Feanaro's Wife:
When it gets to the point by their saying that CC’s should just depart from the Church because they are divisive and annoying, then I don’t know whether it is pride or not, so I don’t presume to know their hearts. There is one thing, though, when they call me a “marginal” Catholic as opposed to a “faithful” Catholic then I say they are objectively holding themselves in higher esteem by conviction of their own words. If that’s not they mean they shouldn’t say it.
Please accept, however, that at least on these forums there are many orthodox who actually do wish to do “mental cleansing” and make comments such as we should get rid of those who do not assent and have a smaller Church because it would be in a better position, being leaner and with “better, more faithful” Catholics. If you don’t believe they are around, they are and there are many. If you don’t believe it check out this thread on whether CC’s should be nurtured or shunned.
I believe these people go beyond trying to teach, and they condemn CCs in their own hearts. Let me show you something about pride that you might find interesting. See how tricky it is when you think you might be a better Catholic than others (again present company excepted) and why I came up with the idea it could be a matter of pride. If it doesn’t apply to you, that’s wonderful, but I suspect there are others reading this to which I would say, “he who has ears let him hear”
Dark Night of the Soul:
No, I don’t see my own hypocracy because I do not deny the downside from the CC point of view, having noted that the sins and dangers thereof have been well enumerated so I just did not rehash them.I find it very ironic that you are casting a judgement on this group of people by saying that it has the sin of pride. You are also presuming to know their hearts by saying that they think they are better than others. Do you even see your own hypocrisy?
When it gets to the point by their saying that CC’s should just depart from the Church because they are divisive and annoying, then I don’t know whether it is pride or not, so I don’t presume to know their hearts. There is one thing, though, when they call me a “marginal” Catholic as opposed to a “faithful” Catholic then I say they are objectively holding themselves in higher esteem by conviction of their own words. If that’s not they mean they shouldn’t say it.
I appreciate your openness, and your desire not to judge, condemn, or throw out those Catholics you believe “more marginal” than yourselves. From the way you present yourself here, you are not Part of the Problem, and the “broad brush” does not apply to you.I can’t speak for anyone else, but I can tell you what is in my heart. I don’t feel better than anyone else, cafeteria Catholic or otherwise. I am truly trying to help my fellow Catholic by informing them of Church teaching.
I would appreciate if anyone thinks that I have been condescending, prideful, or uncharitable, that they address this specifically… but please leave out the broad judgements that paint everyone with the “pride” brush.
Please accept, however, that at least on these forums there are many orthodox who actually do wish to do “mental cleansing” and make comments such as we should get rid of those who do not assent and have a smaller Church because it would be in a better position, being leaner and with “better, more faithful” Catholics. If you don’t believe they are around, they are and there are many. If you don’t believe it check out this thread on whether CC’s should be nurtured or shunned.
I believe these people go beyond trying to teach, and they condemn CCs in their own hearts. Let me show you something about pride that you might find interesting. See how tricky it is when you think you might be a better Catholic than others (again present company excepted) and why I came up with the idea it could be a matter of pride. If it doesn’t apply to you, that’s wonderful, but I suspect there are others reading this to which I would say, “he who has ears let him hear”
Dark Night of the Soul:
***CHAPTER II *** Of certain spiritual imperfections which beginners have with respect to the habit of pride.
AS these beginners feel themselves to be very fervent and diligent in spiritual things and devout exercises, from this prosperity (although it is true that holy things of their own nature cause humility) there often comes to them, through their imperfections, a certain kind of secret pride, whence they come to have some degree of satisfaction with their works and with themselves. And hence there comes to them likewise a certain desire, which is somewhat vain, and at times very vain, to speak of spiritual things in the presence of others, and sometimes even to teach such things rather than to learn them. They condemn others in their heart when they see that they have not the kind of devotion which they themselves desire; and sometimes they even say this in words, herein resembling the Pharisee, who boasted of himself, praising God for his own good works and despising the publican.
- In these persons the devil often increases the fervour that they have and the desire to perform these and other works more frequently, so that their pride and presumption may grow greater. For the devil knows quite well that all these works and virtues which they perform are not only valueless to them, but even become vices in them. And such a degree of evil are some of these persons wont to reach that they would have none appear good save themselves; and thus, in deed and word, whenever the opportunity occurs, they condemn them and slander them, beholding the mote in their brother’s eye and not considering the beam which is in their own;they strain at another’s gnat and themselves swallow a camel.