Your LEAST favorite movies... time for a little levity I think

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Watch out, Little Lady, phasers at 10:00!

Oh, wait, no worries…storm troopers can’t shoot. Hahahaha
I think it just hasn’t stood up well to time. The content is dated and the medium of filmmaking has gotten better. But it has its place in film history for a reason. A lot of old movies are seriously overacted because they were like stage productions but on camera.

Actually, that reminds me of one: Snow White, the very first Disney full-length animated feature. It’s culturally significant, but I watched it with my kids lately and thought “Man, this has not held up well.” Pinocchio, Sleeping Beauty, and Bambi are my favorite early Disney.
I love it because I love the book, but I think the movie is still a masterpiece for its time. But, I might just love the book’s sequel even better because she goes back to Ireland.
A Christmas Story was a huge part of my childhood. We still quote from it and make jokes all year long.
Any time I read C.S. Lewis writing about sin, I think: “Oh crud, he’s talking about me again …” 😳
This is totally me. I think that’s why I reread them so often. I go about life and forget, and then as soon as I crack open one of his books I get smacked upside the head again. 😳
I am going out on a limb here. I have always thought Gone with the Wind was really overrated. No I don’t hate it and it is not even a least favorite. I am just saying that because I think this thread is the appropriate place for this comment; I am curious if others feel the same or are horrified by this comment.
You and I might be the only two people on the planet that feel this way. I can recognize that GWTW is a fine film, but no way do I think it deserves the breathless gushing of its fans. It is overly long and the screenplay is far too discursive, somewhat like the book I should imagine, though I have never read it. I am also out of sympathy with the character of Scarlett O’ Hara, who strikes me as petulant, vain, selfish, manipulative, mendacious and fickle. Not exactly an attractive person.
I have seen GWTW four times through: twice on the big screen, and twice on DVD. Don’t think I’ll be giving it another shot. There are too many other films I enjoy to take time to see this one again.
I am also out of sympathy with the character of Scarlett O’ Hara, who strikes me as petulant, vain, selfish, manipulative, mendacious and fickle. Not exactly an attractive person.
That’s the whole point of it. But no worries, it’s not for everyone.
I am also out of sympathy with the character of Scarlett O’ Hara, who strikes me as petulant, vain, selfish, manipulative, mendacious and fickle. Not exactly an attractive person.
That’s the whole point of it. But no worries, it’s not for everyone.
Yes, I had a feeling I was missing the whole point of this particular film. Despite my criticism, I’ve no doubt my antipathy to the story and characters is depriving me of an enriching aesthetic experience, but really it just leaves me cold. As I’ve said before, you can’t like everything!
Agreed. The acting is a bit over the top. Too Hollywood for my tastes. Another one like that is Cleopatra with Liz Taylor and Richard Burton. But it amazes me how much some people (including younger ones) love Gone with the Wind - like name their daughter Tara, all that. (I think that is right, Tara? Scarlett?) Whatever. Is GWTW the one with ‘frankly my darling I don’t give a damn?’ I have only watched it once years ago actually. Streetcar Named Desire was overacted but I can get through it. Not really love it but I prefer it.
Okay, first of all. to those of you who don’t like or even love The Princess Bride or A Christmas Story, you aught to know that there’s something wrong with you. It’s nothing serious, like Syphilis. You were just raised on the wrong movies.

Try to imagine yourself growing up in the 1980s. In those days, when I was jast a wee lad, there were only two movie genres: T&A and ninja. Yeah, yeah… some of you might say there was also horror, but if you stop and really think about it, and fail to realize that a movie about a weirdo in a mask sneaking around murdering people (usually girls, breasts exposed, sometimes in mid-coitus) in really inventive ways is actually just a T&A/ninja mashup, again… something’s wrong with you.

For crying out loud, my dad took us all to see Porky’s, and later Porky’s II, in the theatre. That was considered family entertainment. We even had copies of them on LaserDisc and on VHS. Do you have any idea how starved kids like me were back then for heroes, or for some semblance of decency or morality, or even remotely relatable plot lines or emulable characters?

That’s why these two movies, though they’re good enough on their own merit, will forever be remembered by many as possibly the only good things to have emerged out of 1980s pop culture. Enough said.

Now onto movies that stink.

The Departed. I believe the working title for this crap-fest was “Four and a half excruciatingly boring hours of people being shot in the head for no good or apparent reason.” And this turd won four Oscars. “She fell funny”. Ooh, bravo Mr. Nicholson, you actually improvised that line? Well, whoop-dee-doo.

Deer Hunter. I mean, I know the 70s was a different era. People could apparently hang in there for, like, two hours watching a black screen on which they’re meant to understand Al Pacino is sleep farting, but, what the…? Is it just me, or was the first two hours of this movie just video from the director’s sister’s wedding. Again, give that man an award, why don’t you?

Ocean’s Twelve. I’m watching this at a friend’s house, and it isn’t costing me a dime, so why do I feel like I’m being robbed? I think this movie is undeniable proof that people like Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Julia Roberts, et. al., for all of their philanthropy, don’t give a hoot about ordinary people, and see themselves as some sort of supreme beings who deserve our money just 'cause.

The Last Jedi. I don’t get it Disney. I can’t help but feel like you’re trying to send a message to kids about women in positions of power, but wasn’t it supposed to be a positive one?

Anything by David Cronenberg. “Ooh, baby, I know it arouses you when I touch your infected stinky spine hole where you connect your flesh-based gaming system.” (To paraphrase a scene I recall from a movie of his called Existenz. Don’t get me started on Naked Lunch.) * Shudder with revulsion *
I love those old big Hollywood style productions, like The Robe, Ben-Hur, The Ten Commandments, etc.

Oops, got side-tracked thinking about Gone With the Wind. Back to awful movies…
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My least favorite movie when I was a child was Ella Enchanted. Loved the book as a kid and ran out to see it as soon as it was out and spent the entire time watching it angry.
I can’t bring myself to watch it again after seeing it back in the '70’s.
Many of these I watched before deciding to drop films with the “O” rating from the Church. i won’t be missing the ones that have that rating on this list.

American Beauty (1999)
Baby Geniuses (1999)
Batman (1989)
The Burbs (1989)
Cape Fear (1991)
Captain Fantastic (2016)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
Crash (2005)
Diamonds are Forever (1971, but the theme song is sensational)
Easy A (2010)
Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex (1972)
Green Room (2015)
Heathers (1988)
In Like Flint (1967)
Midnight Express (1978)
The night of the following Day (1968)
The Revenant (2015)
The Squid and the Whale (2005)
Switch (1991)
Deer Hunter. I mean, I know the 70s was a different era. People could apparently hang in there for, like, two hours watching a black screen on which they’re meant to understand Al Pacino is sleep farting, but, what the…? Is it just me, or was the first two hours of this movie just video from the director’s sister’s wedding. Again, give that man an award, why don’t you?
I’m sorry but The Deer Hunter is a classic! Pacino isn’t even in it.
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Many of these I watched before deciding to drop films with the “O” rating from the Church. i won’t be missing the ones that have that rating on this list.

Batman (1989)
You are dead to me.
Nothing against Greece or Greeks, honest, but I just hated both “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” and “Mama Mia”. 🤢
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