What is the evidence that God doesn’t?
Which stories?
You are still assuming that God **did **
*smite people…
If the stories that God **did **smite people are a primitive interpretation of events it doesn’t make sense to ask me to look at them from the point of view of the person on the ground. They were mistaken and that’s the end of the matter.
You are very adept at avoiding the point. Suppose a politician was caught on tape making a raunchy joke about doing something inappropriate with one of his aides. He then turns around and claims that he is the family values candidate. It doesn’t matter if he actually did that inappropriate thing in the joke, he has already shown that he doesn’t really believe in family values, and people would rightfully be upset with him.
The bible is full of stories that sound like a politician’s off color remarks and weird policy ideas. Obviously God’s supporters (such as yourself) will expend lots of mental energy to try to rectify the stated campaign promises with the off color remarks and weird policies. You will say things like: “They were taken out of context” or “Someone else manufactured these remarks” or “You’re not interpreting the policy correctly!”
Of course its possible to pick which parts of the bible you think have something to tell us about God. But why should I abide by your selection? Why do we have to ignore any bad parts or only accept the rosiest of intepretations? Specifically: the stories he left us to teach us about himself involve him violating human rights.
I have already pointed out that only Fundamentalists interpret the whole of the Old Testament literally. If you confine yourself to the Gospels you will discover that your allegations are unsubstantiated and amount to ad hominems…
Such assertions as “The bible is full of stories that sound like a politician’s off color remarks and weird policy ideas” is a clear example of smear tactics.
"Obviously God’s supporters (such as yourself) will expend lots of mental energy to try to rectify the stated campaign promises with the off color remarks and weird policies.
An equally vacuous allegation would be:
“Obviously God’s detractors (such as yourself) will expend lots of mental energy to try to denigrate the nebulous campaign promises with the off color remarks and weird criticisms…”
This is supposed to be an objective, rational discussion - without any personal remarks which infringe the forum rule of courtesy.