Your thoughts about owning firearms as a Catholic in the USA?

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I hear ya Joey,.I still haven’t figured out much of how this new site works. I think you make an astute observation re the design . These kids come out of the womb holding a computer device it seems,while we older folks are left scratching our heads .Guess I can ask my four year old grandson to show me the loops,but I digress😜
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All great, intelligent, well thought out posts supporting the right to an unlimited, anything goes right to own any kind of firearm available.

Tell that to the people in Las Vegas!

Nuff said…
No, not nuff said.
  1. There is a saying in Law School, “Sensational Cases Make Bad Law”
Laws cannot be properly made when emotions are high. Laws should be made with a calm detachment of reason pro or con.
  1. No gun law can stop these shootings. Gun laws restrict only law-biding citizens. Criminals will get guns no matter what, even if all guns were banned.
  2. If citizens were carrying guns perhaps this shooting would have been stopped sooner and thus saving lives.
joeybaggz, would a ban on guns have kept Paddock from killing that night?
A ban on semi automatic weapons that can be modified to fire automatically, un yea, it might have. As I’ve said, no one, outside of military personally need automatic combat assault weapons. Would Paddock done less damage with shotguns, semi automatic pistols, or a Winchester 300 magnum or a 30-30. Probably.

I’ll be kind and assume you haven’t read anything else I’ve posted. I am not against the 2nd amendment per se. (I am against that amendment in the minds of those who want unlimited access to anything that can fire bullets) I do own a 9mm semi automatic pistol for self defense against home invasion (or any other legitimate purpose). I don’t want to take that away from others. I don’t want to take guns away from law abiding citizens for purposes of collecting, target shooting, or self defense. My only point is to limit the availability of combat assault weapons or any devise that can allow a semi automatic weapon to fire automatically. Like Paddock did.
none needs a personal machine gun or howitzers.
The Second Amendment isn’t about what the American people need or want, it is about a God-given right that should not be taken away.
Please stop with parroting the ridiculous statement that owning a gun and the 2nd amendment to the United States Constitution is a God Given right. Somewhere somebody show me where in Scripture or Catholic Traditional teaching, God the Father, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit instructed Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, and the other signers to implement the 2nd Amendment. You sound foolish.

Men wrote the constitution and its Bill of Rights. Men can repeal amendments. Hope it doesn’t happen with #2, but post a lot more pictures of dead six year olds butchered in schools, or people just beginning life whose lives have been snuffed out by some loon with an automatic weapon, and public opinion will demand change.

And don’t tell me Duzzey that it is a feel good measure. When people are afraid to send their kids to school, or go to a ball game, a concert, a nightclub, or train station because of the escalating body count, the anti gun sentiment will get very very real. And you how politicians are. Enough people start demanding change, and there won’t be enough pro gun activists to counter the groundswell.
A ban on semi automatic weapons that can be modified to fire automatically, un yea, it might have. As I’ve said, no one, outside of military personally need automatic combat assault weapons. Would Paddock done less damage with shotguns, semi automatic pistols, or a Winchester 300 magnum or a 30-30. Probably.
Malarkey. Someone with some training and skill could have murdered MORE than 59 given the time, target environment and vantage point that killer had using a WWI bolt-action rifle. You’re talking out of your hat and it’s not doing anyone any good.
Please stop with parroting the ridiculous statement that owning a gun and the 2nd amendment to the United States Constitution is a God Given right. Somewhere somebody show me where in Scripture or Catholic Traditional teaching, God the Father, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit instructed Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, and the other signers to implement the 2nd Amendment. You sound foolish.

Men wrote the constitution and its Bill of Rights. Men can repeal amendments. Hope it doesn’t happen with #2, but post a lot more pictures of dead six year olds butchered in schools, or people just beginning life whose lives have been snuffed out by some loon with an automatic weapon, and public opinion will demand change.

And don’t tell me Duzzey that it is a feel good measure. When people are afraid to send their kids to school, or go to a ball game, a concert, a nightclub, or train station because of the escalating body count, the anti gun sentiment will get very very real. And you how politicians are. Enough people start demanding change, and there won’t be enough pro gun activists to counter the groundswell.
The right to keep and bear arms comes from God, not men. Men just gave this God-given right constitutional protection.
It’s a pointless Question ,simply because as soon as you mention the word. “ Gun “. Everyone gets into hysteria about freedom to bear Arms etc etc ,
This amendment was created when it took a minute or two to reload one firearm ,
I see little point in any conversation about firearms because it just goes around and around in circles with no possible end in sight,
There is no true political will to do anything,
It’s a pointless Question ,simply because as soon as you mention the word. “ Gun “. Everyone gets into hysteria about freedom to bear Arms etc etc ,

This amendment was created when it took a minute or two to reload one firearm ,

I see little point in any conversation about firearms because it just goes around and around in circles with no possible end in sight,

There is no true political will to do anything,
You’re wrong. My question is hardly “pointless.”

The Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment was written in 1789. The state-of-the-art infantryman’s firearm at that time was the musket. It was the assault weapon for its day. It could be shot 3-4 times (not once) per minutes, and was every bit lethal and terrorizing as a modern sporting rifle (eg. AR15) is today when the alternatives were a sword, bow/arrow or a fist. I think it’s ridiculous to suggest the framers would put in restrictions today if they were to craft the 2A today.

The Second Amendment is a crafted, timeless work, written by some very sharp cookies. Thank goodness the process to amend it is so formal.
Adam Lanza should have never been near guns. And if his mother hadn’t had as many guns as she did. If she hadn’t made it her business to teach him to use them, she’d be alive, and a classroom of children who were then 6 would only now be 11 years old.

How ironic that she had an arsenal of guns for protection, and was killed by her son with her own gun.

As for Las Vegas, how does a man purchase 33 rifles in one year from the same shop and that alone isn’t suspicious?

David Frum wrote a good article in the Atlantic on the subject.
I agree with you. In just a few years the record on deadliest shooting has been broken multiple times. 19 years ago we were shocked at Columbine, where 12 kids were killed.

Thoughts and prayers and discussions like this until it happens again.
The constitution was written by MEN, it expressly separates the church and the state, If God intended it, it would have been a commandment, not an amendment!
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Oh yes, everyone knows that insinuating ignorance is very kind…

Other than that, I just have to say two things:
  1. Contrary to what you think, I have read most of what you have posted;
  2. And despite your protestations that you are pro 2A, you sure sound, look, and act like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
After much consideration and digging my heels in to the contrary, I own three small guns (one for concealed carry, one for home security, one for extended of target practice).

It took years, but I now realize that I do not want to be in a situation where those with guns are (maybe) grandfathered in while our nation’s lawmakers decide to ban citizens from arming ourselves even if only to guard against (unlikely) hostile government activity against its own people. (Hey, it’s happened.)

Just my two cents.
You are delusional. The constitution was written by MEN, it expressly separates the church and the state, so you are wrong. You sound like one of Clinton’s Deplorables with your line of reasoning. If God intended it, it would have been a commandment, not an amendment!

The average person needs to be able to defend him or her self, yes, that takes a revolver. If you fire more than a few shots, you are NOT defending yourself. Please don’t blaspheme by making guns a right from God! Keep it down to Earth, it’s a man made law.
And you’re rude. Very rude.

Your comment about “blaspheme” is particularly offensive.

The right to keep and bear arms is a God-given right – no matter what you personally believe.
You have yet to prove that to anyone, your opinion is therefore rejected. I’ll leave it at that, since nothing I say can possibly change your opinion. Have a nice day!
You have yet to prove that to anyone, your opinion is therefore rejected. I’ll leave it at that, since nothing I say can possibly change your opinion. Have a nice day!
At least you weren’t rude with this posting.

The right to self-defense is a God-given right. It naturally follows that the right to keep and bear arms is also a God-given right.

Your own opinion is rejected for inaccuracy.
Please stop with parroting the ridiculous statement that owning a gun and the 2nd amendment to the United States Constitution is a God Given right. Somewhere somebody show me where in Scripture or Catholic Traditional teaching, God the Father, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit instructed Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, and the other signers to implement the 2nd Amendment. You sound foolish.

Men wrote the constitution and its Bill of Rights. Men can repeal amendments. Hope it doesn’t happen with #2, but post a lot more pictures of dead six year olds butchered in schools, or people just beginning life whose lives have been snuffed out by some loon with an automatic weapon, and public opinion will demand change.

And don’t tell me Duzzey that it is a feel good measure. When people are afraid to send their kids to school, or go to a ball game, a concert, a nightclub, or train station because of the escalating body count, the anti gun sentiment will get very very real. And you how politicians are. Enough people start demanding change, and there won’t be enough pro gun activists to counter the groundswell.
Early on in this thread, you made it a point of saying over and over and over again that you are not anti second amendment. But as this thread has evolved, (and in this post in particular), I find you spouting the same sort of rhetoric as the Michael Moore’s and other radical left wingers do, who absolutely despise the 2nd amendment, and who in fact wished that it never even existed. It would be easier for me to believe in gremlins than to believe you’re pro 2nd amendment! But I’m sure that for those who’ve followed this thread closely, I’m not really saying anything that they haven’t already figured out.
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