Yes! I am proposing this information as a deterrent.
In keeping with the subject of the thread, I believe this information to be a serious consideration for homosexuals who are considering prospects for love and companionship. In other words, if one loves another, one would not not want to infect the other with a deadly disease…
That is equally true of heterosexuals, which is why your arguments are NOT a deterrent.
I rather doubt that trying to scare people with health risks isn’t very effective anyway, but that’s a side issue.
Actually the others have misinterpreted my argument and taken it off on a tangent.
I originally stated that health risks are higher for homosexuals. A very true and accurate statement that has not been refuted
Joie was quick to point out: “Given that lesbian sex is safer than heterosexual sex for women”. While that may be true, it does not counter the fact that health risks for lesbians are higher than heterosexual women…
Those weren’t tangents. Your blanket statement about health risks being higher for homosexuals was indeed refuted by Joie’s point of fact that it’s not true of homosexual women. You made a blanket general statement, and a specific was given to refute it.
An accurate statement about health risks must include more than just “being homosexual”, and would specify WHICH health risks, and compared to whom…
For example:.
A monogamous homosexual would be at lower risk for STD’s than a homosexual or heterosexual with multiple partners.
Sexually active people of either sex with multiple partners have a higher risk of STD’s than those who are monogamous.
Your use of nuns as a point of argument is laughable. Today, most nuns are lesbian so we are not comparing “apples and oranges” are we?.
That’s kind of ridiculous. Here is the fact:
The only “health risks” that are higher for lesbian women are those that come from not being pregnant or using birth control to suppress ovulation. So, leaving nuns and your assumptions about them aside, ANY woman would have that risk…your heterosexual married but barren aunt…your spinster sister…
And by risk we are not talking about “you’re going to get breast cancer if you’re gay”. We’re talking about a slightly higher lifetime risk than other women (who are ALL at risk for breast cancer).
Meanwhile, gay women are at lower risk than heterosexual women for STD’s, pregnancy complications, cervical cancer. Will you include that in your curriculum?
I know heterosexuals have health risks, and if we were talking about heterosexuals I would be the first to point out the risks.
What is the point of including the heterosexual majority in this discussion? I only see the word “homosexual” in the title of this thread.
Is it a matter of justification…straight guys get herpes too…so its OK for gays to get herpes??? Straight men & women get AIDS…OK it’s acceptable for gays to contract the disease and die? Is this the point of including heterosexuals???..
When you infer that heterosexuals do the same things and contract the same diseases… you are not arguing logically since two wrongs don’t make a right. However, it is an argument for treating homosexuality equally with heterosexuality if the two were truly equivalent. But they are not.
Boy, you kinda went off the deep end there logic wise. No one tried to justify behaviors or said anything about wrongs and rights.
Only that your arguments don’t hold water.
The point of including heterosexuals is simply this: if you assert that one group has a higher risk…compared to what? To another group.
Perhaps you don’t understand health statistics. When you say health risks, it doesn’t mean “You will get this disease”. it means that one persons risk is higher or lower than another group, or than the norm based on some quality that they have different from the control group.
Oh…and that risk…that can be 4% versus 2% (oh wow…twice as high!).
I suggest you find another way to conduct your crusade to convert homosexuals. I don’t think it’s possible anyway, and I live and let live.