I have email the lay admistrator of the basilic of Saint Ouen in the hope he will anwersyour questions. I have find nothing online or by my contact otherwise.
Maybe we will have to wait until the next year, because It is highly possible that the administrator is in holidays (it is christmas school holidays since friday here).
To give a little context:
In France the parishes merge more and more. Today a parish is composed of many churches. In the countryside each village has its churches and a parish is composed of many villages. In city, there is less churches in a parish, usually. The mass is celebarated in one or more churches, the others stay unused except for burial or heriatage days. These churches remains the propriety of the town who take care of them.
we don’t sell churches or desacralised them like in America. They stays empty building who marke visually the identity of the village or the city. The few who are sell are the propriety of the dioceses and are recent, and a heavy burden. The towns usually keep them even if it can be an heavy burden for them…