Young Earth Creationists

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But isn’t that what those who believe in evolution also think? I just don’t understand how one can believe in evolution and think that as a Catholic.
It’s all theoretical in the same way gravity is theoretical.

Folks who say “it’s only a theory so we don’t have to accept it” showcase the fact they don’t understand what science means when it speaks of scientific theory. A theory, scientifically speaking, is not a mere hypothesis - it is the current working scientific model of a given subject.

And “Traditional Christian doctrine” divorced from the Authentic Magisterium of the Church is no doctrine at all - it is mere personal opinion and speculation.
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We’re not necessarily discussing evolution in this thread @misstherese although that IS a huge issue amongst the Young Earth Creationist debate.

And the orthodox Catholic theistic evolution position does not think of the soul as evolving. It sees the body as having evolved, then the evolved body being supernaturally ensouled by a creative Act of God.

Me personally, I’m kind of a cross somewhere in between Old Earth Creationist/Theistic Evolutionist/Intelligent Design proponent. I believe in elements of each of these ideas.
Those skulls could have been cause by mutations or head binding or even racial differences. A lot of times those who discover these skulls just decide to open up a new group because they look slightly different or similar to already existing skulls.
Yet you reject it.

That is the very definition of anti-intellectualism.

I have a hard time believing you heard it before, or at least that you understood it, due to your apparent lack of understanding regarding what a scientific theory is and is not.
Evolution and faith are compatible.

Don’t buy into extremist views that peddle the idea that science and faith don’t align. Isaac Newton didn’t feel that way - and he was arguably the greatest scientist to have ever lived.

Evolution (as in adaptation) I see as fact. Look around. From breeding dogs to suit environments, to our very own skin colour - science and our own eyes! Shows evidence of our gradual adaptation to environment. And that’s perfectly fine.

On a cellular level (biology) our very cells have taken elements of bacteria to allow them to function properly. Again, viewable under a microscope all over the world!

Why people have a problem with the idea I find baffling.

In short;

God created humans. Some happen to be scientists.

Scientists built the language of ‘science’ to explain ‘what’ we see. It still does nothing to explain ‘why’. Thus enter the philosophers and theologians. To help with that part.

People should consider that evolution and adaptation are simply the mechanism by which things develop. It is an observation of God’s work in motion, not an objection to it.

Why do you think God would fashion such a primitive creation that it could not evolve?

You evolve every day yourselves. Just by reading and learning. It is a capability of our very being. Something we should be proud of, not looking down upon and discrediting.

I believe to insult evolution is to insult God’s masterwork. Life itself.
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I suggest you get a good book on the subject. Human cranial shapes naturally vary.
@misstherese I hope I have not offended or hurt you. There is a world of difference between someone like you who may believe something innocently or simply due to not having really researched things and who is open to learning, as opposed to someone who should know better yet continues to push their erroneous assumptions regardless.

I have a good article for you written from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome regarding evolution and faith. It’s a pretty heady read, I’ve read it a few times and still have trouble processing it fully. But here, skim through this:
@ErraticFaith I wish to reach through my phone and high-five you!

This, this is what we need. Intelligent young folk seeking synthesis between faith and science, people seeking intelligent understanding who can show the world that Christians are NOT opposed to science and reason.

We need a lot less buffoonery, and a lot more wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

May God bless you with a hundred times more knowledge and Wisdom!
your apparent lack of understanding regarding what a scientific theory is and is not
I honestly don’t care but if you say so. If you actually think scientists are always unbiased/objective then I can’t change your mind on that. If you consider a scientific theory to be better exegesis than the ‘mere opinion’ of the Church Fathers then I can’t change your mind on that either. I guess I can’t stop you from arbitrarily appealing to the Church Fathers whenever they agree with your view or ‘Authentic Magisterium’ either. I mean, your religion is the religion of loopholes.
My religion is rock solid, unshakeable, indefectible, invincible, infallible.

Your understanding of my religion is the only thing with holes in it, thank you very much. 🙂
My religion is rock solid, unshakeable, indefectible, invincible, infallible.
An assertion, nothing more. I’ve noticed how you always make claims like this, but never once attempted to prove, clarify, or explain these claims.
No, no offense taken. I do believe that animals have evolved to adapt to their environments. I do know some Catholics who believe animals evolved into humans, and I see trouble in that.

I have researched quite a bit, enough to fall away from the evolution idea (except for the adaptation part).

The gaping holes in the fossil records, along with the inaccurate use of certain dating methods, and the discovery of flexible dinosaur tissue (impossible for tissue to last longer than 10,000 years) has led me to think that scientists often push evolution as a truth because it fits their belief system they have already created in their minds.

I will take a look at the article you linked and try to find out some more on what sound minded Catholics believe about evolution.
Why would I care about proving myself to you? I care what Allah thinks of me, not some man on the Internet.

I care about as much about what you think of me or my religion as I care what Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi cares about me and my religion.

Your flawed understanding and unwillingness to learn only impacts you - no skin off my back.
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Select snippets unrelated to their full context.
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A very reasonable and respectful position to take up @misstherese

Why would I care about proving myself to you?
Because maybe it’s a legitimate concern. I mean, years ago, I actually wanted to become a Catholic. Now after conversing with you, I’m actually repulsed and fed up with the depths you’d sink to in order to save the face of your religion.
I care what Allah thinks of me, not some man on the Internet.
Too bad you don’t care what Allah thinks here:
Worst of all, these Catholic scientists are exactly the people we should be supporting the most to present to the world a unified front regarding the relations between faith and science. Instead, we have huge pockets of people insulting and contradicting their work, and thereby making the Church look like a haven of imbeciles, which for all intents and purposes makes the world think faith and science are inimical unto each other.
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