30 Something Catholic Chat

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Very interesting! I was in school to be a social worker, but I quit school to work while my husband finished his degrees. When I quit, I worked in residential homes for the developmentally disabled. I wish you luck in school!
I’m so lazy. We’re online this semester but I still don’t want to attend this 3 hour long lecture on zoom. Is there a patron saint for procrastinators?
Here is a “millennial question of the day” to keep the chat going.

What do you value more, owning a home or renting/living with parents to enable travel? I think @ksb1020 already answered this one in his first post.

For my husband and I we always wanted to own a home. We didn’t travel much before kids but may do more domestic travel now that we have kids. I haven’t flown since before 9/11 and I don’t know if I ever will again so that limits our options. Are there still transatlantic voyages? 🤨
I don’t have the money to live on my own or travel so I’m out. :crazy_face:
Yes, but not by my choice. Small tyrants dictate when I am allowed to sleep…
@(name removed by moderator) Hello! Thank you for joining the chat thread! 👋

I will try to think of better, less stereotypical questions to keep the chat interesting, please feel free to jump in with questions too. This is a thread democracy, not a dictatorship.
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Do you have a favorite mass/feast day?

Mine is the Easter vigil mass. I love the fire outside before the mass, the chant of the very old prayer, the name which now escapes me, at the beginning of mass, the million readings, and the candidates for baptism and confirmation from RCIA. I am looking forward to attending it again once my kids are old enough to handle a mass that long.

Close second is good Friday service. I may be mistaken, but I thought this was not considered a mass because they do not consecrate the eucharist. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
Do you have a favorite mass/feast day?
I’m still getting used to being Catholic so every feastday is still so new to me that none of them have settled out yet into the average experience of what each one is like. I think I need a few more years to start to feel the pattern.

I will say though, I’ve had a memorable St. Joseph’s Day. And I celebrated the Feast of the Assumption this year after the Dormition Fast.

Basically any feast that follows fasting, I extra appreciate.

But I’d like to start developing more personal traditions around them and making sure to mark them more socially. As a single person living alone (and now with Covid) it can be too easy to let important days sort of drift by unmemorably.
That’s cool! I wish we still had the old fasting rules in the Latin Rite. I mean, we can still choose to follow the old rules, but still.
Yeah, agreed, haha.

Although I suppose we’re in a pretty sweet sweet spot right now. Technically dispensed from certain obligations of fasting, while still free to individually do them (for those who find out about them and muster up the private gumption).

I’m sort of hopeful that religion will get more woven back into more of our lives in the coming generations. Those who stick with it instead of falling away from it, seeing the value and benefit of the rhythms and disciplines. Seeking to do more not less.

While at the same time I sometimes myself feel so weak that I’m glad how low the allowed minimum is. But who knows: maybe if standards were higher we’d be more inspired to live up to them… I go in circles.
I agree and can relate. Sometimes I start my Eucharistic fast at midnight before the morning Mass, othertimes I get up and have a quick snack more than an hour before, so I’m in line with the new rules. I think that our generation, regardless where some people would put us individually on the spectrum of “trad” and well, not trad, are still more observant as a whole than our parent’s generation. I’m cautiously optimistic

For example, some people favor the TLM, some favor the Ordinary Form, but we younger people in general are more active in our parishes and attendance in Mass.
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Another question for us young people

Beer or wine? Or both?

What adult beverage is your favorite and why? (also reccomendations are welcome)

I love beer. Anything from Belgium and Trappist ales. For cheap beer, Budweiser or Modelo
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