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    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      re: Matthew 12:38. Why do you suppose the Pharisees asked the Messiah for a sign? What do you think they wanted it to show?
    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      So, that would be Thursday night, Thursday day, Friday night, Friday day, Saturday night, Saturday day, Sunday night, and maybe a...
    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      Matthew 12:40 - 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three...
    • R
      rstrats replied to the thread Good Friday.
      Since you didn't say, should I assume that it is not an official position? But let me ask about your comment; how do you account for...
    • R
      rstrats posted the thread Good Friday in Catholic Doctrine.
      Is the idea of a Friday crucifixion an official doctrine of the Catholic Church?
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