You WILL Be Tolerant!

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Weeks after voters soundly defeated same-sex unions in 11 states, gay activists are at it again, this time pushing the homosexual agenda in public schools. But once again, they are facing opposition from ordinary citizens. In northeastern Kentucky, students, many supported by their parents, have refused to attend mandatory “anti-harassment workshops” intended to indoctrinate tolerance for homosexuals. Hundreds of students exercised their right to opt out of the tolerance training, and hundreds more simply did not show up for school the day it was shown. The ACLU, seemingly unconcerned about the rights of students to express their beliefs, has threatened to file for a court order to enforce attendance.

– Mark L. Chance.
Dear Mark L. Chance,

You need to understand that homosexuals have and do face a lot of intolerance, and because our children are being raised ignorant, they are only adding to this problem. Being against same-sex marriage is understadable and acceptable, but opposing anti-intolerance “workshops” doesn’t seem fair.
You need to understand that homosexuals have and do face a lot of intolerance, and because our children are being raised ignorant, they are only adding to this problem. Being against same-sex marriage is understadable and acceptable, but opposing anti-intolerance “workshops” doesn’t seem fair.
Our children are being raised ignorant.” Maybe yours are, but not mine. That point aside, if battling ignorance is a concern, then forcing children to sit through classes that lie about how homosexuality is perfectly normal is hardly a prudent tactic.

BTW, I’m still waiting for you to admit that Fahrenheit 9/11 didn’t cause a massive upswing in support for Senator Kerry. Given that he lost the election, surely you can now admit this is true. There is also the matter of you never admitting that you were wrong when you claimed the 9/11 Commission said that Hussein’s regime had no links to Al-Qaeda.

If you’d like, I can start another thread just for these purposes.

– Mark L. Chance.
… opposing anti-intolerance “workshops” doesn’t seem fair …
There are at least 36 different fallacies that I am aware of which can be used to make something false appear to be truthful. Unless they have taken logic courses and have been trained to identify these fallacies, children and young adults (and even older adults) can be tricked into believing that something which is wrong to be right. As a parent, it is my job to see to it that something like that doesn’t happen and I would also oppose these “anti-intolerance workshops”.
Sir Knight:
There are at least 36 different fallacies that I am aware of which can be used to make something false appear to be truthful. Unless they have taken logic courses and have been trained to identify these fallacies, children and young adults (and even older adults) can be tricked into believing that something which is wrong to be right. As a parent, it is my job to see to it that something like that doesn’t happen and I would also oppose these “anti-intolerance workshops”.
Do you have a link to these logic fallacies? I’m 39 years old and I still have to be on the loookout. People want to make the dark seem light.

Avoiding having your child indoctrinated with anti-Christian/pro-licentious teachings was a samrt miove by those parents. I cannot see how one can be opposed to sexual teachings of Christ (marriage between one man and one woman) and for Christ. People seem to want to use the symbol of Christ rather than His explicit teachings.
Oops. Seems that there are more than 36 (but as I said, there were 36 that I was aware of).
Do you have a link to these logic fallacies? I’m 39 years old and I still have to be on the loookout. People want to make the dark seem light.
Here’s a link to 42 common fallacies …
Aww, gees… I feel bad for those poor kids who had to sit through that workshop. It makes me grateful that I am where I am. With the small concentration of population in my area, no ACLU people are ever going to visit my local area. :yup:
Dear mlchance,

You don’t forget things, do you? Well, you are very much like your beloved President, George W. Bush, in your remarkable stubborness. I don’t think Kerry lost because Fahrenheit 9/11 didn’t get enough support for him. Fahrenheit 9/11 is the biggest-grossing documentary of all time. And speaking of children being raised ignorant, you can raise your children as you’d like, but whether or not you are raising them ignorant or not is not my concern. But then again, living in Houston, I can’t imagine you’re used to too much diversity.

Also, SilentRick15,

You are living proof of my children/igonorance theory. I see why you are SilentRick15.
And speaking of children being raised ignorant, you can raise your children as you’d like
Gosh. You mean I have your permission to be a parent. 😛
But then again, living in Houston, I can’t imagine you’re used to too much diversity.
Your imagination is hampered by a lack of facts. Houston, Texas, is the fourth largest city in the United States, last time I checked. There are 90 different languages spoken here by people from 120 different countries.

– Mark L. Chance.
Also, SilentRick15,

You are living proof of my children/igonorance theory. I see why you are SilentRick15.

Please, explain your reasoning for labeling SilentR as “ignorant”? You seem to have labeled him that way because he posted something you disagree with. Is that your criteria for labeling someone as ignorant?
Dear mlchance,

Obviously, you didn’t start this thread unless you thought that people were being intolerant- look at the thread’s name.
Obviously, you didn’t start this thread unless you thought that people were being intolerant- look at the thread’s name.
I’ve nowhere denied that people are intolerant. For example, the ACLU and the gay rights groups that it represents are intolerant of Christians.

Or is that an acceptable intolerance?

– Mark L. Chance.
I’ve nowhere denied that people are intolerant. For example, the ACLU and the gay rights groups that it represents are intolerant of Christians.

Or is that an acceptable intolerance?
The last OPENLY acceptable form of institutional bigotry.
Dear Mark L. Chance,

You need to understand that homosexuals have and do face a lot of intolerance, and because our children are being raised ignorant, they are only adding to this problem. Being against same-sex marriage is understadable and acceptable, but opposing anti-intolerance “workshops” doesn’t seem fair.
It is every person’s right to educate their child as they know best. Some people choose public education, some home school, and some choose private school. It is our right and our duty to see to it that our children don’t get indoctrinated with pro gay rhetoric.

All children in the public school are taught anti bullying and tolerance for all people. There is no need to single out gays for special treatment. I don’t even know if gays are bullied more than the norm. There should be expulsion if any child gets caught assaulting another child for any reason.

Geeks are also brutally made fun of. Do we have to have a tolerance training for geeks. No. We need to tolerate everyone in school We have laws against any actions that people take to harm another.
The last OPENLY acceptable form of institutional bigotry.
Quite often a quite accurate observation.

The irony here is that the agenda being pushed in those public schools in Kentucky (as well as other places) isn’t about tolerance. It’s about coercing approval. As is often the case, the proponents of immorality engage in Orwellian tactics, masking their true aims behind reasonable seeming words like “tolerance.”

What is often lost in the double-speak is this: One can only tolerate that which is unacceptable. No one tolerates what is good and just. OTOH, one accepts what is good and just. No one tolerates things that are good and just. And this lays out the deceit behind much pro-sodomy propaganda.

The students who attended the class weren’t told, “Homosexuality is inherently disordered, and homosexual activity is wrong, but, despite this, we tolerate homosexual persons because they have an innate dignity that cannot be violated.”

Instead, the students are told, “There is nothing wrong with homosexual activity. It is just another valid form of self-expression. We must accept homosexual activity as equal to heterosexual activity.”

Notice the difference. The first statement is true. The second is a lie. One does not dispel ignorance with lies.

– Mark L. Chance.
I am really gettin’ sick of all the PC stuff being shoved down the throats of people who live in ths country. I “tolerate” gays, etc, but I reserve the right to tell them they are wrong. I tolerate neo- conservatives, but reserve the right to disagree w/them and to teach others to think for themselves as well. (A VERY Catholic concept historically). I tolerate anti-catholics & their rhetoric, but I REFUSE toi sit idly and allow them to disparage the most holy faith that has saved my very soul. If this fails the PC test…ask me if I care?

There are TONS of justice issues in this country that are being ignored as our country becomes more paranoid and vindictive even to it’s own errant citizenry. For instance…the U.S. has only some 5% of the world’s total population…yet it has a whopping 25% of the world’s total prison population. Is this because we are a more lawless society than other countries? Or because we have overreacted & overcriminalized our country? Justice needs to be well thought out…we tend to make new stricter laws (or allow our idiot politicians to) every time a heineous incident makes the news. One occurance does not make a trend…

Something to think about… :twocents:
Tolerance, the spineless ethic of never offending people.I wish I could remember who said it.

I’d rather deal in Charity.
Church Militant:
I am really gettin’ sick of all the PC stuff being shoved down the throats of people who live in ths country. I “tolerate” gays, etc, but I reserve the right to tell them they are wrong. I tolerate neo- conservatives, but reserve the right to disagree w/them and to teach others to think for themselves as well. (A VERY Catholic concept historically). I tolerate anti-catholics & their rhetoric, but I REFUSE toi sit idly and allow them to disparage the most holy faith that has saved my very soul. If this fails the PC test…ask me if I care?

There are TONS of justice issues in this country that are being ignored as our country becomes more paranoid and vindictive even to it’s own errant citizenry. For instance…the U.S. has only some 5% of the world’s total population…yet it has a whopping 25% of the world’s total prison population. Is this because we are a more lawless society than other countries? Or because we have overreacted & overcriminalized our country? Justice needs to be well thought out…we tend to make new stricter laws (or allow our idiot politicians to) every time a heineous incident makes the news. One occurance does not make a trend…

Something to think about… :twocents:
lots of us here know exactly what you reserve the right to be… 👍
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Lord help us all when you decide to quit tollerating people…

but several of us want to extend our heartfelt appreciation for all those you tollerate… Why are you so angry? Agree, or disagree, but why loose it because others differ with your opinions… how un-american can you be…

well, i’ve gone and done it now… said too much… wind up being grouped up in the same bunch as…
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