I thought this was where we could read or write quotes of the saints.
I like St Francis's quote about
There but for the grace of God go I
You could say that about ANY issue. The rich often look down at the homeless, but if they had been born into the same circumstances.. they would likely do the same things to deal with it that the homeless do. For example, a lot of homeless people I've met were abused by family some way or another. This causes a "mental illness" which often leads to low self-esteem which leads to not applying for jobs the person feels are "too good for me" and etc..
So yeh.. There but for the grace of God go I..
As someone probably not a saint said "Only God is in a position to look down at anyone"
I write this with one homeless person in particular in mind. He has very low self-esteem and seems to be letting others walk all over him.. LONG story, and I am helping him as best I can. Yes, I can see where he can be his own worst enemy and etc.. but again.. Low self esteem can give you a very strong sense of hopelessness.. "Oh, I'll never get hired by that company. I'm not good enough.." and so people do not try.. don't put in an application and then things go from bad to worse.. Nearly everyone who "has a good life" (not lacking in any necessity, etc) had loving, caring parents and siblings.. or at least one supportive person.. I think of JD Vance's grandmother..