A local parish has an indult & a full-time priest from the Institute for Christ the King. This priest does a reverent TLM, and there are a few very reverent servers assisting. This is a Good Thing. However, the pseudo-choir is REALLY NOT good and quite fast-and-loose with the music, and therefore anything beyond a simple Low Mass is akin to fingernails on the chalkboard…so my own feeling is unless a parish can do a truly solemn TLM, it’s better avoided!
But my bigger concern with the TLM is the fragmentation it has brought to the parish…at this local TLM I’m totally distracted by the women treating their headcoverings as the latest fashion accessory, the families parading about “being seen” while allowing their well-dressed children to be completely obnoxious, the clanking of rosaries during the Liturgy, and worst of all the very self-congratulatory attitudes at the Sunday coffees following Mass, where I hear time & again about “those bad Novus Ordo folk”, how “I won’t attend ANY Mass but the TLM”, and railing against “those people” in general. It gives me hives…to the extent that I deliberately avoid the TLM because I don’t want to appear to condone any of the “us-vs-them” mentality in the clique!
So I love the TLM…but I also love the NO, because I love the Liturgy of our wonderful Church. I dislike the abuses on BOTH sides of the fence!
I’ll just add that Rome was VERY clear about the indult, that it is granted on several conditions not the least of which is that the priest celebrating the TLM MUST do his best to insure that the TLM attendees understand that the NO is valid and that they don’t bash the (valid, holy) NO or otherwise fragment the Church in favor of their “traditional” preference.
Sigh. I need more coffee.