Your Everyday Novus Ordo?

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Since you offer no information, just a picture of priests saying Mass, what is your point?

You don’t approve the altar?
You think the picture is ugly?
Now, compare that picture with this.

Which one looks Catholic to you?

You see, the first pic I posted may not exactly contradict the Church’s specified rubrics, but its very nature sems so . . . unsacred.

Which tells me that a real liturgical crack-down needs to do more than reiterate rubrics. It has to do do something to instill some sense of the sacred.

Otherwise, we’ll get Masses that don’t contrradict the letter, but the very spirit of the Church’s liturgical tradition.

Know what I mean?
as far as the first picture…well…umm…yeah, the ammount of weird things in proportion to the size and scope of that picture–impressive.
Now, compare that picture with this.

Which one looks Catholic to you?

You see, the first pic I posted may not exactly contradict the Church’s specified rubrics, but its very nature sems so . . . unsacred.

Which tells me that a real liturgical crack-down needs to do more than reiterate rubrics. It has to do do something to instill some sense of the sacred.

Otherwise, we’ll get Masses that don’t contrradict the letter, but the very spirit of the Church’s liturgical tradition.

Know what I mean?
It doesn’t feel sacred to you. But then its a small pic, you know no details of the Church or anything else.
Some of the most sacred Masses I ever attended were in the middle of the deep woods with a handbuilt altar.
Who is taking pictures during mass?
I thought this itself was an abuse?
Dominus Vobiscum –

I know exactly what you are trying to say… and I agree with you… I don’t really buy what everyone else is saying… like: its just a picture you can’t tell much and stuff along those lines…

that is the sacrifice of the Mass… that picture says a lot, it is very very troubling. You can tell a lot about the reverence of a mass by the house built for the worship of the Lord.
So you think a lot of ornate detail in the Church makes a Mass more reverant? 🙂
i think it says a lot about the people who built it and continue to keep it that way… If you have a king something is wrong if you build him a ordinary villa. He deserves the most ornate, beautiful, dignified palace… which can only be built by people who believe he deserves such a place and act accordingly.
Still I’ve seen the current Mass celebrated in a most reverent way in some beautiful churches, and in my ancient past I’ve seen the old Mass celebrated in some very casual ways. It’s all in how you approach it and how you do it.
I have been in some pretty homey churchs, where the Mass was celebrated with the utmost reverence, and respect for what was taking place. I have also been in a church very much decorated like the second picture all show. Just before the Mass the pastor got in a screaming match with another employee, and came stomping down the isle for the beginning of Mass and huffing and puffing through the whole Mass. Now which do you think glorified God more. When you talk about liturgical abuses, does it have to do with how the Mass is conducted, or what the surrounding look like???
It is the presence ot the Lord that is important…not the direction the priest faces, not the decoration the of the altar. All else is irrelevant by comparison. Focus on the presence of the Lord, not externals.

If you deny that the Lord is present in the Norvus Ordo Mass then you have more problems than we can fix here. Submit yourself to valid authority.
Does anyone know how to find out where TLM’s are celebrated?

There are a number of sources.

This one indicates location and whether the Mass is diocesan approved under indult, Priestly Society of St Peter, SSPV, etc. You’ll have to scroll through some considerable commentary and explanatory text to get to the listings, but the date of last update is pretty recent:

Directory of Traditional Latin Masses and Resource Book

This one lists strictly diocesan-approved indult Masses and is quicker to use, as it has clickable links by state etc. It hasn’t been updated in about a year, however.

Listing of Indult Latin Masses By State

If you go to Yahoo or any other search engine and search “Latin Mass locations”, you can turn up other sources. If you add the postal state abbreviation to your search text, you’ll find that there are a number of state-specific sites. These have the advantage of being more up-to-date, usually, but may not differentiate between SSPV, etc., versus indult Masses.

Many years,

I am currently reading books by St. Alphonsus De Liquori and Fr. Reginald Garrigou Lagrange that condemn the practice of priests saying mass in 15 minutes. If this was a significant enough problem that they felt the need to speak out against it then obvioulsy things weren’t liturgically perfect before Vat II. There were priests saying mass according to the letter of the rules but not their spirit. It also isn’t fair to compare current Tridentine masses to Novus Ordo abuses. Any priest who is currently willing to go through the trouble to celebrate a Tridentine mass is obviously not going to do a slopply job of it.
DominvsVobiscvm said:
Nothing Out of the Ordinary

So . . . um . . . what about that Universal Indult?

Wow. Great point. :rolleyes:

Did you know that you are linking to a picture from a tiny little mission church in Poland. Look at the other pictures on the site. It’s pretty clear that they have NO MONEY. Mass is being held in a room that looks to be about 15X20. There are about 12 people in the congregation and two priests concelebrating. For all we know that could have been an extremely devout mass filled with holy people who have given much just to have a small Church.

Did one of your traditionalist friends send this to you? Or did you search the internet and find it all by yourself?

Real funny…making fun of some poor people in Poland in order to rip the mass…You’ve got a lot of class! 👍
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