What do you suggest?
One suggestion,What do you suggest?
Superficialities? Vatican II seemed to disagree strongly when it said:Music is rarely the main deciding issue, one way or the other. Arguing about superficialities like music or worship style is like arguing about the placement of deck chairs on the Titanic.
I highly doubt that very many gay millennials would be attracted to the Catholic Church even if they knew what the Catechism says with all its talk about their sexuality being “disordered”.For millennials that are gay they see the Church as being hostile to their mere existence because poorly catchacized Catholic laity don’t know what the catechism says or haven’t read what Humanae Vitae says. I think that’s an issue of evangelization, which means the Church needs to change tact in how it interacts with the laity on the issue.
Not only. Also to most who are not gay.Hairsplitting, to most who are gay.
The distinction means little, if anything, who do not consider the acts themselves wrong or sinful.There’s a distinction to be made between the individual and the acts of that individual, as well as their intent.
Yes, it says that the acts are “intrinsically disordered”:That’s not an accurate representation of the position though. It’s the acts that are considered intrinsically disordered.
But then in the next section is says:tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.”
So, a homosexual inclination itself, is “objectively disordered” and homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered”. That means that both the orientation itself and acting on it are disordered but one is “disordered” in the object to which it is directed, i.e. another man (this makes me think of the 1998 gay themed movie with Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd, “The Object of My Affection”) and the other is disordered in itself.This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial.
So, although the inclination might not be a sin according to the Catholic Church, church documents nevertheless make it sound like something that is pretty awful. I doubt that most gay millennials would feel good hearing all of this stuff about their sexuality and “intrinsic moral evil” and how it is “objectively disordered”.Although the particular inclination of the homosexual person is not a sin, it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil.