But isn’t that what those who believe in evolution also think? I just don’t understand how one can believe in evolution and think that as a Catholic.
I honestly don’t care but if you say so. If you actually think scientists are always unbiased/objective then I can’t change your mind on that. If you consider a scientific theory to be better exegesis than the ‘mere opinion’ of the Church Fathers then I can’t change your mind on that either. I guess I can’t stop you from arbitrarily appealing to the Church Fathers whenever they agree with your view or ‘Authentic Magisterium’ either. I mean, your religion is the religion of loopholes.your apparent lack of understanding regarding what a scientific theory is and is not
An assertion, nothing more. I’ve noticed how you always make claims like this, but never once attempted to prove, clarify, or explain these claims.My religion is rock solid, unshakeable, indefectible, invincible, infallible.
Prodigal: JPII believed that evolution happened.That is not accurate.
Because maybe it’s a legitimate concern. I mean, years ago, I actually wanted to become a Catholic. Now after conversing with you, I’m actually repulsed and fed up with the depths you’d sink to in order to save the face of your religion.Why would I care about proving myself to you?
Too bad you don’t care what Allah thinks here:I care what Allah thinks of me, not some man on the Internet.
Worst of all, these Catholic scientists are exactly the people we should be supporting the most to present to the world a unified front regarding the relations between faith and science. Instead, we have huge pockets of people insulting and contradicting their work, and thereby making the Church look like a haven of imbeciles, which for all intents and purposes makes the world think faith and science are inimical unto each other.