Well, you can certainly understand our confusion when it is stated (an actual post on this thread) that there is nothing wrong with a same-sex
romantic couple who remains sexually chaste. Or further, when I see a thread entitled “Where sin begins in same-sex
physical intimacy.”
Did Merriam Webster print a new dictionary? I really do need the terms defined for me to end my confusion. What is a *romantic * SS couple? And what is same-sex physical intimacy without sin? A meeting of the minds, so to speak, or kissing – hugging without sexual arousal? Maybe it’s simply the “romance” part I don’t understand. We are entering a new and foreign era and I may use euphemisms in my bewilderment, but what I actually am wondering is… if there is not a certain amount of duplicity and guile in this debate. A pushing of the envelope of sorts to make non-acceptable (and sinful) behavior accepted. Or…maybe I’m just one of the obtuse ones as the previous poster suggests!
I cannot get the picture out of my mind of average (and older) priests hearing confessions these days. How ill-equipped they all must be!