When I was growing up, my Dad used to have a saying that drove me crazy. It was, “Don’t confuse me with facts, my mind is made up.” I hope that is not the case here, and I hope I am not wasting my time when writing a response.
- I do not believe that living together ruins a marriage. In my Family Concepts class, we learned that 50% of pre-marital cohabitation ends in divorce. We also learned that 50% of all marriages end in divorce. In doing the math, it equals out.
Well, quite simply, they gave you incorrect information. The literature is simply overwhelming on the harmful effect of cohabitation. Depending on the study, cohabitation increases the risk of divorce by 35% to 100%. Here are a couple of articles:
Stability Across Cohorts in Divorce Risk Factors
Statistics show divorce rates are much higher for those who cohabitate
Aside from divorce rates, however, there are two other reasons to stop cohabitating. First, it is a grave sin. As part of becoming Catholic, you are learning that marriage is a sacrament. One of the blessings of this sacrament is it confers a special grace upon married couples. You do not want to start married life in a state of sin.
Second, cohabitating makes it difficult to discern marital decisions. Why? Well, we learn that the marital act has two aspects, the procreative and the unitive, or as I call it, “babies and bonding”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen men or women stuck for 5 or 7 or 10 years in a relationship that everyone else could see wasn’t a good match. Why were they stuck? They were having sex, and the bonding blurred their ability to decide on their marriage partner. That is why couples that are having extra-marital sex should cease for 18-24 months prior to marriage, so that a proper decision can be made without the “fogging effect” that sex can have.
You seem concerned about divorce rates, and I am assuming that you would like to marry once and have a lifelong spouse and partner. The best way to beat the divorce statistics are to do the following:
- *]cease having sex outside of marriage.
*]attend church together, get married in the Church, continue going to Mass together as a family, and pray together in the home.
*]No contraception
*]tithe 10% to God
Families who are faithful to Catholic teachings on contraception have an almost non-existent divorce rate. As Janet Smith says, “If you get God, sex, and money in the right place, everything else is easy.”
I would suggest reading: CONTRACEPTION, WHY NOT, by Janet E. Smith PhD
Finally, regarding:
- In regards to children. We’ve discussed that if we were to be blessed with children, they will be raised catholic but will be given information about the pentacostal church, when they are old enough to understand the concept of denominations and are old enough to understand choice in their beliefs.
I believe this is a pretty naive view of teaching the faith to children. When several choices are presented as morally equivalent, rather than one faith being presented as the Truth, all it does is confuse kids. There is an age where faith is formed prior to the ability to reason like an adult. Even though children from age 7-12 are above the age of reason, they still think magically in many ways. It is around age 12-13 when kids really start to reason more like an adult. My kids belief in God and the Church were completely formed before they had the mental capacity to evaluate and judge differing theologies. There is a reason we have the phrase, “Childlike Faith”. Presenting them a “religion menu” simply serves to kill their faith in any religion.
Finally, when you are weighing what decisions to make, don’t forget for an instant that you will bear a special burden on any consequences. After all, 90%+ of custody cases go to the mother. Believe me, having children changes everything. And a single mom with children accounts for almost 70% of the poverty in this country. Without any doubt whatsoever, the best way to ensure you and your children have the best possible circumstances in life is to choose a good husband and stay married.
I mean these words in a charitable way, although they are blunt. But it is literally the rest of your life at stake.