Even as recently as 2017 per the above, Democrats tried to strike state votes for the Republican candidate, Trump.2020 ELECTION
Alabama Congressman: ‘Trump Won the Electoral College,’ Will Challenge Result in January
BY JACK PHILLIPS December 15, 2020 Updated: December 15, 2020biggersmaller Print
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) again vowed that he will challenge Electoral College votes when they are counted during the Joint Session of Congress in early January.
Brooks told Fox Business that efforts to challenge the Electoral College vote occurred as recently as 2017.
“Well, it’s happened many times in the past,” Brooks stated. “Apparently, some folks have not done their history. By way of example, the Democrats in the House tried it in 2017 when they tried to strike Alabama’s votes for Donald Trump. Georgia, the same way, the House Democrats tried to strike it.”
These rates are way wrong.Audits of voting machines reveal ERROR rates: in (Antrim County) Michigan: 68.05% in Nevada: 70% in Arizona: we’ll know soon!
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