As already stated in one of my posts, I do believe that God creates certain moments or situations where we are truly free to choose, but all I’m trying to say in having created this thread is that there are many other factors that diminish our free will. I would like the Church to be clear on the degree to which our free will can be diminished.Keep in mind that free will is not destroyed by the Fall, is a dogma of faith. The Church defined against Martin Luther.
Weakened and diminished by Adam’s fall, free will is yet not destroyed in the race (Council of Trent, Sess. VI, cap. i and v).
Can. I. If anyone shall say that man can be justified before God by his own works which are done either by his own natural powers, or through the teaching of the Law, and without divine grace through Christ Jesus: let him be anathema.
Can. 5. If anyone shall say that after the sin of Adam man’s free will was lost and destroyed, or that it is a thing in name only, indeed a title without a reality, a fiction, moreover, brought into the Church by Satan: let him be anathema.
Council of Carthage against Pelagius:
Can. 5. It has likewise been decided that whoever says that the grace of justification is given to us for this reason: that what we are ordered to do through free will, we may be able to accomplish more easily through grace, just as if, even if grace were not given, we could nevertheless fulfill the divine commands without it, though not indeed easily, let him he anathema. For concerning the fruits of His commands the Lord spoke not when He said: “Without me you can accomplish with greater difficulty,” but when He said: “Without me you can do nothing” [John 15:5].