You WILL Be Tolerant!

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Dear Mark L. Chance,

You need to understand that homosexuals have and do face a lot of intolerance, and because our children are being raised ignorant, they are only adding to this problem. Being against same-sex marriage is understadable and acceptable, but opposing anti-intolerance “workshops” doesn’t seem fair.
Tolerance of evil is not a virtue. That doesn’t mean that we abuse or otherwise mistreat homosexuals but we should not sit back and timidly accede to their desire to be accepted as normal and legitimate by all of society.
My last post on this thread is this:

All human beings are children of God, and therefore deserving of love, and their God-given dignity. AND…

While accepting the *person, *I don’t have to accept someone’s behavior or choices.

I don’t understand how a man finds another man sexually attractive. But I can “accept” that it is what it is. AND…

I will NOT accept that the sexual ACT of homosexual people is *just as ordered *as a heterosexual act. NOT EVEN CLOSE.

Persons deserve love, actions don’t.
I once heard an interview of a panel of homosexuals who said that homosexual activism has made it much more difficult for them because it’s caused so much resentment among those who are tired of having the homosexual lifestyle pushed down their throats. They wished for the time where they could go quietly about their business without being forced out of the closet. Even the gay feminist author of “The Death of Right and Wrong,” Tammy Bruce, hates what the movement is doing to the culture and to children. Tammy Bruce was once a poster child for the gay movement — until, that is, she began questioning why the gay movement should accept depraved and harmful practices as “alternative lifestyles.” For expressing her opinions, Bruce was accused of being intolerant and a danger to the community.
She says "that the radicals in control of gay establishment want children in their world of moral decay, lack of self-restraint, and moral relativism. She says they think how better to truly belong to the majority (when you’re really on the fringe) than by taking possession of the next generation. By targeting children, you can start indoctrinating the next generation with the false construct that gay people deserve special treatment and special laws. She says the radical gay agenda is all about power and control. Like I said, she and many others resent what the radical groups are doing.
Dear Mark L. Chance,

You need to understand that homosexuals have and do face a lot of intolerance, and because our children are being raised ignorant, they are only adding to this problem. Being against same-sex marriage is understadable and acceptable, but opposing anti-intolerance “workshops” doesn’t seem fair.
monica fan:
Even the gay feminist author of “The Death of Right and Wrong,” Tammy Bruce, hates what the movement is doing to the culture and to children. Tammy Bruce was once a poster child for the gay movement — until, that is, she began questioning why the gay movement should accept depraved and harmful practices as “alternative lifestyles.” For expressing her opinions, Bruce was accused of being intolerant and a danger to the community.
Good post, **monica fan. **

For those that have yet to pick up a book by Tammy Bruce, monica fan only gives you a glimpse. Some of the “insider” info in her book is JAW-DROPPING.
Good post, **monica fan. **

For those that have yet to pick up a book by Tammy Bruce, monica fan only gives you a glimpse. Some of the “insider” info in her book is JAW-DROPPING.
Tammy Bruce also has a radio program that I catch occasionally. I’ve also seen her interviewed and she is articulate, reasonable and rational.

Oddly enough she and Dr Laura Schlessinger connected because gays were demanding a boycott of Dr Laura’s short lived TV program. Gays wrote in demanding that sponsors withdraw and the program lasted only a short time. Funny how we are supposed to be tolerant but ONLY if it passes the Gay Agenda Litmus Test. Dr Laura is Jewish and she believe homosexual behavior is wrong. Tammy Bruce, unlike some of her more shrill coherts thought Dr Laura was entitled to her opinion and entitled to free expression. What a concep!!! At any rate the gays turned on Tammy Bruce to some extent but she’s doin’ fine.

I would also recommend both of her books because she knows of what she speaks. I do think (sadly) she’s proabort. Hopefully she’ll see the light on that issue.

Lisa N
Dear Mark L. Chance,

You need to understand that homosexuals have and do face a lot of intolerance, and because our children are being raised ignorant, they are only adding to this problem. Being against same-sex marriage is understadable and acceptable, but opposing anti-intolerance “workshops” doesn’t seem fair.
Frankly while I believe homosexuals like other groups do suffer from a lack of charity, one of the main reasons is because they INSIST on relating to people in a sexual manner. IOW they seem to be much more defined by their sexual orientation. I deal with homosexuals frequently. I have homosexual friends. I do not discuss their sex lives I interact with them as a friend, not a sexual being. Dealing with me on a sexual level is entirely inappropriate.

IOW I don’t want to know about someone’s sex life. It’s private, it’s personal and it’s none of my business. That homosexuals bring it to the public sphere instead of keeping their private lives private, is what brings on a lot of “intolerance.” Examples are demanding homosexual issues be taught at schools (good grief don’t they have enough to try to teach reading and writing?) or demanding homosexual marriage. As someone posted, many gays simply want to live their lives, unbothered by radical political activism. Why can’t they?

Lisa N

PS Catholicvegan glad you’re back. I thought you may have left town after the election!
It would be interesting to compare the standardized test scores or just the GPA’s of the group of students who decided that the Tolerance workshops were not for them verses the group that just went with the flow and decided to go.

Does the group that decided not to go to the workshop now qualify for ACLU backing in getting their own tolerance workshop in which everyone is mandated to attend.

What will happen when we spend all our time in tolerance workshop’s, will we learn the 3r’s? Will we be more productive?
Is Jesus “Tolerant” of all things, all lifestyles? All individual “personal” interpretations of his Word?
space ghost:
lots of us here know exactly what you reserve the right to be… 👍

Lord help us all when you decide to quit tollerating people…

but several of us want to extend our heartfelt appreciation for all those you tollerate… Why are you so angry? Agree, or disagree, but why loose it because others differ with your opinions… how un-american can you be…

well, i’ve gone and done it now… said too much… wind up being grouped up in the same bunch as…
I’m gonna group ya alright 'Ghost! Group ya in there w/the rest of the people that I like to hang out with on this site. 😃

I wasn’t really going off…just expressing a “passionate opinion” I guess. I don’t really get angry…I just refuse to back down.
Hardheaded…but I love the Faith…heart & soul.

BTW…GET back under that desk… :rotfl:
With prayer, I think it’s only a matter of time before she converts. She has such deep admiration and respect for people of faith. She truly has a mind that is open, not like most leftists I know. I wasn’t surprised to learn that she was lead into the homosexual lifestyle at the vulnerable age of 17. Most homosexuals I have known were introduced to it at an impressionable age. I was surpised to read that the person who brought her into it was a famous soap opera star. Let’s keep her in our prayers! God bless~
Lisa N:
Tammy Bruce also has a radio program that I catch occasionally. I’ve also seen her interviewed and she is articulate, reasonable and rational.

Oddly enough she and Dr Laura Schlessinger connected because gays were demanding a boycott of Dr Laura’s short lived TV program. Gays wrote in demanding that sponsors withdraw and the program lasted only a short time. Funny how we are supposed to be tolerant but ONLY if it passes the Gay Agenda Litmus Test. Dr Laura is Jewish and she believe homosexual behavior is wrong. Tammy Bruce, unlike some of her more shrill coherts thought Dr Laura was entitled to her opinion and entitled to free expression. What a concep!!! At any rate the gays turned on Tammy Bruce to some extent but she’s doin’ fine.

I would also recommend both of her books because she knows of what she speaks. I do think (sadly) she’s proabort. Hopefully she’ll see the light on that issue.

Lisa N
Thanks jlw! I’ve learned so much from her book, “The Death of Right and Wrong” that I plan on picking up her other book, “The New Thought Police” when I get a chance. I admire her courage in exposing the corruption going on within her own community of feminists and homosexuals. She must be so hated by the left now, especially since she voted for President Bush. God bless~
Good post, **monica fan. **

For those that have yet to pick up a book by Tammy Bruce, monica fan only gives you a glimpse. Some of the “insider” info in her book is JAW-DROPPING.
I’ve nowhere denied that people are intolerant. For example, the ACLU and the gay rights groups that it represents are intolerant of Christians.

Or is that an acceptable intolerance?

– Mark L. Chance.
That is soooooo true, Mark!! Wonder when the mandatory classes for anti harrassment of Christians start? The gays have more rights and tolerance than the Christians. Good for the parents, for putting their foot down. Too bad the homosexuals are not made to keep quiet in schools about their sexual orientation, like the Christians are required to not mention God. Something is sure screwy in the world!!
There is a tremendous difference between tolerating people and tolerating ideas. As Christians, we have a divine mandate to tolerate other people, even with their shortcomings. Jesus did, and requires the same of us. However, Jesus does not require us to tolerate every idea as equal. He demonstrated this at the cleansing of the temple. Was Jesus being intolerant of the money changers when he kicked them out? Was he being uncharitable when he made a whip of cords and drove out the animals and their tenders? This idea of tolerance to include all ideas is grounded in moral relativism and should be summarily rejected by anyone who considers himself/herself a disciple of Christ. I think some of us here could stand to read this admonishment from At. Paul to the Thessalonians,
1 Thessalonians 5:16-22:
Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit, do not despise prophesying,*** but test everything; hold fast what is good,*** abstain from every form of evil.
The ACLU, seemingly unconcerned about the rights of students to express their beliefs, has threatened to file for a court order to enforce attendance.
The ACLU’s typically fascistic intolerance. If you think the united states is being overtaken by fascists, don’t look at the white house–look at the judiciary instead (particularly when fascist groups like the ACLU are there).

This is becoming one of my “broken record” quotes, but it is so true of the ACLU: Those who preach faith tend to prove themselves to be far more tolerant than those who preach tolerance.
What the public schools ought to have are classes on same sex attraction disorder and what therapies are available. There should be education on why some confused children may think they have SSAD, but do not have it.

Forced reeducation through so called tolerance classes is as transparent as claiming sodomy is normal for some and can form the basis for a loving relationship.

“The world is sickening in its tolerance. What we need is more intolerance, intolerance toward evil”…Fulton Sheen
Dear Mark L. Chance,

You need to understand that homosexuals have and do face a lot of intolerance, and because our children are being raised ignorant, they are only adding to this problem. Being against same-sex marriage is understadable and acceptable, but opposing anti-intolerance “workshops” doesn’t seem fair.
I suffer from intolerant acts from other drivers on the highways of America. When will they all go to intolerance training?

I don’t know if you’ve had a chance to go to school, but, when you do, you notice kids get picked on - for their hair, their name, their size, their family, their color, their intelligence, their friends…

I can see a benefit of a Christian values workshop - that would teach that everyone is made in the image and likeness of God and all should be treated as such. But having intolerance training for homosexaul orientation only puts special emphasis on that 1 issue and has the effect of normalizing homosexuality rather than demonstrated that any act of offense against another student will not be tolerated.

Of course, a Christian values workshop would also teach that men are men and women are women and God’s image is fully reflected in these distictive genders coming together…
I suffer from intolerant acts from other drivers on the highways of America. When will they all go to intolerance training?

Of course, a Christian values workshop would also teach that men are men and women are women and God’s image is fully reflected in these distictive genders coming together…
Narrow-minded, intolerant, religous bigot.
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