‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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The 2018 midterms absent Trump saw the Republicans lose many House seats. In 2020 they won back many of those.
:That’s how they achieved the majority in the House in 2020 that they had in 2016, right?

Oh, I forgot. Never mind…
Texas is suing and well they should and other states may join them, suing the states that can’t run their own elections that may well be fraudulent or compromised. It affects us all.
" The Supreme Court is not obligated to hear the case and has said in previous decisions that its “original jurisdiction,” which allows it to directly hear litigation between states, should be invoked sparingly.

Paul Smith, a professor and election law expert at Georgetown University’s law school, said Texas did not have a legitimate basis for the suit.

“There is no possible way that the state of Texas has standing to complain about how other states counted the votes and how they are about to cast their electoral votes,” Smith said.

Moreover, election disputes are meant to be resolved by members of Congress when they meet on Jan. 6 to formally count Electoral College votes, constitutional law professor Ned Foley of Ohio State University’s Moritz College of Law said.

“I would think the court would not want to be dragged into the middle of this,” Foley added.

Paxton has been an ally of Trump on a range of issues and a case he led seeking to invalidate the Affordable Care Act healthcare law was joined by Trump’s administration when it reached the U.S. Supreme Court this year."

The funny thing is it reminds of some of the reasons put forward why women should not be given the vote. You know, they might be swayed by a pretty face, nice hair, or a slick talker.

🤣 🤣 🤣
I’m beginning to think it was projection onto the women of how men base their votes. “Would I want to have a beer with him?” was a explanation for voting decisions a few years ago
Trevor Noah observed that the Trump legal team now has more Covid cagses than court victories.
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You can’t disenfranchise millions who voted in good faith.
You are right.
Those responsible for the fraud should be made to pay for another vote.

The answer is not to accept the wrong done and move forward.
The answer is to correct the wrong, and then move forward.
You guys kill me.

Every court has said the election had no fraud, yet you insist in overturning the vote because your guy lost.

Well, both Rudy and Jenna have covid, so this is probably over soon.
yet you insist in overturning the vote because your guy lost.
I said let the process play out.

My insistence comes from the obvious fraud. Whether this fraud evidence rises to court-worthy remains to be seen.
AG Attorney Barr said there was no evidence.
Christopher Krebs said this was most secure election in history.

What is there not to understand?

Both of those are Trump Guys.
Which is it? No Fraud? Some Fraud? A lot of Fraud?
It’s there was no widespread fraud. Period.

If one thinks some states improperly made or implemented laws/rules, the remedy is not to throw votes out. It’s pretty simple.
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