the pastor in his sermon tells you about his doubts and struggles with the faith, but informs you all is well because he has come to understand that the apostles did not right the new testament, Jesus miracles were fables to teach us how to share, and bishops don’t have the right to tell us how to vote— and at this point, the congregation applauds, because the bishops in their state had issued a joint statement calling Catholics to inform their voting decisions by Church teaching on abortion and other life issues.
all prayers, readings, including Eucharistic prayers are altered for inclusive language (side note, when are the transgendered people going to start protesting that “inclusive” language like “brothers and sisters” and “men and women” is excluding them?)
prayers invoking the Father are addressed to our Mother-Father God or to The Creator (like we address God by his/her/its job title)
did I mention, this occurs during Mass where several babies are baptized, whose families have travelled from all over the country to be there, and are prohibited from coming anywhere near the baptistry because all the children of the parish (at least 100) have to sit in a circle around the font. the parents and godparents had to fight their way thru, carrying screaming naked babies
baptism of infants is by immersion only, no dispensation even on doctor’s excuse, with the inevitable accidents involving boy babies during the interminable baptism rite, which has been altered to agree with the priest’s ideas of the rite (which differ markedly from the sacramentary)
we are seriously thinking of asking our own priest to re-baptize our grandson conditionally, not being at all sure what really went on here (no, he is not the one who had an accident, so we can’t retell the story when he is in Jr Hi)