4,000 Eggs And Embryos Destroyed When Freezer Failed

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Also horribly sad that lots of people in the world don’t even believe those were human lives.
Yes, it is so terrible. So many lives created under conditions directly contradictory to the intentions of God, and then just left frozen until they are deemed worthy of importance or not; or until a tragic event like this results in their death.

I’m curious if any wrongful death suits can or will be brought against this clinic? Would a court even entertain such a suit?
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I’m not a lawyer, but doubt it would be wrongful death. It could maybe swim as some sort of destruction of property case.
I’m not a lawyer, but doubt it would be wrongful death. It could maybe swim as some sort of destruction of property case.
That’s what I assume. A judge wouldn’t entertain a wrongful death suit for what they understand as nothing more than “biological waste.”

May God forgive all those who deny the sacredness of life.
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Well, that and the lawyers would have an easier case to prove.
True… Why would they strive for truth or greatness when there is low hanging fruit that all but guarantees a payout?
Praying for all children who die unborn.
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I’ll say this as a Devil’s Advocate. It could be the most certain way of punishing the company without treating the clients and the lawyers to bankruptcy trying to argue a case that would have a high chance of being thrown out. Arguing it as property damage would likely see those companies feel the hurt in their wallets and would take less time to prepare and argue for.
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Im not understanding this issue, are these already fertelized and frozen or they just standalone eggs that were handed over to be fertelized later?
I’ll say this as a Devil’s Advocate. It could be the most certain way of punishing the company without treating the clients and the lawyers to bankruptcy trying to argue a case that would have a high chance of being thrown out. Arguing it as property damage would likely see those companies feel the hurt in their wallets and would take less time to prepare and argue for.
I agree that the lawyer’s intention to secure financial compensation on behalf of their client may be good, and the client’s desire for compensation and justice is understandable… but good intentions do not justify immoral actions.

The claiming that the ending of the embryo’s life is a destruction of the personal property of the client is a denial of the dignity of the human person that has lost their life. It not only insultingly reduces their value, but also is a false claim of ownership; children are not the personal property of their parents (despite what unjust laws have stated throughout history), as we belong only to God.

Claiming another person as your personal property and seeking financial compensation on those grounds, even if your ultimate intention is to try to deal a crippling financial blow to an immoral company, is lying.
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There were both eggs and embryos that were being held in the freezer that suffered failure.
Yes, these were embryos that were immorally conceived and then frozen. The freezer failed, leading to the deaths of the embryos.
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I hope somebody tries to sue for wrongful death and wins. The legal precedent could help overturn abortion laws.
I hope somebody tries to sue for wrongful death and wins. The legal precedent could help overturn abortion laws.
Yes, and I hope they don’t all just accept a “destruction of personal property” suit, as the legal precedent of that action would only serve to further confirm the distorted view of the dignity of the unborn.

I pray that the Holy Spirit enlightens these parents understanding of the true gravity of the situation and gives them the courage to pursue legal actions based on truth, rather than to accept a false stab at justice based on a foundation of lies that deny the true humanity of an embryo in exchange for financial compensation with the hope that it causes hurt to the company.
Yeah. A Destruction of Property charge would be the fetus’ Dredd Scott.
I’m sure the people who were going through fertility treatments saw these embryos as their future children, and will grieve their loss.
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