I’m not sure if how we come to morality dimishes the fact that we indeed do come to it…and it doesn’t necessarily have to be through a religion…right? ( I am evidence of this I contend) Didn’t jesus mention giving up our worldly possessions?..but yet - we still have selfishness… Even if religion does provide a moral absolute…is society as a whole even aware of it? Do we operate in this context? This is probably something worth discussing.
Regarding if there were proof of god…would I believe? Brother…if I could even understand a religion(s)…I may come to it…but this is a big limiter for me I guess. How would I choose? Why would I choose? The three major religions all say the same thing about eachother…and then themselves. Islam is the one true religion…Christianity is the one true religion etc…etc… How could I compel myself knowing full well that there is not a way to critically, and empirically come to a satisfactory conclusion (at least for my own intellect)…this is important stuff…Maybe when I was a teen I spent to many lazy afternoons reading Kant, and Nietzche…James…religious books of all shapes and sizes…Heck I own a copy of the Bhagadvad Ghita!..I recently came into possession of a huge piece of work that compares and contrasts major religions…postulates ancient religions that our modern ones may have evolved from…Zoroastrianism is quite amazing…Do you know there are ancient persian religious traditions that correspond very closely to accounts in the bible?..neat stuff…
I still postulate that a group of individuals could get together…and develop an absolute moral code…I believe this strongly in human intellect. I guess if I didn’t…maybe I would turn to god…maybe that is the answer?