You are sadly mistaken. The teaching that God is a loving Father who cares for all His children is the only rational foundation of the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity without which human rights would be merely human conventions.
A “veil of ignorance” is hardly a rational foundation for the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity. It reveals a void at the heart of reality which is a recipe for the law of the jungle. The urge to survive overcomes armchair speculation like a shot…
Then you are sadly mistaken again. It would be a very peculiar father who thinks his children are worthless and he can treat them just as he likes! Evil would be a better description.
This seems to me to be a non-sequitur. I was never arguing that the old testament laws failed to protect human rights. Unless you’re saying that we are now allowed to disobey or defy God when he commands us to violations of human rights.
You implied that the God worshipped by the Jews is a monster of cruelty and injustice. Yet Jesus condemned those who do not love their neighbours and fail to help them when they are in trouble. Human rights presuppose the value of human life which is not self-evident.
Since you brought up the Nazis, I wonder if you ever watched “God on Trial,” an excellent movie about Jews during the holocaust debating whether or not God had abandoned them. Here is a relevant section. I will remind you the Germans had a motto “Gott Mit Uns” (God is with us) and not “human lives don’t matter.” The question asked in the video there was: why couldn’t God be on the Nazi’s side? After all, he has been on the side of people who did such things before (i.e. in the Old Testament stories.)
The Jews had good reason to wonder why God seemed to have abandoned them but that doesn’t answer the question, Who decides what is right - and why? Morality is an anomaly in an amoral universe. It has no rational basis whatsoever and criminals are well aware of that fact. If you can get away with deceit and corruption there is nothing to stop you. That is why there is so much misery and injustice in the world.
All the ways you have mentioned are in the same “human invention” category.
Right, because my argument is that that’s what they are. It would be strange for me to say they are human conventions and then defend them by citing the Hindu gods.
If rights are no more than human conventions they cannot be categorical imperatives.
“sounds a lot like” sums up your view perfectly! That is a far cry from being a Marcionite. If I were a heretic I am quite sure I would have been banned from this forum at some point in the last five years, having submitted almost twenty thousand posts with many quotations from the Old and NewTestaments.
Why would the moderators ban a heretic? I suppose they are not so much inefficient as they are tolerant, but I guess I’m not surprised you’d expect some ideas to be censored here.
For the simple reason that a heretic who claims to be a Catholic is an impostor and breaks the forum rule of respect for the Catholic faith…
That one short sentence disposes of your argument for once and for all because it implies that some human interpretations of events in the Old Testament are fallible even though it was inspired by God with its concept of the Deity, the prophecies of the Messiah, the Ten Commandments and the history of the Chosen People. As there were no eye witnesses of the Creation what other source could there be? Either you or Jesus is mistaken… I know which of you I believe is more credible!
Look, obviously some interpretations are wrong. For example, if I read the old testament and then said “this book is clearly talking about the Shinto religion” I would be wrong. But like I said before, the fewest-mental-gymnastics interpretation of the bible is the one where you see the bible as a collection of ancient myths, poems, philosophy, etc instead of as a self-consistent treatise on God. “Jesus said so” is hardly the sort of reasoning that would be convincing to anyone other than people who are already Christian.
The Bible is a collection of diverse writings by different men and women over a period of centuries which serves different purposes: theological, metaphysical, moral, social, historical, poetical and prophetic. It is hardly surprising that the one-size-fits-all approach is unsuccessful but it has one underlying theme from start to finish: that the Jews are the Chosen People from whom the Messiah would come and liberate the world from evil and injustice, a message summed up and perfected by Jesus who revealed that we don’t exist by Chance but by Design. It is a rational interpretation of reality that has convinced intelligent non-Christians throughout the world for over two thousand years and is the basis of modern civilised values expressed in the UNDHR.
“A veil of ignorance” convinces no one when it comes to living in the real world. In fact it amounts to an admission of ignorance and intellectual impotence, a futile attempt to derive value from the valueless, purpose from the purposeless and meaning from the meaningless…