That comment indicates that you understand neither distributism nor the mechanics of capitalism.
Distributism is incompatible with free markets insofar as it gives preference to ownership over employment. Distributism is NOT merely distribution of anything through any means. It’s distributed ownership of the means of production.
We don’t tax capital gains at the same rate as wages because capital gains, unlike wages, are already taxed at the corporate level. An alternative to taxing cap gains differently, is to tax them the same BUT to eliminate the corporate tax. That would achieve the same thing but give the appearance of more fairness.
BTW what you believe is irrelevant. Even the most left-wing economists recognize that you can’t take capital gains at the same rate as wages.
What you described with Wal-Mart is called economies of scale and we want it. Dealing in volume reduces the cost of business and lowers prices. We don’t want to encourage inefficiency and extraordinary profits for suppliers. The legislation you propose would raise prices.
Tax incentives for businesses to locate in your jurisdiction aren’t always bad. It depends on the details of the deal. They’re often structured as at least revenue neutral. The sports team gets a tax break but it’s paid for by a tax increase on nearby hotels and restaurants who are more than happy to paid the extra tax in exchange for the increased business.
The problem with the estate tax is its effect on incentives. Again, what you believe is irrelevant. It’s the facts that are relevant. The biggest effect of the estate tax is not on work incentives but on spending incentives. If I can’t pass on my wealth, instead of investing it wisely for the next generation, I’m going to splurge on luxuries while I’m still alive.
I share your goal, not your methods. Among the legitimate grievances that can be addressed are the carried interest rule, excessive intellectual property protection, and income tax deductions like the charitable deduction, home mortgage deduction, and health insurance deduction. But even simpler than that is just raising tax rates and redistributing the proceeds more widely.
Distributism is incompatible with free markets insofar as it gives preference to ownership over employment. Distributism is NOT merely distribution of anything through any means. It’s distributed ownership of the means of production.
We don’t tax capital gains at the same rate as wages because capital gains, unlike wages, are already taxed at the corporate level. An alternative to taxing cap gains differently, is to tax them the same BUT to eliminate the corporate tax. That would achieve the same thing but give the appearance of more fairness.
BTW what you believe is irrelevant. Even the most left-wing economists recognize that you can’t take capital gains at the same rate as wages.
What you described with Wal-Mart is called economies of scale and we want it. Dealing in volume reduces the cost of business and lowers prices. We don’t want to encourage inefficiency and extraordinary profits for suppliers. The legislation you propose would raise prices.
Tax incentives for businesses to locate in your jurisdiction aren’t always bad. It depends on the details of the deal. They’re often structured as at least revenue neutral. The sports team gets a tax break but it’s paid for by a tax increase on nearby hotels and restaurants who are more than happy to paid the extra tax in exchange for the increased business.
The problem with the estate tax is its effect on incentives. Again, what you believe is irrelevant. It’s the facts that are relevant. The biggest effect of the estate tax is not on work incentives but on spending incentives. If I can’t pass on my wealth, instead of investing it wisely for the next generation, I’m going to splurge on luxuries while I’m still alive.
I share your goal, not your methods. Among the legitimate grievances that can be addressed are the carried interest rule, excessive intellectual property protection, and income tax deductions like the charitable deduction, home mortgage deduction, and health insurance deduction. But even simpler than that is just raising tax rates and redistributing the proceeds more widely.