I acknowledge their authority over me as shepherds of Christ’s Church on earth.
The bishops’ opinions on systemic racism and immigration laws are prudential, and as Pope Benedict noted, Catholics are not bound to accept a prudential judgement; and if they do not accept it they are still free (as in free from sin) to present themselves for Communion.
Racism is wrong; it is a sin, just as abortion, robbery, adultery and a whole host of other issues are a sin. However, when bishops start saying “we have to do this (or that)” in reference to what they perceive as systemic racism, it is still a prudential statement.
I agree we need to combat racism. And I am still waiting to hear what “systemic’” refers to. Likewise, to the cries of “institutional racism”, another repeated comment without a scintilla of evidence to back it up.
The police are referred to, again without a scintilla of evidence, as “racist”, and that reference was alluded to in Portland, Oregon this last summer, as one black “spokeswoman” noted in an interview, “because the gang enforcement team was always in our area”. The team was eliminated this summer. Note: the team is referred to as “gang enforcement” and as “gun reduction”.
An interview with three officers (one white sergeant, one black sergeant and a woman officer on the gun reduction team) spoke about what has been going on in Portland since the riots started. At about 41 minutes the woman officer relates what has happened since the team was dissolved: within the stretch of time a year ago there were about 35 shootings; in the time this year, 100. And as she notes, only part of the black community is being heard from; the whole of the community is not.
This is a long video. If anyone truly wants to hear something other than the liberal media rhetoric, I would advise listening to the whole video.
At 45:35 the woman officer makes a really interesting statement. I wonder how many people watching this have already made up their minds about a certain issue based on what they see, rather than on the actual evidence.