Would you permit your child to attend a birthday party of an ILLEGITIMATE CHILD???

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Would you allow your child to attend the party of an ILLEGITIMATE CHILD???
Would you allow your child to attend the party of an ILLEGITIMATE CHILD???
Yes I would, it’s not the childs fault that it’s illegitimate, and I don’t like to look down on anybody.
Yes, so long as all my rules were met (supervised party, no drugs there, not grounded, etc, etc.)
Would you allow your child to attend the party of an ILLEGITIMATE CHILD???
Yes. Unlike homosexual parents, a single parent does not necessarily promote or glorify sinful behavior.

I’m not sure, however, about a situation where both parents lived together, but were not married. These people would probably also have other immoral ideas that I wouldn’t want my child exposed too, even if he didn’t notice that they were not married.
I would allow my child to attend a party of an illegitimate child. The rules of the party, I woud presume, would be the same rules of any other parent who had a rational mind. Once I made an assessment of the factors involved and trusted in their care, I of course would allow them to go.
Edna Gladney did alot to get rid of that kind of title. “ILLEGITIMATE CHILD” And I am so glad she did, or it would be on my birth certificate. I was adopted at birthand did not meet my birth family til I was 30. No child can help what their birth parent did or who they are. That is judging somebody for their sins. I am nobody to judge anybody. Now if the mother lives an unhealthy lifestyle like drugs and men coming over to sleep, ect… I would attend with my child and if I saw things I did nopt want my children to see, we would leave the gift and tell the child Happy Birthday and mean it. And we would go.
This is not a good word for a child to be labled. If they look it up this is what they will find.
the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents [syn: bastard, by-blow, love child, illegitimate, whoreson]

Not everyone is born lucky with a pedigree. I am not fussing just be careful, words can drag somebody down.
I would not even consider the circumstances of a child’s birth in making a decision, only the current moral environment. One possibility I would consider in some of these close decisions is to attend the party or event with the child and act as close chaperone.
The way this question is asked puts the spotlight directly on an innocent child as if his or her conception circumstances were in his or her control.
I would think that a child born in less than ideal circumstances would need that much more acceptance and love from those who claim to be followers of Christ.

Frankly I’m rather shocked such a question was even asked on this forum.
Yes. of course. I really think it is sort of silly to think that we and our children will only meet other people exactly like ourselves. I think that it is important to be out in the real world so that people can see what Catholics really are all about. Going to a party is not condoning any type of relationship. It is just a party.
Would you allow your child to attend the party of an ILLEGITIMATE CHILD???

If they want friends, they should make sure their parents are properly married before they get themselves conceived. It’s entirely their own fault otherwise.​

What on earth does being “illegitimate” have to do with anything? Not to mention I despise the term illegitimate…sounds like the child isn’t really a child. Don’t punish an innocent. Did you ask YOUR child how she/he feels about the party?
What if the parents were still ‘shacking up’?

As far as the term illegitimate, having been born out of wedlock myself I feel perfectly free to use the term… 🙂
My take is that someone who cares about their own child enough to throw a party for him or her isn’t likely to be the type to be parading around boyfriends, smoking pot, etc. at that party. I doubt that in a young school aged child’s party there would be much discussion about parents’ marital status. The discusssion would most likely be when there wasn’t a distraction and focus on the activities of that party.

If the child mentioned something about her mother and her boyfriend, I would take my own child aside and explain to him or her in as gentle a way as possible that her friend is a good person and her parents may be good people in their own way, but we don’t believe in people living together because of how we learned in our Church from God’s teachings about the importance of marriage as a sacrament. I would be careful to keep this in a positive and charitable light without condemning the couple or coloring my child’s perception of the friend in a bad light, because that child didn’t have any control of how he or she came to be. Of course, how much or how little and at what level I said all this would depend on how much information my child was given to begin with and how old he or she was.
born out of wedlock myself I feel perfectly free to use the term… 🙂

Yes, but you are not illegitimate…you are a real person
Kathy 🙂
May Jesus Christ have mercy on us all and on you. Are you for real? Are you Catholic? A child is a child, a CHILD OF GOD, he was given life; he has a father, the Almighty! A Father who will not ever abandon him! The Best Father of All. “Whatosever, you do unto these little ones, you do unto me.” Thank God that Jesus’ Mercy endures forever.

May God bless.

A child is a child, a CHILD OF GOD, he was given life; he has a father, the Almighty! A Father who will not ever abandon him! The Best Father of All. “Whatosever, you do unto these little ones, you do unto me.” Thank God that Jesus’ Mercy endures forever.
Amen!!! I can’t believe anyone actually would ask this question! When I mentioned getting an annulment my exes lawyer accused me of “bastardizing” my children. Would that mean that my children don’t deserve to have their friends over for their birthday? How ridiculous!!!
Amen!!! I can’t believe anyone actually would ask this question! When I mentioned getting an annulment my exes lawyer accused me of “bastardizing” my children.
The lawyer showed his ignorance on canon law. Annulments do result in a child being illegitimate. One of the CA Live canon lawyers answered once that this term is almost never used in the the Church anymore and not at all in the US. It only applies in a few instance where church law is recognized and only then for legal purposes.

It is definitely not worth being worked up over.
MY son is “illegitimate”!!! He was conceived during a rough time in my life and my ex boyfriend came over after the man who raped me (about a month before) called me! No details necessary, but my son is my ex-boyfriend’s child. If anyone refused to let their child come to my son’s birthday party because he was not born in marriage… I know I’d be very upset, considering that my son was baptized(The Church accepts him) and I am trying very hard to raise my son Catholic, despite his father’s objections. That should count for something, not the circumstances of his birth. judgemental people need to learn that sometimes our actions and words are clouded by life.No one but me knows how awful that night was for me and if someone was to actually stigmatize my child because I was devastated and made a bad decision to be with a man that I thought I loved…
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