Would you shop at this store?

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Is it a sin to use sex toys within marriage?
Since nobody answered your question yet:

Yours in Christ,
ABSOLUTELY NOT>>>the problem with Catholics is that its too easy NOT to walk in truth…Stand up and make a difference–do it in your marriage first…-‘He who does not wish to be a disciple of truth will be a master of error.’…
If two people understand the absolutely powerful gift af sexual love within a Catholic marriage -there would be no need for sex toys-because its not sex—its love…three in the marriage , you know…the husband ,the wife and Jesus…and nothing else…start with theology ofa the body and review the marriage Mass texts…that’s a better place to start than the sex toy shop…the risk is 'using your wife /husband/ for your pleasure—you’re falling out of the boat if you think its ok…at least in my opinion…and yes,i speak from experience…Blessings…Benedicta
Wow, that’s harder to understand than some of my posts! Is that one sentence? What did punctuation ever do to you?

Yours in Christ,
once again, i repeat my question,
used within a valid marriage, practising what would be considered procreative and unitive sexual relations, what is the problem with the use of a few toys to heat things up? is it a sin to be erotic in marriage?
if prudishness is your argument, the responsiblity for your outrage is purely on you, with no bases on church teaching or morals.
there are plenty of products that enhance the ENJOYMENT of sex with your spouse, unless of course, now sex within marriage is looked upon as dirty and vile, which if you view it that way, it is YOU who’ve perverted something holy.

its not the objects that are sinful, they only become sinful when used for sinful purposes. and last i checked, enjoyment and sexual pleasure were part of the unitive function of sex.

anyone care to take this question?
I think I’ve seen two other threads that deal with this question. You may want to check them out.
I think we all must be careful where we shop and speak up if we are offended. I was shopping in the children’s book section of Borders with my 3 granddaughters ages 13, 9, 7 years. I told them to pick out any book they wanted. As they were browsing through appropriate books for children, I also was checking in the same section, when I came across a very explicit sex magazine. I was horrified and was shaken to find it in this unexpected location. I took it to the customer service desk and pointed out the fact that I had found this book in their store and some perfert must have brought it in. They just laughed and said oh it just was out of place. It should have been downstairs over in the corner section.
I was appalled to find pornography in a bookstore of this caliber and have never been back. I am wondering now if all bookstores have a pornograpy section. I still think that decent people must stand up for their values and not let this type of thing go without letting them know it disgusts you and you will not shop there as long as it exists. We are the majority, so speak up and let them know about movies and all forms of inappropriate material. Donbjc
I totally agree with you. If ALL Christians were discriminating on where they shopped, the stores would be forced to re-evaluate what they are selling. Our small town has only one regular bookstore and I even dislike shopping there as they have a section of new-age stuff with witchcraft etc. books. The more I think about it, I think I’m done shopping there too.
you do realize that Amazon.com is not a store as such, not a big building or warehouse full of merchandise. It is basically an internet link to individual retail sources, publishers etc. Like E-bay, they have some minimal rules and regs about what they allow, but use the lowest common denominator when it comes to ethics and morality of these choices.

your local drugstore sells condoms and birth control pills, the catalog that sells health aids to senior citizens also carries vibrators, the retailer that sells G-rated movies and veggie tales also sells sex videos, the same theater in which you viewed March of the Penguins may show adult flics at the late show. Where are you going to draw the line?
I’m going to draw the line every time I see something that is offensive. In fact, I was going to get my son-in-law the War of the Worlds DVD for Christmas, but decided not to as I don’t want to support Tom Cruise and the Church of Scientology.

I’m just about 59 years old and get fussier and crabbier by the day when it comes to this stuff.
I believe Jesus said, unless you become as a little child, you may not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. (I have not studied the Scriptures enough to know where that is) So the sex toys are out, unless you would let your children play with them.
IOr it may depend on the type of sex toy. If a man is handicapped, it may be the only form of sexual activity he may be able to accomplish. I think in the long run, it would be up to the particular couple and their circumstances. And the type of sex toy (ie massager that is available in drugstores, versus organ shaped things that must be purchased in the kind of stores we should not be visiting or supporting)
I totally agree with you. If ALL Christians were discriminating on where they shopped, the stores would be forced to re-evaluate what they are selling. Our small town has only one regular bookstore and I even dislike shopping there as they have a section of new-age stuff with witchcraft etc. books. The more I think about it, I think I’m done shopping there too.
do you refuse to shop at ANY store with a pharmacy that dispenses artificial birth control, condoms or RU-486.
Do you refuse to give business to ANY company with charity givings to planned parenthood.
It’s so hard to draw the line, if you really think of it, EVERY secular store would have some product that can be used immorally.
Every bookstore sells new age books, so we don’t shop at barnes and noble or borders?
I think as long as you don’t give money to the companies manufacturing the products by buying them specifically. that will get the message across… otherwise you’ll drive yourself nuts, lock yourself in the house with a sewing machine and make your own clothes, grow your own food and have to drop out of living in society completely.
my 2 cents
I believe Jesus said, unless you become as a little child, you may not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. (I have not studied the Scriptures enough to know where that is) So the sex toys are out, unless you would let your children play with them.
IOr it may depend on the type of sex toy. If a man is handicapped, it may be the only form of sexual activity he may be able to accomplish. I think in the long run, it would be up to the particular couple and their circumstances. And the type of sex toy (ie massager that is available in drugstores, versus organ shaped things that must be purchased in the kind of stores we should not be visiting or supporting)
we can extrapulate that, how about driving cars, children can’t drive them. should we.
we’re adults, they’re children. Childlike is different than child-ISH. as we mature, our love of God is to remain childlike, that is complete and adoring, but never simple and childish. likewise the decisions by a married couple much be mature and within church teaching.
i know it’s answered elsewhere, but i continued to ask the question here because i thought it was an interesting dialouge between forum members rather than a simple apologist answer. I like seeing people defend their ideas, even if i disagree with them. it shows me moxie and strong opinions. i like strong opinions. i hate wishy washy. so to all those who’ve posted with strong opinions pro or con… i salute you!
I believe Jesus said, unless you become as a little child, you may not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. (I have not studied the Scriptures enough to know where that is) So the sex toys are out, unless you would let your children play with them.
No children should not play with sex toys, nor should they even be having sex period. If I applied your reasoning to a logical extreme then we, as adults, would have remain celebate.
Switch to Barnes and Noble online, Abe Books, Alibris, and zooba.com.

Doing a random search on all of these sites for “sex books” & “sex” brought up some very questionable things…
and zooba.com has a whole section for gays and lesbians.:eek:
Ah the beauty of different opinions. I can see the logic of each of these arguments, in fact it makes my comments seem silly. Of course we would not want children to drive a car, or have sex, but there are so many things that adults do that they should not be doing just because they are adults. I think Jesus meant that we should keep our minds clean and pure as a child’s mind, and not clutter it with the filth that is prevalent today. Be careful in looking to see if you can find sex sites on the web. The most innocent search can put you on a pornography email list. Don
The most innocent search can put you on a pornography email list.
Only if you give out your email address. If you just do a search on google, and don’t click on any page, the sites can’t even get your IP address. You need more than an IP to get someone’s email.
Yours in Christ,
Thank you I am a dinosaur at the internet. Thanks for the information on avoiding the email porn.
do you refuse to shop at ANY store with a pharmacy that dispenses artificial birth control, condoms or RU-486.
Do you refuse to give business to ANY company with charity givings to planned parenthood.
It’s so hard to draw the line, if you really think of it, EVERY secular store would have some product that can be used immorally.
Every bookstore sells new age books, so we don’t shop at barnes and noble or borders?
I think as long as you don’t give money to the companies manufacturing the products by buying them specifically. that will get the message across… otherwise you’ll drive yourself nuts, lock yourself in the house with a sewing machine and make your own clothes, grow your own food and have to drop out of living in society completely.
my 2 cents
Actually, just today a friend sent an e-mail from some family advocacy organization with a listing of corporations that give money to Planned Parenthood.

I realize that I will never know every thing there is to know about every store/corporation, etc., but when I DO KNOW, I can choose not to patronize them. If ALL CHRISTIANS refused to buy from stores who carried blatently sin-promoting products, it would have an impact.

Five hundred acres in the middle of nowhere with my sewing machine and a garden would be great!
Five hundred acres in the middle of nowhere with my sewing machine and a garden would be great!
if i could have that land and a garden and sewing machines…add my wife and dogs into the mix and i couldn’t agree with you more. I’d be packing instead of typing right now.
Is it a sin to use sex toys within marriage?
I would have the same question . . .

I do agree with another poster, though, that mentioned she doesn’t shop at Victoria Secret’s anymore. When they started advertising on the TV (soft porn in my opinion), I could not longer give them money in good conscience.
They aint called “Amazon” for nuthin’!

Great site. I can find ANYTHING I need there that I cannot get in a Best Buy, Target, Borders, etc. I love them. Nobody is perfect.

I can order stuff and get it within 3 -7 days and have never had problems. I am happy to give them my money. 🙂
Totally against being Lukewarm as well, but another store to add to the boycott/complaint to manager list is Target. They sell vibrators as “feminine” products.

I stopped shopping at Amazon b/c I heard from Catholic Radio that Amazon.com sells instruction manuals for Child Pornography.

I had no idea they sold sex toys. That stuff is disgusting!

There are more places to shop than Amazon. Besides, you can’t procreate with a machine or inanimate object anyway and it’s totally against the Unity of the Marrital Act.

As St. Michael would say, “May God rebuke them”
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