Yes, someone is monitoring these forums

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I’m not on here much but there used to be a way to flag a post if you didn’t like it. If someone flagged your post, you’d be suspended for a few days and the reasons were never obvious. If you asked a question, CAF wouldn’t respond. Since the announcement that CAF will no longer be after the end of the year, there is no flagging option. So it seems, we all can discuss without censorship. Personally, I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Now, here’s the question: I’m not sure how much it costs to have a forum website just sit there with no moderations whatsoever but if it’s not much, why can’t they just leave this forum like it is now? We should be able to discuss things as adult Catholics without someone holding our hand, slapping our wrists.
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No there’s moderators here of some sort(the “Patrons”?) and they do the flagging/removing posts/suspending.
Oh I guess I can flag too. Did not know that. Just press the “…” at the bottom of the post and you should see a flag.
That flag didn’t come up on some other posts I saw but I do see it on my…and yours. I wonder why that is.
Probably not. But let them have their arguments and the adults can just keep scrolling. ?
I agree. Since it’s already established. I know this conversation is moot. Someone at CAF decided it wasn’t worth the effort so it’s going away. Such is life. If God allows it, it must not be needed anymore. I’ll miss it, though.
I agree. It has changed even within 2 years when I was last posting here. Seems to have lost some of it’s traditional Catholic strength and gone the way of the world…
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That’s so sad. I don’t know if you all are on Facebook or not but there are some Catholic pages. Same thing. Some solid Catholics who are devoted to the Teachings of the Church…and some that aren’t.
It sure does. Something more to pray about. How did Our Lord put it, “Will I find any faith on earth when I return?” That’s the gist of it… Not sure, to tell you the truth.
No. There was an announcement that popped up a few weeks ago explaining it. If you do a search, I’m sure y ou’ll see plenty of threads about it.
One of my posts was flagged and removed a couple days ago so I guess it is still working
No there’s moderators here of some sort(the “Patrons”?) and they do the flagging/removing posts/suspending.
There are a few moderators, who may be patrons, but the patrons aren’t moderators.
I’m not on here much but there used to be a way to flag a post if you didn’t like it.
There still is, that hadn’t changed.
If someone flagged your post, you’d be suspended for a few days
That’s a massive oversimplification. Flagging has never automatically led to suspension.
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If someone flagged your post, you’d be suspended for a few days and the reasons were never obvious.
Not really, in my experience. Whenever I’m rude, they’ll suggest edits to my post or else it will be deleted within a certain period of time. If you’re immediately suspended, I’m guessing something seriously wrong was said, rather than just a crappy tone issue.
We should be able to discuss things as adult Catholics without someone holding our hand, slapping our wrists.
Reddit’s r/Catholicism is more relaxed. I don’t mind these forum stricter rules, it forces posters here to be more polite.
I’ve asked what I said that was so bad (because I didn’t see it). I never got an answer. I wasn’t rude and have never said anything contrary to the faith.
People still flag.

Posts are still removed.

I assume moderators will get to what needs attention sooner or later.

CAF is located in California. It might be a time lapse.
Since the announcement that CAF will no longer be after the end of the year, there is no flagging option.
Flagging still works and the moderators are still here. However the level of charity has taken a nosedive since the closing was announced.
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