe that Jesus promises that his Church won’t fail Though from a statistical level, many people don’t believe or practice their hereditary faith; I trust that, if this is the religion God made, then it would persevere.

All the best
Use marriage-ecosystem.org/

They seek to promote working within government and public policy, in the wake of a trend set on privatizing marriage, to restore traditional marriage values.

May the graces of God be the mainstay in my life.
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