30 Something Catholic Chat

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I did a quick search and didn’t find another thread like this started.

I wanted to start a thread for millennials to talk about things we all have in common, like living in our parent’s basement… :crazy_face: Just joking about that.

I am ZemD, I’m married and I have two young kids. Almost all of my millennial friends are either unmarried or married without kids. My family and my husband’s family are all fallen away catholics. I have no practicing catholic friends my own age. My hobbies include sewing, gardening, church history/ theology, and politics. I used to pay insurance claims before I became a 24/7 on call cook, maid, entertainer, teacher, accountant, and housekeeper - most commonly referred to as MOM. 😀

Who are you? And add something about yourself.
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Can you define millennial technically? What’s the window (i.e. born from what year to what year?) I don’t keep up with the terms and I hear that now thar be zoomers. 🙂
I think millennials are from 1981-1996, I’ve also seen 1981-2003.

I put millennial in the title in hopes some other young catholics would read and reply, but I’m not going to ignore anyone even if they are younger or older than that.
Well hello, fellow millennial! Based on those dates, I for at least one meet the criteria of this semi-exclusive club thread. 😉🎉🍻

Quite different from you though it sounds like: I’m unmarried, have no kids, and do have practicing Catholic friends (around) my own age. I’m a convert so my family aren’t fallen-away but they haven’t yet fallen in. 😉

Hobbies include dancing, writing, and more online Catholic forum posting than is probably healthy, I should cut back on that.

Halloo! 👋

I also try to avoid sharing too many details about myself online so might be really bad company in a thread like this. 😛
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I have been using the forum much more since COVID-19. What made you decide to convert to Catholicism?
Long journey, but the bottom line was basically what it came down to for GK Chesterton:

I became Catholic because after years of seeking truth I came to believe Catholicism is true.

Boy was I a bit begrudging on the way in though. You can newly believe something is true while not wanting to live with the consequences of it being true (and what that truth demands of you), haha. During RCIA I remember feeling like Simon snagged by the Roman soldiers to help carry Jesus’ cross. Not a volunteer but a conscripted and begrudging slave.

I’ve gotten over that now, thank GOD. Haha. But I relate to CS Lewis’s line about his conversion to Christianity in general, when he called himself “the most reluctant convert in all England.” I wonder if that’s a phase many converts go through on the way to the joy and peace (which thankfully follows, haha).

How about yourself? You mention your family are fallen away Catholics, so it sounds like you were raised in it but stayed in or ‘reverted’? Why do you think you stayed practicing while your family didn’t? (And is your husband practicing also?)
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Hey everyone, I guess on here I’m ksb. I grew up in a family where my mother was Catholic, my father was Muslim. I was baptised Catholic but raised Muslim, I came back to the Church my 2nd year of university. My fiancee and I are getting married in spring. Due to some circumstances we are cohabiting now, but our parish and diocese has been very understanding. We are closing on our first home in 6 days! While my fiancee was born and raised Catholic, she wasn’t very practicing when we met, so we’ve came back to the Church together, it’s been a real blessing to do that with your partner. We’re hoping to find some Catholic couples our age to hang out with in our new parish. I’m a member of the KoC but most of the men in my council are uh… much older.
I’m a member of the KoC but most of the men in my council are uh… much older.
Your presence may help inspire and encourage other younger men to step up. Someone must go first!

PS Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! And how lovely that you and your fiancée can rediscover and come back to the Church together!
Thanks for the congratulations! It’s a very exciting (and expensive) time.

I’m glad that I followed through with joining the knights. I almost didn’t because of the huge age gap, but I’d recommend it to any Catholic man, apart from the social aspect, being in the KoC gives you many chances to do corporal works of mercy
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When my husband and I set a date for our wedding it started the wheels turning in my head that I was catholic but didn’t really know what it meant to be a Catholic. So I bought the catechism, read the whole thing, realized I had been unknowingly committing many grave sins, made the first good confession of my entire life and my husband did the same soon after me.

It was really hard at first because sin was such a big part of my life, but so happy now all that’s behind me and now I have a better understanding of the faith to impart on my kids.
I think millennials are from 1981-1996, I’ve also seen 1981-2003
Well I’m kinda bored, and I just barely fit into requirements for being a millennial (although I’m quite sure I’m more of a gen z 😅) so I might as well partake in the sharing game 🙂.

My name is Daniel and I’m of the great year of 2002. I’m deeply interested in philosophy and theology and have a strong admiration for the history of western civilization.

I am baptized a catholic but not truly raised a catholic, as both of my parents are very… lets just say in disagreement with the catholic institution for the most general of reasons (sex scandel, the disbelief in the necessity of a church, the “over” restrictivness of rules, etc.). As such, I was very ignorant as to most of the catholic teachings as well as the reasoning behind said teachings for a large portion of my life. That is until I started dabbling in apologetics (which also actually took me from my agnosticism to Christianity) and being introduced to the YouTube videos of Bishop Barron. After such, along with further personal investigation on my part, I am now 99.9 percent convinced of the catholic faith and plan on taking the steps necessary to become a full practicing catholic (though I must admit, it is a difficulty).

Moving into senior year, I plan on being a good old hard working student so that I can get my qualifications for university and rake in the chedder afterwards 😁. I’m hoping all goes well so I can build the lovely foundation that can bring me a good life dedicated to our Lord.
If all goes according to plan, hopefully astronautical engineering. Not because of any major interests in the field of engineering, but mostly because of the likeness of finding a secure well paying job afterwards (especially given how everyone is quite ready for a space age to ensue and all 😂).
Who are you? And add something about yourself.
I want to be a priest but i’m going to pass through the army first, i want to make sure i’m humbled before joining the seminary, i have a obsession with collecting Mega Blocks figures and even though they are expensive as hell i cant get enough of it, i love playing videogames while i lisen to debates or to classes, my dream is to meet Zachary King and spend like a whole day with him, i also want to meet Adam and Eve or at least know as much of them as possible, i hope i can get to go to heaven one day.

(Zachary’s channel, he does not upload too much but when he does i scream like a teenage-girl-that-got-accepted-in-harvard)
if you know him tell him that i’m like his greatest fan or something.
I’m 32. I count as a millennial as much as I’d rather not. :crazy_face:
Not gonna post it as it’s a little risque but the Portlandia skit One Party at a Time is a perfect image of our generation.
I am 29, I’d rather not be a millennial either(since as a group we are thought to be entitled and lazy)… but I am. If I could pick my generation, maybe the silent/greatest generation? But too bad for me God didn’t ask me when I wanted to be born
Butting into this part of the conversation, my fiancee is a social worker, her caseload is mostly people with cognitive disabilities and the elderly. I quit uni two years ago to start work in a factory, I also worked in a foundry for a while, but I am now back in school, hopefully to become an MRI tech
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