Your best books and films?

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My favorite movie is Dumb and Dumber, and my favorite book is the Hobbit.
My favorite book right now is Theology for beginners by Frank J. Sheed. I’ve also been reading How to Win the Culture War by Dr. Peter Kreeft. Good stuff.
Favorite movies:

Original Star Wars trilogy
The Adventures of Robin Hood
The Court Jester
Toy Story
and Toy Story 2

and many others…
Has anyone ever seen The Miracle of Marcelino…? About a boy who is an orphan and grows up with a rectory full of priests. They tell him not to go into the attic. Of course he does and there is a huge crucifix put away up there. Marcelino brings the Man on the crucifix bread and wine that he sneaks out of the kitchen. Marcelino talks to the Man and tells Him about his mother who died and how he misses her. You can probably find it at religious goods store. It’s very touching and has a sad but inspirational ending.

And I’d have to agree that Monty Python’s The Search for the Holy Grail is one of the best movies of all time.
My all time favorite movie is a hard to one with two titles. It was released under the titles of “Room for One More” and “The Easy Way”. It stars Cary Grant and Betsy Drake.

It’s based on book by Anna Rose which my husband just bought me. I can’t remember which title it’s published under and it’s out in the car right now.

It’s the story of a couple who has 3 children of their own and they take in 2 foster children who are really hard cases when they get them. In real life they took in 3 and their children were 2 girls and a boy vs. the 2 boys and a girl in the movie.

It’s a wonderful movie and a lot of the scenes in it remind me of our own family life. It shows a lot of the sacrifices that parents make and how, in the end, they are all worth it.

Anna Rose’s book is almost a how to on how to take in extra children. It’s surprising how many problems of today’s wayward children they found in the 30’s. She tells you how she overcame some really obnoxious problems and habits of the children they took in. Haven’t finished it yet but many scenes and lines from the movie are straight from the book.

The movie is out of print. I have a copy of it taped from the TV years ago but haven’t been able to find it lately on any of the classic movie channels. Keep your eye out for it.
For the classic lovers, the British author Sir Anthony Trollope wrote hilariously funny and witty novels about priests who were not exactly inspirations to their flocks, at least at first. He is respectful, but his books like the Barsetshire Chronicles (The Warden, Barchester Towers, et al) really help remind the reader that the best priest is only human, with human needs and feelings and foibles.
Movie- Return to Me

Book- …And Ladies of the Club by Helen Hooven Santmeyer

I loved all three Bud MacFarlane books: Pierced by a Sword, Concieved Without Sin and House of Gold. I Like alot of books by Max Lucado, Traveling Light, Six Hours One Friday, And the Angels Were Silent. As for films, I like The Out Of Towners (the original), Yours Mine and Ours and almost anything with James Cagney.
some of these might make it seem like i’m in junior high but i assure you, adults can enjoy this just as much if not more…

books: to kill a mockingbird
chronicles of narnia (voyage of the dawn treader being
my favorite)
confessions (by st. augustine)
once and future king
crossing the threshold of hope (JPII)
church history in plain language

movies: i have so many favorites
citizen kane
saving private ryan
saving silverman
dumb and dumber
life is beautiful
godfather (1, 2, and yes 3)
fight club (not the most wholesome movie)

television: simpsons
friends (especially early episodes)
sopranos (again, not the most wholesome)
west wing (don’t exactly agree with the politics but i
like the show)

music: handel’s messiah
eric clapton (everything he does)
violent femmes
vigilantes of love

i have many more in every category but these are the highlights.
Books: *To Kill a Mockingbird *(Harper Lee)
*A Tree Grows in Brooklyn *(Betty Smith)
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
*The Great Gatsby *(F. Scott Fitzgerald)
*Turbulent Souls *(Stephen Dubner)
Crossing the Threshold of Hope (Pope John Paul II)
*Lord of the Rings *trilogy
Harry Potter series
*Breaking Bread with Fr. Dominic *cookbook series (Fr. Dominic Garramone, OSB)

Movies: Lord of the Rings trilogy, Bend It Like Beckham, Sense and Sensibility
I like a lot of movies, but can’t specifically pick out any others as my favorites. I’m much more of a book nerd.
One of my favorite books is William Miller Jr’s Canticle for Leibowitz
Just two days ago I was telling a friend how I wanted to read Canticle, but wanted to know how to translate all the Latin in it. Do you know of any internet (or other) source that can help with all the Latin phrases in the book? I certainly can’t do it myself 😦

So glad to hear the book is good since I’ve been waiting years to read it.

Thanks for any help you can offer!

**Tyler, **

I love Zoolander too. I’ve actually been quoting it for days for some reason (I’m not an ambiturner, Oy that stings me like a fissure in my… etc) I also love Old School, and Bring It On, Miracle (seriously, if you can get past the bad 1979-80 haircuts the guys are hot) All the Presidents Men, The Natural, Oceans 11 and Some Like It Hot.

Office Space is QUALITY. Anyone who’s ever had a job, any job, will totally identify with that flick. (Brian has 37 pieces of flare!, PC Load Letter? What the Hell does that mean?)

TV I love West Wing, Sopranos, Amazing Race, the Apprentice, The OC, Scrubs, Joan of Arcadia, and I’m compelled to watch 7th Heaven even though it is concieveably the WORST show on television right now.

As for music. I love John Mayer, Dave Matthews, Ryan Adams (not Bryan Adams) Howie Day…basically angsty white boy rockers.

Books the last good one I read was Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. I liked the Red Tent, Bright Lights Big City. And Black Mass (about the most notorious gangster in Boston history, Whitey Bulger). I also really liked Lamb: The Gospel According To Biff, Christ’s childhood best friend. Right now I’m reading the 9/11 report.
Thought it’d be fun - and useful - to find out people’s bestest ever books and films (and it’s cheating to say, The Passion, The Bible or The Catechism!). You can include books and films really worth reading/watching too. Always on the lookout for good stuff!

Me, I like Braveheart and The Railway Children (brilliant British drama film - the 1970 version - very wholesome and perfect for kids or family; in U.S. buy it on the internet). Oh yes October Sky is very uplifting.

:hmmm:Can’t think of a best book right now; too many to mention!

Looking forward to your responses!
OCTOBER SKY!!! great movie

ok on to my list


lotr trilogy
finding nemo
matrix trilogy
passion of the christ
shreck 2
remember the titans
farenheit 9/11 (i know i know)

Anything by John Grisham or Tom clancy
In cold blood
Dude wheres my country by michael moore (i know i know)
Lotr trilogy
Too many to name but those are my favorites
I liked Turbulent Souls by Stephen J Dubner, about a son rediscovering his Jewish roots after being raised by Jewish parents who had converted to Catholicism.

Dubner today is a practicing Orthodox Jew.

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